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Announcing dmedia 0.2 "feature frenzy"


I'm happy to announce the 2nd release of the Distributed Media
Library<https://launchpad.net/dmedia>(aka "dmedia"). At this point
dmedia is really just for developers and
*highly* adventurous end-users, but the design and implementation are both
progressing quickly.

You can download the source tarball here:

Packages are available for Lucid, Maverick, and Natty in the Novacut Stable
Releases PPA <https://launchpad.net/%7Enovacut/+archive/stable> (although
note that 0.2 has only been well tested under Maverick).
What's new in dmedia 0.2

For the end user, dmedia now brings some eye candy. Utilizing
NotifyOSD<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD>and Application
this release implements most of our pro file import UX
Not everything is implemented yet, but hopefully one thing is already clear:
we really *really* care about design! To see the file import UX in
action, checkout
this video <http://vimeo.com/18287329>.

Unfortunately, James Raymond's
<https://launchpad.net/%7Eanimafreek>beautifully designed HTML5 video
browser didn't quite make it into this
release (I blame the flu I've had). In the meantime, checkout this
teaser<http://cdn.novacut.com/dmedia0.2-preview/browser.html>to get a
taste of what's coming. The video browser will be completed early
in the 0.3 cycle.

Other major changes:

   - dmedia runs as a D-Bus
   - Imports have a rich audit trail, including tracking individual imports,
   batches of imports, and the computer they occurred on
   - Many improvements have been made to
   - The Python dmedialib package has been renamed to dmedia
   - The Debian python-dmedia binary package has been renamed to dmedia

For additional details, see the bugs fixed in the dmedia 0.2

These people made commits to the dmedia 0.2 release:

   - David Green <https://launchpad.net/%7Edavid4dev>
   - Jason Gerard DeRose <https://launchpad.net/%7Ejderose>
   - Manish Sinha <https://launchpad.net/%7Emanishsinha>
   - James Raymond <https://launchpad.net/%7Eanimafreek>
   - Bilal Akhtar <https://launchpad.net/%7Ebilalakhtar> (thanks for the
   last minute help with the transitional package!)

Special thanks

And a special thanks to:

   - Akshat Jain <http://twitter.com/#%21/ssj6akshat> for his tireless
   efforts promoting Novacut
   - Martin Owens <http://doctormo.org/> for helping me understand what
   Application Indicators can and can't do over the D-Bus API, and for letting
   the RenderMenu ride the coattails of his upcoming progress indicator
   - David Jorden <https://launchpad.net/%7Edmj726> for bringing his
   unending enthusiasm to
#novacut<http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=novacut>and helping us
all dream big
   - Eric Adler <http://twitter.com/#%21/eric_adler> for bringing his
   considerable broadcast engineering experience to
   - Shane Fagan <http://twitter.com/#%21/shanefagan> for professionally
   hanging out in #novacut
<http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=novacut>and always offering a
thoughtful, interesting perspective
   - Antonio Roberts <http://twitter.com/#%21/hellocatfood> for making
   frequent celebrity guest appearances in
   filing great bug reports, and doing some adventurous beta testing

Contribute to 0.3 and beyond!

We do monthly time-based releases, always releasing on the last Thursday of
the month. That means we promise to make a release on time each month, but
never promise what exact features will land.

dmedia 0.3 will be released on Thursday January 27 2011, and development is
already underway. To see the bugs targeted for this next release, checkout
the dmedia 0.3 milestone <https://launchpad.net/dmedia/+milestone/0.3>.
That's all, folks!

Thanks to everyone who is helping make this dream a reality!