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Re: [Question #238839]: NUnit result file result classification


Question #238839 on NUnit Framework changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

Peter Brightman is still having a problem:
Thanks for explaining. You wrote

"Additionally, many report programs don't look at either of these. For
example, to list failures they simply find all tests with a <failure>

I do this as well if you look at my xpath expressions, but since a test-
fixture can also fail and so will also have a <failure> childtag, not
just test-case tags have to be examined but also test-suite tags (those
of type TextFixture).

But now my xpath seems to not work anymore, because i have the case
where a test-suite failed, and so of course all the test-case tags have
also a result="Failure" set. But the attribute result of the test-suite
tag has not the value "Failure" but "Error". This means that this xpath
expression doesn't work:

<xsl:variable name="FixturesFailed" select="count(/test-results//test-
suite[failure][@type='TestFixture' and @result='Failure'])"/>

This relates to my initial question, what values can the attribute
"result" take and what are the cases. When does it take the value
"Failure" and when does it take the value "Error"? What's the difference
between "Failure" and "Error"? Are there any other values that can


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