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openerp-community-leaders team
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Message #00033
Re: Simple things we need from Tiny for better bug planning/management
Am Donnerstag 21 Januar 2010 01:37:35 schrieb Albert Cervera i Areny:
> A Dijous, 21 de gener de 2010, Raphaël Valyi va escriure:
> > Albert,
I think we have to consider
* OpenERP (as any other) must comply to legal and audit requirements (top
* OpenERP partners contribute (code, fee) and use OpenERP as source of their
Hence the bug fix and especially new features must be checked and cross
BTW - The merge of my branch was rejected - without any comment - although
Fabien agreed with me on the phone that it will be integrated. So I find
myself in a position having to maintain a branch which I never have intended
to. This should be avoided by setting up a steering process.
New features:
these can be realized as modules or must be integrated.
* integration if
** it is a common need (Example:Rounding, Price Unit, Layout ...)
** implementing as a module would break dependent modules
* New extra modules
IMHO we need a platform to discuss and manage (!) this.
KDE schedule, release goals , feature plan are usable examples on how to
setup the steering process.
I completely agree - this is work in the beginning but I think also it's
Best Regards
ChriCar Beteiligungs- und Beratungs- GmbH
Dr. Ferdinand Gassauer
Official Tiny Partner