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Planning 5.0.8


Hi all,

As you probably know, we're going to release 5.0.8 in a bit less than two weeks.

I just checked the bug list on launchpad and found 8 blocking bugs (High and Critical classification) and 17 non-blocking bugs.

Internally, blocking bugs have been prioritized greatly (5.0.8 will not ship with any of those still open), the rest has been targetted but are not blockers: 5.0.8 will ship even if some of them are open.

Therefore, we need some help next week: if you have a patch or can test submitted patches for those bugs (blockers or not), please do, especially if you want to see those bugs fixed.

Non-blockers not fixed as of March 26, 2010 are likely to be retargeted to 5.0.9 instead.

The list of bugs targetted for 5.0.8 is the following:

452854:Critical  :In Progress    :http://launchpad.net/bugs/452854        :Bug #452854 in OpenObject Addons: "Cannot validate invoices with foreign currency or price_accuracy=3"
511104:Critical  :In Progress    :http://launchpad.net/bugs/511104        :Bug #511104 in OpenObject Addons: "Pay invoice wizard regression in foreign currency"
531979:Critical  :In Progress    :http://launchpad.net/bugs/531979        :Bug #531979 in OpenObject GTK Client: "Timezone 5.0.7 windows"
427733:High      :In Progress    :http://launchpad.net/bugs/427733        :Bug #427733 in OpenObject Addons: "error with planed date on purchase order for product MTS"
522135:High      :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/522135        :Bug #522135 in OpenObject Web Client: "proxypass from another host - type 'exceptions.TypeError'"
524278:High      :In Progress    :http://launchpad.net/bugs/524278        :Bug #524278 in OpenObject Addons: "On change on invoice taxes ignore tax code sign"
535559:High      :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/535559        :Bug #535559 in OpenObject Server: "Illustration tag don't work for multi object printting"
415789:Medium    :In Progress    :http://launchpad.net/bugs/415789        :Bug #415789 in OpenObject Addons: "Financial Mgmt: Balance does not sum up in General Ledger report"
418080:Medium    :In Progress    :http://launchpad.net/bugs/418080        :Bug #418080 in OpenObject Addons: "document: ftp_server_port not reflected in 'Browse Files Using FTP'"
452047:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/452047        :Bug #452047 in OpenObject GTK Client: "cannot change invoice date from invoice view "
479157:Medium    :In Progress    :http://launchpad.net/bugs/479157        :Bug #479157 in OpenObject GTK Client: "Exports to CSV only visible records instead of complete set"
503624:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/503624        :Bug #503624 in OpenObject GTK Client: "The calendar widget will reject value entry when the locale date format is not 'Standard'"
516396:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/516396        :Bug #516396 in OpenObject Addons: "Multi-currency Consolidation"
519034:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/519034        :Bug #519034 in OpenObject Addons: "Regression on 5.0.7? packing and payment done but order stays "in progress""
520854:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/520854        :Bug #520854 in OpenObject Server: "Missing license options for modules"
479157:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/479157        :Bug #479157 in OpenObject Web Client: "Exports to CSV only visible records instead of complete set"
523080:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/523080        :Bug #523080 in OpenObject Addons: "Partner Balance : Wrong Period implementation"
525372:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/525372        :Bug #525372 in OpenObject GTK Client: "[5.0] Boolean field broke the order from cell to cell with tab key"
535566:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/535566        :Bug #535566 in OpenObject Server: "Missing tag "expr" into report engine since august 2009"
537281:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/537281        :Bug #537281 in OpenObject Addons: "[document] OpenOffice files in DMS truncated to 0 bytes when directly edited"
538970:Medium    :Confirmed      :http://launchpad.net/bugs/538970        :Bug #538970 in OpenObject Addons: "[5.0] ftp document always bind to"
414547:Low       :New            :http://launchpad.net/bugs/414547        :Bug #414547 in OpenObject Web Client: "shortcuts are not remove from list after deleting the sortcut"
484657:Low       :New            :http://launchpad.net/bugs/484657        :Bug #484657 in OpenObject GTK Client: "5.0.6 pixmaps location wrong in same cases"
435684:Wishlist  :New            :http://launchpad.net/bugs/435684        :Bug #435684 in OpenObject Web Client: "number of requests is not updated"
535109:Undecided :Confirmed :http://launchpad.net/bugs/535109 :Bug #535109 in OpenObject Addons: "An accounting account of type other than view, having entries related to it, is allowed to change to internal type view"
Total Bugs: 25


Stephane Wirtel

Stephane Wirtel - "As OpenERP is OpenSource, please feel free to contribute."
Quality/Release Manager
Technical Project Manager
40, Chaussee de Namur
B-1367 Grand-Rosiere
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* Web: http://www.openerp.com
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