On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 05:35, Evan Lin
<hairymonkey.evan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't like how the lens are looking for 11.10 in unity so I made come mock ups.
i'm lovin mockup n#2, the lenses integrated into the search bar beautifully, the message behind them being "above" the text field is that they are categories, i.e. "hyper" text, i.e. "above" in english. beautiful!
one thing that troubles me about lenses at the moment, is that the entered text doesn't travel along when i move between lenses. The optimum would be, if there were no lenses at all and the computer could read my mind from the text i input.
Somehow, Synapse (GnomeDO on steroids) got that one right. But enough of that.. beautiful mockups, especially #2, good lookin!