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Re: [Ayatana] Lens Bar again!
Owas Lone: If you want the bug to be assigned to Ayatana, try imputing "Ayatana" without the quotes into the text field where you received the error message. We are known as Ayatana without the -design at the end. Thanks, hope this helps!
On Saturday, November 19, 2011, staticd <staticd.growthecommons@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jo: I uploaded the patch at same time as filing the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/889438
> Owas Lone:
> thank you for the detailed instructions.
> sorry for being a noob but i tried clicking on the yellow exclamation mark under assignee and searching for 'ayatana design', but i got a message 'No items matched "ayatana-design"'
> How do i assign it to ayatana design?
> **How do i join the ayatana design team?
> Omar:
> The patch just draws the lens bar exactly as it normally is but only above the search bar.
> I want to improve it further but was waiting for a go ahead before investing more time.
> I want to change the code to draw the lens icons and the active lenses too.