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Message #01006
Re: lp:~luc-demeyer/account-financial-report/7.0-account_financial_report_webkit-first-special-fix into lp:account-financial-report
2013/11/4 Luc De Meyer (Noviat) <luc.demeyer@xxxxxxxxx>
> The problem is that you have many OpenERP systems out there which have
> been used for years for other purposes than accounting.
> During those years, accounting entries have been generated but these
> entries were only used for e.g. one department or only sale/purchase of
> goods, ...
> Real reconciliations in those systems are usually done outside OpenERP (in
> the accounting software).
Concept review: No test yet.
Hello Luc.
We face this problem too, but we used to fix the not reconciled entries
(Importing historical paymens too globally and in some cases just to close
correctly all periods when we will start to use the accounting approach),
it means, if we report some periods in one way and other periods in other
way it can bring inconsistencies don't you think?. IMHO wire in some way
data to allow reports to show something different of what is loaded in the
system is not a good approach.
BTW I understand the point, can you put some "Demo" data just to validate
this specific case for future usage? in this way we can have them as base
cases to show everybody in what cases it is necessary.
Best regards.
Saludos Cordiales
Nhomar G. Hernandez M.
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