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Announcing dmedia 0.3 "made of the web"


Yup, made of the web <http://couchdb.apache.org/>.

I'm happy to announce the 3rd release of the Distributed Media
Library<https://launchpad.net/dmedia>(aka "dmedia"). At this point
dmedia is really just for developers and
*highly* adventurous end-users, but the design and implementation are both
progressing quickly.

You can download the source tarball here:

Packages are available for Lucid, Maverick, and Natty in the Novacut Stable
Releases PPA <https://launchpad.net/%7Enovacut/+archive/stable> (although
note that 0.3 has only been well tested under Maverick).
What's new in dmedia 0.3

It was a rather slow month for dmedia, largely because I was still quite
sick the first 2 weeks of the new year. Ah, winter. None the less, there are
some significant new features, but not much in the way of user visible
changes. New features include:

   - File content-hash is computed using a hash
   enabling integrity checks with 8 MiB granulatity
   - A robust HTTP downloader aimed at swarm downloading (uses above hash
   - Imports use one thread for reading, another thread for hashing and
   writing, greatly improving IO utilization
   - Imported files are now only copied, never hard-linked, making testing
   dmedia less invasive/risky
   - Authenticating to desktopcouch
<https://launchpad.net/desktopcouch>using oauth from embedded WebKit
now works (run
   dmedia-gtk to see preview of browser)

 For additional details, see the bugs fixed in the dmedia 0.3

If you're an HDSLR user, be sure to check out this video showing off the
dmedia import workflow <http://vimeo.com/18287329>.
Special thanks

And a special thanks to:

   - xDev <https://launchpad.net/%7Emf393> for translating dmedia into
didn't have time to add in 0.3!)
   - James Raymond <https://launchpad.net/%7Ejamesmr> for doing some
   beautiful design work for the upcoming Novacut player<http://dev.novacut.tv/>
   - Stuart Langridge <http://twitter.com/#%21/sil> for helping me finally
   get oauth working from within embedded WebKit

 I'd also like to give an *extra* special thanks to the Novacut
cofounders, Jeffrey
Ballagh <http://twitter.com/#%21/jeffreyballagh> and Tara
for sticking with me on this wacky and often times immensely stressful
journey. Hang in there, peeps, we can do this! And happy early
birthday to Jeffrey
Ballagh <http://twitter.com/#%21/jeffreyballagh>! Please send him lots
birthday tweets on January 30th!

And of course, I'd like to give an *EXTRA extra* special thanks to my mom.
Thanks for all your help, we couldn't do this without you!
Contribute to 0.4 and beyond!

We do monthly time-based releases, always releasing on the last Thursday of
the month. That means we promise to make a release on time each month, but
never promise what exact features will land.

dmedia 0.4 will be released on Thursday February 24 2011, and development is
already underway. To see the bugs targeted for this next release, checkout
the dmedia 0.4 milestone <https://launchpad.net/dmedia/+milestone/0.4>.
That's all, folks!

Thanks to everyone who is helping make this dream a reality!

Jason Gerard DeRose <http://twitter.com/#%21/jgderose>