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Latest Update:OpenERP Training for Students @ E-nova Technologies New Delhi ( India )


Dear Comunity members,

OpenERP Training @ E-nova Technologies are going great . Students are
getting more and more enthusiastic about OpenERP and opensource
technologies and they seems thrilled with new innovations day by day.
Considering functional we can compare them with someone having 1 year of
experience as they have covered sales, purchase , manufacturing ,
finance , project management , HR management , CRM , Admin configuration
and intrestingly they bring new ideas to be implemented everyday.

Today is the Third day of Technical Training and its going perfactly as
per scheduled. Basic understanding of framework is almost covered . At
the time of  writing this update students are being taught using
functions and inheritance with OpenObject Framework. We are providing
daily challenges to students to implement new feature based on thier
understanding and more and compairing the  performances next day.

For more information you can log on to our official website www.enova-
tech.net or our Blog : http://blog.enova-tech.net

Satyamitra maan
This message was sent from Launchpad by the user
Satyamitra(www.enova-tech.net) (https://launchpad.net/~maansatyamitra)
using the "Contact this team" link on the OpenERP & OpenObject Community
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