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MRP test case


Hello every body, 

I have done some testing with the MRP for the 5.0.7 release and I'm encountering small differences between runs, and versions. 
The problem is it is becoming hard to realize if the result is right, when the difference are small. Is there a place where the specification of OpenERP MRP can be found?
If not, it may be a good idea to regroup OERP MRP specification,  level of implementation of the MRP2 algo etc. Because I have a strange feeling of empiric testing that does not suits me.
It's also hard to define MRP scenario, as MRP had to use data that should exist in a quite long time range.

Any ideas, for better testing of MRP. 



Camptocamp SA
Nicolas Bessi 
CH-1015 Lausanne
www.camptocamp.com  / www.openerp.com  / www.mapfish.org

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