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Re: [Ayatana] Notifications in unity
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Conscious User wrote on 29/11/11 17:54:
> Em 29-11-2011 12:54, Matthew Paul Thomas escreveu: ...
>> Christian Rupp wrote on 15/11/11 16:06:
> ...
>>> First of all I would move the bubble closer to the panel
>> That looks much nicer.
> Which reminds me, shouldn't we stop pretending that synchronous and
> asynchronous notifications are similar enough to deserve being
> close? They are not, and the current approach causes more problems
> than solves.
What problems does it cause?
What problems does it solve?
> If we must insist that their appearance must be the same, then the
> synchronous bubbles should at least be moved to somewhere else,
> like the lower corner (they can be there with no problems, since
> their size is fixed)
In December 2009 I drew up some possible alternative
> But I don't think even the appearance should be the same. In the
> attached screenshot you can see what appears when I click the play
> button when no player is open (I suppose it's a bug that notify-osd
> is not handling this), and in my opinion is much better.
Why do you think it's better?
(I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you on any of these, but we need
to be able to explain *why* something is worse or better.)
> Also, notice how much more transparent it is. It seems
> significatively less clickable than OSD bubbles.
It can get away with being more transparent because it contains only
large chunky graphics, never text.
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