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Re: [Openerp-expert-framework] [Openerp-community] New Community Organization for OpenERP


Dear all,

A little summarizing of all candidates and their status ;)

 - Vauxoo Reviewer team is now 5 people. We all agreed to trust Nhomar here so I added them to the reviewer team.
 - Jay Vora claimed in favor of adding his team "serpent CS" instead of his name. I also know Hussein and I can also vote for him. So as others seems to agree, I add his team as well.

I want to remember that we accept teams as long as their maintainer promise not to add other people inside without asking the community's vote. Anyone who do not follow this rule may see his whole team removed from the OpenERP Community Reviewer. Not to be rude here, just a matter of trust between us all.

Then we have other candidates to vote for. Please give your voice if you know their work/skills. I gave it to those I can  :

 * Stephane Bidoul (Acsone)  https://launchpad.net/~sbi

 * Niels Huylebroeck (Agaplan)  https://launchpad.net/~red15 
   (1 endorsed him, I gave my vote)

 * Eric Caudal (Elico Corp. China)  https://launchpad.net/~elicoidal
   (I voted for him)

Well, we don't actually have rules on who to accept, which will soon be a problem. If anybody want to have a try on writing them, please do it. 

Don't forget you can also apply for on or more specific domain as well.

Best regards,


Le 22 nov. 2012 à 13:12, Stefan Rijnhart <stefan@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> On 11/22/2012 12:51 PM, Serpent Consulting Services wrote:
>> Dear Community,
>> Pleasure to be in this team for sure.
>> Jay Vora is an individual entity, Husen Daudi is an individual entity but SerpentCS is a team. (Just the same way all of you together make a tremendous team)
>> I have stopped using the Jay Vora account and planned to resume once its karma reaches 0. Same plan applies to Husen Daudi (still owner of some OpenERP official branches). But somehow Karma are still 3 since 3-4 months.
>> Please add https://launchpad.net/~serpent-consulting-services as a member.
> +1
> Thanks for clarifying
> Stefan.
> -- 
> Therp - Maatwerk in open ontwikkeling
> Stefan Rijnhart - Ontwerp en implementatie
> mail: stefan@xxxxxxxx
> tel: +31 (0) 614478606
> http://therp.nl
> https://twitter.com/therp_stefan


Joël Grand-Guillaume 
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Camptocamp SA
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