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Re: [Question #108758]: best practice to re-execute a test suite with another parameter common to all tests


Question #108758 on NUnit Framework changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

fourchette is still having a problem:
hey great ! that pretty much seems to be it. can't wait to test that

just to confirm

[TestFixture("", "8888")]
public TestStupidDll(string ipAddress, string port)

first param "" goes to ipAdress because one is the first
param of TestFixture and the other is first param of constructor

am i right ?

also, can you confirm I will have to recompile everything in case I change something ?
(i came across some place in the documentation or maybe it was a blog claiming you could send test data by reading within an excel file, but as far as I remember it was just for a TestCase not a TestFixture)

thanks charlie

ps: it's weird because even though i had read
http://www.nunit.org/index.php?p=testFixture&r=2.5.5 before asking a
question, i realize the answer was right there. maybe this documentation
would benefit some simplification maybe? or maybe there should be a page
discussion various approaches when it comes to data driven tests

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