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ViewTouch POS Setup


These are the ViewTouch executables and some setup instructions.
ViewTouch itself is an X Window Manager with a POS engine. We support as
many displays being served up from the machine running the client
application as its CPU can tolerate. All of the displays serving remote
users connect using SSH with X forwarding, nothing more.  Once you have
this installed on a debian box, for example, any mobile Linux device
like the SmartQ V5 or V7 can serve up its display from anywhere in the
world.  This would work on Android, I expect, if Android were fortified
with X, an Xterm and ssh.  The Android gui is, unfortunately, not
network transparent in the way that X is.

Not having to install the ViewTouch app or store its data on any Linux
device (the device only has to have X and ssh) is a real bonus, even
though ViewTouch is actually quite small and has very low CPU
utilization.  We use flat files to store data, not a RDBMS, so it's very
fast. The Client App runs entirely in RAM, just writing transactions
through to storage when necessary. There is a community of
ViewTouch developers/vendors and I will connect you to them.  Very few
people on the planet seem to understand the benefit of this approach,
even though it's the most traditional X approach of all.  I think you
will find it interesting.

I've attached the executable files you need to run ViewTouch POS.
If you have any difficulties installing let me know.  When ViewTouch is
running I can tutor you either on Skype or by talking with you on the
phone. You can find us on Skype under ViewTouch or on
http://www.viewtouch.com/contact.html just click on the Skype icon.

Your client application display must support 1280x1024 resolution.  The
software will work with a mouse if you don't have a touchscreen.  A
3-button mouse is best.  I can readily add other resolutions - support
for 800x480 and up to 1920x1200 is already here.

The restaurant menu on this demo is not a very good one.  After the
program is up and running get in touch; I'll send a much better one.

Save the attachment viewtouch.tar to /usr
Save the other two attachments to /usr/lib

   cd to /usr

   tar -xvf viewtouch.tar

Add to  /etc/X11/xorg.conf
   Section "Files"
      FontPath   "/usr/viewtouch/fonts"

Force this config file change to be re-read by restarting X, the X
Window System.  You can do this by logging out, then back in again.

Open a terminal and run viewtouch from a command line, type


This should bring you to the ViewTouch start screen.  At this point
you'll need to get us on Skype or the phone for tutoring.

If you get a " No such file or directory" when you type
/usr/viewtouch/bin/vtpos then install the ia32-libs package.

	apt-get install libc6-i386 lib32gcc1 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6 ia32-libs

ViewTouch should be running at this point but if not then  it may be
necessary in some rare instance to turn off access control to
the X server.  To do this just type

	xhost +

I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know anything that may improve these
instructions.  I'll write some observations and explain the source code
offer to you in another email as soon as I can.

Gene Mosher
541-515-5913 (cell)
Skype: ViewTouch_POS

Attachment: viewtouch.tar
Description: Unix tar archive

Attachment: libmcve.so.3.0.2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: libXm.so.2
Description: Binary data

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