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oem-apport-cfg package & buildstamp files request


Hello all,

This email is to let you know that the scripts to generate the configuration
file for apport to report to a custom launchpad project are ready to be used.

If you want to generate such a configuration file, the easiest way is:
1.- Install the "oem-apport-cfg" package from the oem-qa PPA area
2.- Run 'sudo generate-apport-cfg.py' script

Please find a detailed description about the Apport configuration file here:

Since the scripts haven't been fully tested, they might not run as expected
because the project name in the launchpad page doesn't necessarily match the
name in the /et/buildstamp file. For example, 'belmont-bear' and 'belmont-tiger'
build names should be mapped to 'belmont' project in launchpad.

To solve this, I will need to get buildstamp files from you to sort out a
smarter way to parse the files and perform the mapping from the build name to
the launchpad project name. Hence, please send me the buildstamp file in the
machine you're currently working so that I can take a look at them. Thanks in
advance for your help.

Finally, ff you have any suggestion/comment or something isn't working, please
feel free to send me an e-mail or open a bug in launchpad so that its solution
can be easily tracked.

Best regards,