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Read write splitting


Dear all,

I have just installed mysql-proxy and I am trying to test the read/write
splitting but I have some difficulties. I have one master server and one
slave and I would like mysql-proxy to send the read queries to the slave and
write statements to the master but right now everything goes to the master.
If anyone knows what my problem might be I would be very grateful!

I start the proxy with the following script:




$ROOT_DIR/mysql-proxy/bin/mysql-proxy \
 --log-level=debug \
 --proxy-backend-addresses=$MASTER:3306 \
 --proxy-read-only-backend-addresses=$SLAVE:3306 \

# End script

Then I start my mysql client on the proxy:

mysql -u stress -h127.0.0.1 -P 4040 stress
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 148
Server version: 5.0.51a-24+lenny1-log (Debian)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> select * from t;
| answer |
|     42 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

>From my debug window I see the follow information:

2010-03-23 15:46:59: (message) mysql-proxy 0.8.0 started
2010-03-23 15:46:59: (debug) chassis-limits.c:75: current RLIMIT_NOFILE =
1024 (hard: 1024)
2010-03-23 15:46:59: (debug) chassis-limits.c:79: trying to set new
RLIMIT_NOFILE = 8192 (hard: 1024)
2010-03-23 15:46:59: (critical) chassis-limits.c:81: could not raise
RLIMIT_NOFILE to 8192, Invalid argument (22). Current limit still 1024.
2010-03-23 15:46:59: (message) proxy listening on port :4040
2010-03-23 15:46:59: (message) added read/write backend:
2010-03-23 15:46:59: (message) added read-only backend:

  [1].connected_clients = 0
  [1].pool.cur_idle     = 0
  [1].pool.max_idle     = 8
  [1].pool.min_idle     = 4
  [1].type = 1
  [1].state = 0
  [1] idle-conns below min-idle
  current backend   = 0
  client default db = stress
  client username   = stress
  query             = show databases
  sending to backend :
    is_slave         : false
    server default db: stress
    server username  : stress
    in_trans        : false
    in_calc_found   : false
    COM_QUERY       : true
# cut a lot of info
  current backend   = 0
  client default db = stress
  client username   = stress
  query             = select * from t
  sending to backend :
    is_slave         : false
    server default db: stress
    server username  : stress
    in_trans        : false
    in_calc_found   : false
    COM_QUERY       : true

As you can see, everything goes to my master (IP ending in .129).

Thanks in advance for any help!

best regards,

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