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Re: funnel - a multiplexer plugin for mysql-proxy


On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:07 PM, nick loeve wrote:

Im tearing my hair out to spot the point where concurrent memory
alloc/free is happening. If anyone cares to take a look that would be

just a quick note on this one: have you tried running it in valgrind? you seem to be running linux judging from the earlier stacktrace.

[...lot's of core reading interlude...]

ok, i've gave it a more thorough look:
i'm seeing that network_backlog_add() will add a network_mysqld_con* to the backlog queue in the global chassis struct. further, chassis_event_threads_init_thread will use EV_PERSIST for listening to events on that file descriptor, causing the event to not be discarded after it fired. then, when checking for stuff in the backlog, we pull one item out of the global queue and associate it with our thread.
two questions come to mind:
1) are the two events now potentially delivered to two different threads? is this causing the problem?
2) is this comment & code founded in dependable behavior of libevent?
	/* the timer will fire immediately */
event_set(&(backlog_item->client->event), -1, 0, network_mysqld_con_handle, backlog_item); especially the 0 as the events we are interested in. i couldn't find in the docs and libevent sources are too hard to follow for a cursory glance (at least right now).

with regard to question one: it should be easy to find this out, by adding a mutex to the connection struct and doing a trylock/lock duo first thing in network_mysqld_con_handle and logging a failed trylock. this should of course never fail, because only one thread is supposed to be touching that connection at any given time. (this would make a good addition to 'debug' builds, btw. i suspect this will not be the last time we run into this kind of trouble. we could do it with an atomic int to be less intrusive but that's somewhat besides the point) you should not see crashes of this sort with the mutex, since then it's guaranteed to be safe.

note that it's a PITA to add the unlock, because there are return statements in the middle of con_handle. if you are using gcc and wanna have some fun, try adding a local variable for the mutex with __attribute__ ((cleanup (some_function))) as its attribute. in some_function you'll get the address of the variable as your parameter. then call unlock on the mutex... refer to http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Variable-Attributes.html#Variable-Attributes :) (neat hack, i might add. although describing it took longer than to define a macro replacing 'return' with 'g_unlock(con->mutex); return' for the scope of con_handle :P)

anyway, i suspect you will see output from a failing trylock at some point. if that happens i'd try to make the backlog queue thread-local. that should also cure the problem. this appears to be another unfortunate side effect of pinning connections to one thread, although the implications of not doing so aren't exactly giving me pleasant thoughts either...

Kay Roepke
Software Engineer, MySQL Enterprise Tools

Sun Microsystems GmbH    Sonnenallee 1, DE-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitz d. Aufs.rat.: Martin Haering                    HRB MUC 161028

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