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Re: Simple things we need from Tiny for better bug planning/management


A Divendres, 22 de gener de 2010, Raphaël Valyi va escriure:
> 2) I see that some of you more or less support the idea of the branch X I
> defined: a stable branch synch'ed with 5.0 head with extra backports Tiny
> doesn't want / can't assume. If only backports can get in, then that's
> pretty easy: Tiny continue to be the authority telling indirectly what
>  could be in or not.
> Now, given how slow is the merge process on trunk, unless Tiny can change
> it, it doesn't sound it would solve the speed issue.
> Now, if we say we accept patches on that branch that are not trunk
> backports, well, unfortunately, I doubt decision will be that easy. Yes I
> suggest to make that branch eventually, but only if we can agree on
>  policies like voting or something like that.

I'd vote for a stable branch by now with bugfixes only. All rules can have 
exceptions, but those should have strong support: both in arguments and 
community members. Other communities are doing it without the need of a strict 
voting mechanism. After all, those that vote must also support the idea with 
code and compromise, so I think it's more a matter of discuss and accept other 
people's opinion.

I'd try this by now, and if it works the need for more things (other branches, 
improved infrastructure, etc) will arise naturally.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Mòbil: +34 669 40 40 18

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