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Re: [Merge] lp:~mikeycgto/nuvola-player/8tracks-2-0 into lp:nuvola-player


Review: Needs Fixing

Hi. Thanks for fixing and adopting 8tracks service integration. Could you please create a bug report[1] for the issue you have fixed so the fix can be backported to the stable series?

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/nuvola-player/+filebug

=== data/nuvolaplayer/services/eighttracks/integration.js

Please add yourself to the list of copyright holders at the beginning of the file.


61	-		var can_favorite = $("#profile_link").length != 0;

You removed and didn't re-implemented functionality to mark a mix as favorite. Is there any reason for this?


126	+		// TODO implement NEXT_SONG properly
127	+		Nuvola.updateAction(Nuvola.ACTION_NEXT_SONG, true);

Could you elaborate more what do you mean by "implement NEXT_SONG properly"?

=== data/nuvolaplayer/services/eighttracks/metadata.conf
212	+maintainer_link = https://about.me/mikeycgto

"If you want to have your service integration shipped with Nuvola Player, you must use link to your Launchpad profile." [2]

[2] http://nuvolaplayer.fenryxo.cz/contribute/development/service_integration.html 
Your team Nuvola Player Development is subscribed to branch lp:nuvola-player.
