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Re: New ORC draft - Properties



we just merged properties into master, with extern getters and setters.
Tests are in source/properties of bootcamp (ignore 002-*.ooc).

However, I just noticed that I didn't use the ORC-proposed syntax for
extern getters and setters. Instead of:

	foo: String {
		set: extern(setFoo)
		get: extern(getFoo)

I used:

	foo: String {
		extern(setFoo) set
		extern(getFoo) get

Changing this back wouldn't be too hard. One thing I noticed about the
ORC-proposed syntax: It involves a colon, and we haven't used a colon in
any other properties syntax yet. I consider this as a small
inconsistency. What do you others think about this?

The single remaining "problem" is that pure-virtual properties (i.e. no
real value) still create a member in the instance struct. I don't think
this "bug" is urgent, though.


