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Erro ao gerar a Estrutura da Lista de Materiais


  Olá Pessoal,
recebi este erro do Openerp 6, pelo cliente Web ao tentar gerar a estrutura da lista de Materiais.

Vi pelo Launchpad algumas menções a bugs relacionados ao campo "active_id" em locais diferentes. Alguém sabe o que pode ser isso?

Desde já agradeço.

*<type 'exceptions.NameError'>* 	Python 2.6.5: /usr/bin/python
Wed Jan 19 09:58:34 2011

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/cherrypy/_cprequest.py in *respond*(self=<cherrypy._cprequest.Request object>, path_info='/openerp/form/action')
  604                     if self.handler:
  605                         self.stage = 'handler'
  606                         cherrypy.response.body = self.handler()
  608                     self.stage = 'before_finalize'
/global/ *cherrypy* = <module 'cherrypy' from '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/cherrypy/__init__.pyc'>, cherrypy.*response* = <cherrypy._ThreadLocalProxy object>, cherrypy.response.*body* = [], *self* = <cherrypy._cprequest.Request object>, self.*handler* = <cherrypy._cpdispatch.LateParamPageHandler object>

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/cherrypy/_cpdispatch.py in *__call__*(self=<cherrypy._cpdispatch.LateParamPageHandler object>)
   23     def __call__(self):
   24         try:
   25             return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
   26         except TypeError, x:
   27             test_callable_spec(self.callable, self.args, self.kwargs)
*self* = <cherrypy._cpdispatch.LateParamPageHandler object>, self.*callable* = <bound method Root.default of <openobject.controllers._root.Root object>>, self.*args* = ('openerp', 'form', 'action'), self.*kwargs* = {'_terp_action': '509', '_terp_context': "{'lang': u'pt_BR', 'active_ids': [], 'tz': False...eb', 'project_id': False, 'department_id': False}", '_terp_domain': "[('id', '=', 4)]", '_terp_id': '4', '_terp_model': 'mrp.bom'}

/opt/openerp/web/openobject/tools/_expose.py in *func_wrapper*(*args=(<openobject.controllers._root.Root object>, 'openerp', 'form', 'action'), **kw={'_terp_action': '509', '_terp_context': "{'lang': u'pt_BR', 'active_ids': [], 'tz': False...eb', 'project_id': False, 'department_id': False}", '_terp_domain': "[('id', '=', 4)]", '_terp_id': '4', '_terp_model': 'mrp.bom'})
  189                 raise cherrypy.HTTPError(405)
  191             res = func(*args, **kw)
  192             if format == 'json' or (allow_json and 'allow_json' in cherrypy.request.params):
  193                 cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/javascript'
/global/ *res* = '/opt/openerp/web/doc/openerp-web.cfg', *func* = <function default>, *args* = (<openobject.controllers._root.Root object>, 'openerp', 'form', 'action'), *kw* = {'_terp_action': '509', '_terp_context': "{'lang': u'pt_BR', 'active_ids': [], 'tz': False...eb', 'project_id': False, 'department_id': False}", '_terp_domain': "[('id', '=', 4)]", '_terp_id': '4', '_terp_model': 'mrp.bom'}

/opt/openerp/web/openobject/controllers/_root.py in *default*(self=<openobject.controllers._root.Root object>, *args=('openerp', 'form', 'action'), **kw={'_terp_action': '509', '_terp_context': "{'lang': u'pt_BR', 'active_ids': [], 'tz': False...eb', 'project_id': False, 'department_id': False}", '_terp_domain': "[('id', '=', 4)]", '_terp_id': '4', '_terp_model': 'mrp.bom'})
   85             request.handler = cherrypy.NotFound()
   87         return request.handler()
   89     def find_handler(self):
*request* = <cherrypy._ThreadLocalProxy object>, request.*handler* = <cherrypy._cpdispatch.LateParamPageHandler object>

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/cherrypy/_cpdispatch.py in *__call__*(self=<cherrypy._cpdispatch.LateParamPageHandler object>)
   23     def __call__(self):
   24         try:
   25             return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
   26         except TypeError, x:
   27             test_callable_spec(self.callable, self.args, self.kwargs)
*self* = <cherrypy._cpdispatch.LateParamPageHandler object>, self.*callable* = <function action>, self.*args* = (), self.*kwargs* = {'_terp_action': '509', '_terp_context': "{'lang': u'pt_BR', 'active_ids': [], 'tz': False...eb', 'project_id': False, 'department_id': False}", '_terp_domain': "[('id', '=', 4)]", '_terp_id': '4', '_terp_model': 'mrp.bom'}

/opt/openerp/web/addons/openerp/controllers/utils.py in *wrapper*(*args=(), **kw={'_terp_action': '509', '_terp_context': "{'lang': u'pt_BR', 'active_ids': [], 'tz': False...eb', 'project_id': False, 'department_id': False}", '_terp_domain': "[('id', '=', 4)]", '_terp_id': '4', '_terp_model': 'mrp.bom'})
  118             # User is logged in; allow access
  119             clear_login_fields(kw)
  120             return fn(*args, **kw)
  121         else:
  122             action = kw.get('login_action', '')
*fn* = <bound method Form.action of <openerp.controllers.form.Form object>>, *args* = (), *kw* = {'_terp_action': '509', '_terp_context': "{'lang': u'pt_BR', 'active_ids': [], 'tz': False...eb', 'project_id': False, 'department_id': False}", '_terp_domain': "[('id', '=', 4)]", '_terp_id': '4', '_terp_model': 'mrp.bom'}

/opt/openerp/web/openobject/tools/_expose.py in *func_wrapper*(*args=(<openerp.controllers.form.Form object>,), **kw={'_terp_action': '509', '_terp_context': "{'lang': u'pt_BR', 'active_ids': [], 'tz': False...eb', 'project_id': False, 'department_id': False}", '_terp_domain': "[('id', '=', 4)]", '_terp_id': '4', '_terp_model': 'mrp.bom'})
  189                 raise cherrypy.HTTPError(405)
  191             res = func(*args, **kw)
  192             if format == 'json' or (allow_json and 'allow_json' in cherrypy.request.params):
  193                 cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/javascript'
/global/ *res* = '/opt/openerp/web/doc/openerp-web.cfg', *func* = <function action>, *args* = (<openerp.controllers.form.Form object>,), *kw* = {'_terp_action': '509', '_terp_context': "{'lang': u'pt_BR', 'active_ids': [], 'tz': False...eb', 'project_id': False, 'department_id': False}", '_terp_domain': "[('id', '=', 4)]", '_terp_id': '4', '_terp_model': 'mrp.bom'}

/opt/openerp/web/addons/openerp/controllers/form.py in *action*(self=<openerp.controllers.form.Form object>, **kw={'_terp_action': '509', '_terp_context': "{'lang': u'pt_BR', 'active_ids': [], 'tz': False...eb', 'project_id': False, 'department_id': False}", '_terp_domain': "[('id', '=', 4)]", '_terp_id': '4', '_terp_model': 'mrp.bom'})
  939             if isinstance(domain, basestring):
  940                 domain = eval(domain)
  941             domain.extend(eval(action.get('domain', '[]')))
  942             action['domain'] = ustr(domain)
*domain* = [('id', '=', 4)], domain.*extend* = <built-in method extend of list object>, /builtin/ *eval* = <built-in function eval>, *action* = {'auto_refresh': 0, 'auto_search': True, 'context': u'{}', 'display_menu_tip': True, 'domain': u"[('id','=',active_id)]", 'filter': False, 'groups_id': [], 'help': False, 'id': 509, 'limit': 80, ...}, action.*get* = <built-in method get of dict object>

/<string> in **()

*<type 'exceptions.NameError'>*: name 'active_id' is not defined
args = ("name 'active_id' is not defined",)
message = "name 'active_id' is not defined"