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openerp-community-leaders team
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Message #00016
Isn't stock management badly broken?
[Sorry for the cross post, but although not directly related to framework, I
think it partially is because it's both an important issue and might popup in
other places too.]
Although OpenERP uses serializable isolation level for all transactions this
doesn't solve the problem of assigning two or more stock moves when only one
should be possible.
Let me explain:
Say you have one remaining unit of product X at location Stock. There are also
two outgoing pickings that require this product. Two users may "Check
Availability" at the same time and both stock moves would be marked as
assigned although only one should.
This is true because check_assign() function in stock.picking doesn't try to
avoid that. What the function does is:
- Search how much stock we have using _product_reserve() from stock.location
- If value is above zero, assign it
So if two transactions do the same at the same time both will assign the move.
This may seem unprobable but I don't think it is given that:
- Checking available stock requires a sequential scan on stock_move table
which may be really large.
- It's not necessary that both reads happen at the same time, it's only
necessary that both *transactions* happen at the same time. In some cases ther
might be large pickings which would take a long time to process. In others the
process may be part of another automated process that does many other things
and transaction time may be very long.
If my worries are true, I'd go for solving the issue in check_assign()
function. My proposal would be to create a new table in postgres just to
handle the lock (ie 'stock_move_lock').
The first thing check_assign() function should do is "LOCK stock_move_lock"
which would be release at the end of the transaction (this is simply how it
works in Postgres, there's not UNLOCK mechanism).
The proposal of using a new table for locking is base on a two facts:
- We don't want to lock 'stock_move' because other processes who only want a
value to be shown to the user shouldn't be locked. There's nothing critical in
there. Those who reallly want to assign the stock must use check_assign()
- We don't want a semaphore because this would not allow running several
openobject servers against the same database.
Comments? Do you think I missed something?
Albert Cervera i Areny
Mòbil: +34 669 40 40 18
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