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Modules by Syleam


Dear Community Reviewers' Members,

Syleam has developed OpenERP modules which are available for community. We
would like to propose you the integration of our modules in your community

Here below the list of our modules which can be applied:

*stock_scanner*: OpenERP client used by ncurses for intelligent scanner
barcode with possibilities to make workflow in OpenERP.
*wms*: the extended stock module to categorize locations and to limit
access in warehouses.
*wms_crossdock*: it let you charge goods from dock input to dock output
without crossing in stock warehouse.
*wms_routing*: it let you to define a delivery workflow of goods form the
sale order (example : ***)
*printers*: mange printers in OpenERP and define printer by default for
each user.
*stock_scanner_print*: possibility to launch printing from intelligent
scanner barcode
*document_csv:* possibility to import csv files in OpenERP easily.
*sale_minimal_price*: it let you define the minimum price to forbid the
sale under the minimum price set by the company. This module is based on
OpenERP pricelist.
*product_category_extended*: it let you to set taxes and unit in product
category for having default value in product depending category at the
creation of product.
*price_discount*: Add possibility to add discount in pricelist's rules.
*sale_price_discount*: The discount field in sale order line is fill for
the field discount in pricelist's rules.
*mrp_maintenance*: Manage maintenance of materials, input stock, sale
order, consumme products for repair, timesheet and invoice products
replaced and time. Based on mrp module.
*container*: manage containers' arrivals with possibility to book goods
from the sale order. We have the possibility to know when the selected
product will arrive and its quantity from the sale order.
*crm_intervention*: Manage intervention with intervention order,
intervention report and timesheet.
*account_auto_payment*: it let you to make bank transfer (create a file in
ETEBAC format) and reconcile move line.
*account_3rd_party_generat*: it let you create account payable and
receivable and payable by itself form partner form. The account code can be
based on the name of partner and so on (use ir.sequence).
*distribution_costs*: it let you to compute cost price and average price
from suppliers' invoices. Possibility to have different compute method
based on the weight, price, volume, etc. based on the taxe engine of
OpenERP. Depending new report intrastat module for having different taxes
depending customs code. Add a wizard for having stock valuation to date
form stock move.
*fetchmail_parsing*: parse mail during fetch by OpenERP. OpenERP fill the
fields depending field found in mail. Used often for send mail (lead) from
internet site to OpenERP.
*openerp-jasperserver*: connector between Jasper Server and OpenERP. Add
new type of report (jasper)
*account_group_invoice_lines*: group invoice lines by account accountant in
account move line.

With my best regards,


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