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[Merge] lp:~hirt/ocb-addons/6.1_base_contact_finalize into lp:ocb-addons/6.1


Etienne Hirt has proposed merging lp:~hirt/ocb-addons/6.1_base_contact_finalize into lp:ocb-addons/6.1.

Requested reviews:
  OpenERP Community Backports Team (ocb)
Related bugs:
  Bug #923440 in OpenERP Addons: "Base_contact: Missing Fields in new design [6.1]"

For more details, see:

Finalising the base contact 6.1 desig by adding the missing fields as described in https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-addons/+bug/923440
Your team OpenERP Community Backports Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~hirt/ocb-addons/6.1_base_contact_finalize into lp:ocb-addons/6.1.
=== modified file 'base_contact/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- base_contact/__openerp__.py	2012-01-31 13:36:57 +0000
+++ base_contact/__openerp__.py	2013-11-05 15:41:30 +0000
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     'name': 'Contacts Management',
-    'version': '1.0',
+    'version': '1.1',
     'category': 'Customer Relationship Management',
     'complexity': "expert",
     'description': """
@@ -35,12 +35,17 @@
 It also adds new menu items located in
     Purchases / Address Book / Contacts
-    Sales / Address Book / Contacts
-Pay attention that this module converts the existing addresses into "addresses + contacts". It means that some fields of the addresses will be missing (like the contact name), since these are supposed to be defined in an other object.
+    Sales / Address Book / Contacts and Locations
+Pay attention that this module converts the existing addresses into "addresses + contacts". 
+It means that some fields of the addresses will be missing (the contact name is copied into 
+addresses to be compatible with other modules contact name). Others are supposed to be defined in an other object.
+All UI work with lastname(s) firstname. Firstnames are possible but do not use them together with
+any lastname for search. Also when entering a new contact add the additional firstnames later  
-    'author': 'OpenERP SA',
-    'website': 'http://www.openerp.com',
+    'author': 'OpenERP SA, Art of Technology AG',
+    'website': 'http://www.openerp.com, http://www.aotag.ch',
     'depends': ['base','process'],
     'init_xml': [],
     'update_xml': [

=== modified file 'base_contact/base_contact.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- base_contact/base_contact.py	2013-10-28 11:57:54 +0000
+++ base_contact/base_contact.py	2013-11-05 15:41:30 +0000
@@ -21,18 +21,65 @@
 from osv import fields, osv
 import addons
+import pdb
 class res_partner_contact(osv.osv):
     """ Partner Contact """
     _name = "res.partner.contact"
     _description = "Contact"
+    _rec_name = 'last_name'
     def _name_get_full(self, cr, uid, ids, prop, unknow_none, context=None):
         result = {}
         for rec in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
-            result[rec.id] = rec.last_name+' '+(rec.first_name or '')
+            #use firstname lastname as in the demo data of base/res/res_partner_demo.xml was not a good idea
+            # change back to lastname firstname throughout the UI
+            if(rec.first_name):
+                #last_name is a required field. Therefore always available
+                result[rec.id] = rec.last_name+' '+rec.first_name
+            else:
+                result[rec.id] = rec.last_name
         return result
+    def _main_job(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, arg, context=None):
+        """
+            @summary: Returns partner_id and function of job with the lowest 'sequence_contact'
+            @param self: The object pointer
+            @param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
+            @param uid: the current user’s ID for security checks,
+            @param ids: List of partner contact’s IDs
+            @fields: Get Fields
+            @param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
+            @param arg: list of tuples of form [(‘name_of_the_field’, ‘operator’, value), ...]. """
+        res = dict.fromkeys(ids, False)
+        all_ids = self.pool.get('res.partner.address').search(cr, uid, [('contact_id','in',ids)], order='sequence_contact')
+        #pdb.set_trace()
+        addresses = self.pool.get('res.partner.address').browse(cr, uid, all_ids)
+        for addr in addresses:
+            #@todo: How to handle past jobs. Not main job if others are available? Or same as sorting?
+            if(res[addr.contact_id.id] == False):
+                res[addr.contact_id.id] = {'partner_id': addr.partner_id.id, 'function': addr.function}
+        for id in res:
+            if (res[id]==False):
+                res[id] = {'partner_id': False, 'function': False}
+        return res
+    def _get_contact_id_from_address(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        #@todo: remove obsolete function
+        result = {}
+        for addr in self.pool.get('res.partner.address').browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
+            result[addr.contact_id.id] = True
+        return result.keys()
     _columns = {
         'name': fields.function(_name_get_full, string='Name', size=64, type="char", store=True, select=True),
@@ -40,18 +87,17 @@
         'first_name': fields.char('First Name', size=64),
         'mobile': fields.char('Mobile', size=64),
         'title': fields.many2one('res.partner.title','Title', domain=[('domain','=','contact')]),
-        'website': fields.char('Website', size=120),
+        'website': fields.char('Private Website', size=120),
         'lang_id': fields.many2one('res.lang', 'Language'),
         'job_ids': fields.one2many('res.partner.address', 'contact_id', 'Functions and Addresses'),
         'country_id': fields.many2one('res.country','Nationality'),
         'birthdate': fields.char('Birthdate', size=64),
         'active': fields.boolean('Active', help="If the active field is set to False,\
                  it will allow you to hide the partner contact without removing it."),
-        'partner_id': fields.related('job_ids', 'partner_id', type='many2one',\
-                         relation='res.partner', string='Main Employer'),
-        'function': fields.related('job_ids', 'function', type='char', \
-                                 string='Main Function'),
-        'email': fields.char('E-Mail', size=240),
+        #Storage for partner_id and function not fully worked and not required -> removed         
+        'partner_id': fields.function(_main_job, type='many2one', relation='res.partner', string='Main Employer', store = False, multi='mainjob'),
+        'function': fields.function(_main_job, type='char', size=128, string='Main Function', store = False, multi='mainjob'),
+        'email': fields.char('Private E-Mail', size=240),
         'comment': fields.text('Notes', translate=True),
         'photo': fields.binary('Photo'),
@@ -65,15 +111,28 @@
         'active' : lambda *a: True,
-    _order = "name"
+    _order = "last_name, first_name"
     def name_search(self, cr, uid, name='', args=None, operator='ilike', context=None, limit=None):
+        """
+        Search function searches for firstname or lastname or lastname(s) followed by firstname(s)
+        """
         if not args:
             args = []
         if context is None:
             context = {}
         if name:
-            ids = self.search(cr, uid, ['|',('name', operator, name),('first_name', operator, name)] + args, limit=limit, context=context)
+            names = name.split(' ')
+            length = len(names)
+            if length == 1:
+                ids = self.search(cr, uid, ['|',('last_name', operator, name),('first_name', operator, name)] + args, limit=limit, context=context)
+            else:
+                #assume lastnames firstname
+                last_name = names[0]
+                #range does not take upper limit  as for i <  
+                for i in range(1,length-1):
+                    last_name = last_name + ' ' + names[i]
+                ids = self.search(cr, uid, ['|','|',('last_name', operator, name),('first_name', operator, name),'&',('last_name', operator, last_name),('first_name', operator, names[length-1])] + args, limit=limit, context=context)                    
             ids = self.search(cr, uid, args, limit=limit, context=context)
         return self.name_get(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
@@ -85,6 +144,33 @@
             if obj.partner_id:
                 result[obj.id] = result[obj.id] + ', ' + obj.partner_id.name
         return result.items()
+    def view_init(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None):
+        """
+        This function shall fill the last_name and first_name if empty from context default_name
+        It assumes entry of lastnames Firstname or lastname only. Entry of multiple
+        firstnames has to be adjusted afterwards
+        """
+        if context is None:
+            context = {}
+        else:
+            default_name = context.get('default_name')
+            if default_name:
+                split = default_name.split(' ')
+                length = len(split)
+                if length > 1:
+                    context.update({'default_first_name': split[length-1]})
+                    #join again
+                    default_name = split[0]
+                    #range does not take upper limit!
+                    for i in range(1,length-1):
+                        default_name = default_name + ' ' + split[i]
+                #either fill joined rest or original text into context for last name        
+                context.update({'default_last_name': default_name})
+        pass 
     def _auto_init(self, cr, context=None):
         def table_exists(view_name):
@@ -99,7 +185,7 @@
                 INSERT INTO
-                    (id,name,last_name,title,active,email,mobile,birthdate)
+                    (id,last_name,first_name,title,active,email,mobile,birthdate)
                     id,COALESCE(name, '/'),COALESCE(name, '/'),title,true,email,mobile,birthdate
@@ -123,9 +209,11 @@
         'state_id': fields.many2one("res.country.state", 'Fed. State', domain="[('country_id','=',country_id)]"),
         'country_id': fields.many2one('res.country', 'Country'),
         'company_id': fields.many2one('res.company', 'Company',select=1),
-        'job_ids': fields.one2many('res.partner.address', 'location_id', 'Contacts'),
+        'job_ids': fields.one2many('res.partner.address', 'location_id', 'Addresses'),
         'partner_id': fields.related('job_ids', 'partner_id', type='many2one',\
                          relation='res.partner', string='Main Partner'),
+        'contact_id': fields.related('job_ids', 'contact_id', type='many2one',\
+                         relation='res.partner.contact', string='First Contact'),         
     _defaults = {
         'company_id': lambda s,cr,uid,c: s.pool.get('res.company')._company_default_get(cr, uid, 'res.partner.address', context=c),
@@ -168,6 +256,29 @@
 class res_partner_address(osv.osv):
     _inherit = 'res.partner.address'
+    def _get_address_from_location_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        result = {}
+        #if self._name=="res.partner.location":
+        for addr in self.pool.get('res.partner.address').search(cr, uid, [('location_id','in',ids)]):
+                result[addr] = True          
+        #else:
+            #raise osv.except_osv(_('getAddressFromLocation'), self._name)    
+        return result.keys()
+    def _get_address_from_contact_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        result = {}
+        for addr in self.pool.get('res.partner.address').search(cr, uid, [('contact_id','in',ids)]):
+            result[addr] = True
+        return result.keys()
+    def _get_own_addresses(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        result = {}
+        for id in ids:
+            result[id] = True
+        return result.keys()
     def _default_location_id(self, cr, uid, context=None):
         if context is None:
@@ -177,6 +288,23 @@
         ids = self.pool.get('res.partner.location').search(cr, uid, [('partner_id','=',context['default_partner_id'])], context=context)
         return ids and ids[0] or False
+    def onchange_contact_id(self,cr, uid, ids, contact_id=False, context={}): 
+        if not contact_id:
+            return {'value':{
+                             'mobile': False,
+                             #setting of name is not followed. If no contact_id it is set to False by the relation
+                             'name': '/',
+                             'title': False,
+                             }
+                    }
+        contact = self.pool.get('res.partner.contact').browse(cr, uid, contact_id, context=context)
+        return {'value':{
+            'mobile': contact.mobile,
+            'name': contact.name,
+            'title': contact.title and contact.title.id or False,        
+        }}
     def onchange_location_id(self,cr, uid, ids, location_id=False, context={}):
         if not location_id:
             return {}
@@ -193,23 +321,52 @@
     _columns = {
         'location_id' : fields.many2one('res.partner.location', 'Location'),
         'contact_id' : fields.many2one('res.partner.contact', 'Contact'),
+        #add private type
+        'type': fields.selection( [ ('default','Default'),('invoice','Invoice'), ('delivery','Delivery'), ('contact','Contact'), ('other','Other'), ('private', 'Private') ],'Address Type', help="Used to select automatically the right address according to the context in sales and purchases documents."),
+        #field for administer functions
+        'sequence_contact': fields.integer('Contact Seq.',help='Order of\
+                     importance of this address in the list of addresses of the linked contact'),
+        'date_start': fields.date('Date Start',help="Start date of job(Joining Date)"),
+        'date_stop': fields.date('Date Stop', help="Last date of job"),
+        'state': fields.selection([('past', 'Past'),('current', 'Current')], \
+                                'State', required=True, help="Status of Address"),
         # fields from location
-        'street': fields.related('location_id', 'street', string='Street', type="char", store=True, size=128),
-        'street2': fields.related('location_id', 'street2', string='Street2', type="char", store=True, size=128),
-        'zip': fields.related('location_id', 'zip', string='Zip', type="char", store=True, change_default=True, size=24),
-        'city': fields.related('location_id', 'city', string='City', type="char", store=True, size=128),
-        'state_id': fields.related('location_id', 'state_id', relation="res.country.state", string='Fed. State', type="many2one", store=True, domain="[('country_id','=',country_id)]"),
-        'country_id': fields.related('location_id', 'country_id', type='many2one', string='Country', store=True, relation='res.country'),
+        #Trigger for change of location id of self is not required because this is handled by onchange_location_id triggered in the only form!
+        'street': fields.related('location_id', 'street', string='Street', type="char", size=128,
+                store = {'res.partner.location': (_get_address_from_location_ids, ['street'], 10),}),
+        'street2': fields.related('location_id', 'street2', string='Street2', type="char", size=128,
+                store = {'res.partner.location': (_get_address_from_location_ids, ['street2'], 10),}),                  
+        'zip': fields.related('location_id', 'zip', string='Zip', type="char", change_default=True, size=24,
+                store = {'res.partner.location': (_get_address_from_location_ids, ['zip'], 10),}),
+        'city': fields.related('location_id', 'city', string='City', type="char", size=128,
+                store = {'res.partner.location': (_get_address_from_location_ids, ['city'], 10),}),
+        'state_id': fields.related('location_id', 'state_id', relation="res.country.state", string='Fed. State', type="many2one", domain="[('country_id','=',country_id)]",
+                store = {'res.partner.location': (_get_address_from_location_ids, ['state_id'], 10),}), 
+        'country_id': fields.related('location_id', 'country_id', type='many2one', string='Country', relation='res.country',
+                store = {'res.partner.location': (_get_address_from_location_ids, ['country_id'], 10),}),
-        'phone': fields.char('Phone', size=64),
-        'fax': fields.char('Fax', size=64),
-        'email': fields.char('E-Mail', size=240),
+        #These fields exists
+        #'phone': fields.char('Phone', size=64),
+        #'fax': fields.char('Fax', size=64),
+        #'email': fields.char('E-Mail', size=240),
+        #this field is missing
+        'other': fields.char('Other Phone', size=64, help='Additional phone field'),
         # fields from contact
         'mobile' : fields.related('contact_id', 'mobile', type='char', size=64, string='Mobile'),
-        'name' : fields.related('contact_id', 'name', type='char', size=64, string="Contact Name", store=True),
-        'title' : fields.related('contact_id', 'title', type='many2one', relation='res.partner.title', string="Title", store=True),
+                #store = {'res.partner.contact': (_get_address_from_contact_ids, ['mobile'], 10),
+                #         'res.partner.address': (_get_own_addresses,['contact_id'], 20)}), @bug: query wants to store in crm_lead!!!!
+        'name' : fields.related('contact_id', 'name', type='char', size=64, string="Contact Name",
+                store = {'res.partner.contact': (_get_address_from_contact_ids, ['last_name', 'first_name'], 10),
+                         'res.partner.address': (_get_own_addresses,['contact_id'], 20)}),
+        'title' : fields.related('contact_id', 'title', type='many2one', relation='res.partner.title', string="Title"),
+                #store = {'res.partner.contact': (_get_address_from_contact_ids, ['title'], 10), 
+                #         'res.partner.address': (_get_own_addresses,['contact_id'], 20)}), 
     def create(self, cr, uid, data, context={}):
         if not data.get('location_id', False):
@@ -229,10 +386,10 @@
         result = {}
         for rec in self.browse(cr,uid, ids, context=context):
             res = []
+            if rec.contact_id and rec.contact_id.name:
+                res.append(rec.contact_id.name)
             if rec.partner_id:
-            if rec.contact_id and rec.contact_id.name:
-                res.append(rec.contact_id.name)
             if rec.location_id:
                 if rec.location_id.city: res.append(rec.location_id.city)
                 if rec.location_id.country_id: res.append(rec.location_id.country_id.name_get()[0][1])
@@ -240,8 +397,17 @@
         return result.items()
     _defaults = {
-        'location_id': _default_location_id
+        'location_id': _default_location_id,
+        'sequence_contact' : lambda *a: 0,
+        'state': lambda *a: 'current',
+        #default for name is not followed as related field
+        'name': lambda *a: '/',
+    #order by name. default addresses are assumed to have no name = empty -> are last entry! 
+    #@todo: how to move empty entry to front
+    _order='state, name, sequence_contact'
     def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields=[], context=None):
         if context is None:
@@ -252,3 +418,46 @@
+class res_partner(osv.osv):
+    _inherit = 'res.partner'
+    """def _get_address_from_partner_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        result = {}
+        for addr in self.pool.get('res.partner.address').search(cr, uid, [('partner_id','in',ids)]):
+            result[addr] = True
+        return result.keys() @todo: somehow trigger is not required"""
+    def _default_address_id(self, cr, uid, ids, prop, unknow_none, context=None):
+        #pdb.set_trace()
+        #res = super(res_partner,self).address_get(cr, uid, ids)
+        res = dict.fromkeys(ids, False)
+        all_ids = self.pool.get('res.partner.address').search(cr, uid, [('partner_id','in',ids), ('type','=','default')])
+        addresses = self.pool.get('res.partner.address').browse(cr, uid, all_ids)
+        for addr in addresses:
+            if(res[addr.partner_id.id] == False):
+                res[addr.partner_id.id] = addr.id
+        """for id in res:
+            if (res[id]==False):
+                res[id] = [] """
+        #pdb.set_trace()                     
+        return res
+    _columns = {#default_address_id has to be stored to enable search of the related fields!!! Somehow trigger is not required!
+                'default_address_id': fields.function(_default_address_id, type='many2one', obj='res.partner.address', string='address_id', store = True),
+                'phone': fields.related('default_address_id', 'phone', type='char', string='Phone'),
+                'fax': fields.related('default_address_id', 'fax', type='char', string='Fax', store = False),
+                'email': fields.related('default_address_id', 'email', type='char', size=240, string='E-mail', store = False),
+                'street': fields.related('default_address_id', 'street', type='char', string='Street', store = False),
+                'city': fields.related('default_address_id', 'city', type='char', string='City', store = False),
+                'country': fields.related('default_address_id','country_id', type='many2one', relation='res.country', string='Country'),
+                  }

=== modified file 'base_contact/base_contact_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- base_contact/base_contact_view.xml	2012-01-31 13:36:57 +0000
+++ base_contact/base_contact_view.xml	2013-11-05 15:41:30 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,102 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+	<!-- Address views -->
+ 	<record id="view_partner_address_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
+            <field name="name">res.partner.address.tree</field>
+            <field name="model">res.partner.address</field>
+            <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_partner_address_tree"/>
+            <field name="type">tree</field>
+            <field name="context">{"search_default_state": "current"}</field>  
+            <field name="arch" type="xml">
+                <tree string="Partner Addresses" position="replace"> 
+					<tree string="Addresses" colors="gray:state in ('past')">
+						<field name="name"/>         
+	                    <field name="partner_id"/>
+	                    <field name="function"/>
+	                    <field name="email"/>
+	                    <field name="phone"/>
+	                    <field name="mobile"/>
+	                    <field name="country_id"/>
+	                    <field name="type"/>
+	                    <field name="state" />
+	                </tree>
+                </tree>
+            </field>
+        </record>
+	 <record id="view_res_partner_address_filter" model="ir.ui.view">
+            <field name="name">res.partner.address.select</field>
+            <field name="model">res.partner.address</field>
+            <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_res_partner_address_filter"/> 
+            <field name="type">search</field>
+            <field name="arch" type="xml">
+                <search string="Search Contact" position="replace" >
+	                <search string="Search Address">
+	                    <group>
+	                        <field name="partner_id" string="Partner"/>
+	                        <field name="name" string="Contact" />
+	                        <field name="function"/>
+	                        <field name="location_id" />
+	                        <field name="type" />
+	                        <field name="state" />
+	                    </group>
+	                    <newline/>
+	                    <group expand="0" string="Group By...">
+	                       <filter string="Partner" icon="terp-personal" domain="[]" context="{'group_by' : 'partner_id'}" /> 
+	                       <filter string="Function" icon="terp-go-home" domain="[]" context="{'group_by' : 'function'}" />
+	                       <filter string="Type" icon="terp-stock_symbol-selection" domain="[]" context="{'group_by' : 'type'}" />
+	                       <filter string="State" icon="terp-stock_symbol-selection" domain="[]" context="{'group_by' : 'state'}" />
+	                   </group>
+	                 </search>
+                 </search>
+            </field>
+        </record>
+	<!-- Address Tree view for Contact -->
+    <record id="view_partner_address_tree_contact" model="ir.ui.view">
+        <field name="name">res.partner.address.tree.contact</field>
+        <field name="model">res.partner.address</field>
+        <field name="type">tree</field>
+        <field eval="17" name="priority"/>
+        <field name="arch" type="xml">
+            <tree string="Functions and Addresses" colors="gray:state in ('past')">
+                <field name="location_id"/>
+                <field name="function"/>
+                <field name="email" widget="email"/>
+                <field name="phone"/>
+                <field name="other" />
+                <field name="fax"/>
+                <field name="type"/>
+                <field name="state" />
+                <field name="sequence_contact" string="Seq."/>
+            </tree>
+        </field>
+    </record>
+    	<!-- Adress Tree view for Partner -->
+    <record id="view_partner_address_tree_partner" model="ir.ui.view">
+        <field name="name">res.partner.address.tree.partner</field>
+        <field name="model">res.partner.address</field>
+        <field name="type">tree</field>
+        <field eval="18" name="priority"/>
+        <field name="arch" type="xml">
+    		<tree string="Functions and Addresses" colors="gray:state in ('past')" >
+                <field name="name"/>
+                <field name="location_id"/>
+                <field name="function"/>
+                <field name="email" widget="email"/>
+                <field name="phone"/>
+                <field name="mobile"/>
+                <field name="other" />
+                <field name="fax"/>
+                <field name="type"/>
+                <field name="state" />
+           	</tree>
+        </field>
+    </record>
     <!-- Views for Contacts Tree View -->
@@ -9,8 +105,8 @@
         <field name="model">res.partner.contact</field>
         <field name="type">tree</field>
         <field name="arch" type="xml">
-            <tree string="Partner Contact">
-                <field name="name"/>
+            <tree string="Contact">
+                <field name="last_name"/>
                 <field name="first_name"/>
                 <field name="mobile"/>
                 <field name="email"/>
@@ -28,7 +124,7 @@
         <field name="model">res.partner.contact</field>
         <field name="type">form</field>
         <field name="arch" type="xml">
-            <form string="Partner Contact">
+            <form string="Contact">
                 <group colspan="4" col="6">
                     <field name="last_name" select="1"/>
                     <field name="first_name" select="1"/>
@@ -48,22 +144,8 @@
                                 <field name="photo" widget='image' nolabel="1"/>
-                       <field name="job_ids" colspan="4" nolabel="1" mode="tree,form">
-                            <form string="Functions and Addresses">
-                                <field name="partner_id" />
-                                <field name="location_id" domain="[('partner_id', '=', partner_id)]"/>
-                                <field name="function" />
-                                <separator string="Professional Info" colspan="4"/>
-                                <field name="phone"/>
-                                <field name="fax"/>
-                                <field name="email" widget="email"/>
-                            </form>
-                            <tree string="Functions and Addresses">
-                                <field name="location_id"/>
-                                <field name="function"/>
-                                <field name="phone"/>
-                                <field name="email"/>
-                            </tree>
+                       <!-- default_type is not followed! -->
+                       <field name="job_ids" colspan="4" nolabel="1" mode="tree,form" context="{'tree_view_ref' : 'base_contact.view_partner_address_tree_contact', 'default_contact_id': active_id, 'default_type': 'contact'}">
                     <page string="Extra Information">
@@ -90,10 +172,10 @@
         <field name="model">res.partner.contact</field>
         <field name="type">search</field>
         <field name="arch" type="xml">
-            <search string="Partner Contact">
+            <search string="Contact">
                 <field name="name" string="First/Lastname"
                     filter_domain="['|', ('first_name','ilike', self), ('last_name', 'ilike', self)]"/>
-                <field name="partner_id" string="Partner"/>
+                <field name="job_ids" string="Partner"/>
@@ -113,6 +195,7 @@
     <!-- Rename menuitem for partner addresses -->
     <record model="ir.ui.menu" id="base.menu_partner_address_form">
         <field name="name">Addresses</field>
+        <!-- does not work <field name="context">{"search_default_state": "current"}</field> -->
@@ -127,7 +210,9 @@
     <menuitem name="Contacts" id="menu_purchases_partner_contact_form" action="action_partner_contact_form"
             parent = "base.menu_procurement_management_supplier" sequence="2"/>
-    <!-- Views for Partners Form View -->
+	<!-- @todo: Menu addresses to be added in purchase module?! -->
+    <!-- Views for Partner -->
     <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_partner_form_inherit">
         <field name="name">Partner form inherited</field>
@@ -135,17 +220,50 @@
         <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_partner_form"/>
         <field name="type">form</field>
         <field name="arch" type="xml">
-            <separator string="Postal Address" position="after">
-                <field name="location_id" on_change="onchange_location_id(location_id)" domain="[('partner_id', '=', parent.id)]"/>
-            </separator>
-            <xpath expr="//field[@string='Contact Name']" position="replace">
-                <field name="contact_id"/>
-            </xpath>
-            <field name="title" position="replace"/>
+        	<field name="address" position="replace" >
+        	 	<field colspan="4" mode="tree,form" name="address" nolabel="1" select="1" height="260" context="{'tree_view_ref' : 'base_contact.view_partner_address_tree_partner', 'default_partner_id': active_id, 'default_type': 'contact'}">
+        	    </field>
+        	</field>
-    <!-- Views for Addresses -->
+    <record id="view_partner_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
+            <field name="name">res.partner.tree</field>
+            <field name="model">res.partner</field>
+            <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_partner_tree"/>
+            <field name="type">tree</field>
+            <field name="arch" type="xml">
+                    <field name="phone" position="after" >
+                    	<field name="fax"/>       
+                    </field>
+                    <field name="city" position="before" >
+                    	<field name="street"/>       
+                    </field>
+            </field>
+        </record>
+    <record id="view_res_partner_filter" model="ir.ui.view">
+            <field name="name">res.partner.select</field>
+            <field name="model">res.partner</field>
+            <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_res_partner_filter"/>
+            <field name="type">search</field>
+            <field name="arch" type="xml">
+                        <field name="country" position="before">
+                        	<field name="street" select="1"/>
+                        	<field name="city" select="1"/>           
+                        </field>
+            </field>
+        </record>     
+    <!-- Views for Location -->
     <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_partner_location_form">
         <field name="name">res.partner.location.form</field>
@@ -153,12 +271,24 @@
         <field name="type">form</field>
         <field name="arch" type="xml">
             <form string="Locations">
+				<field name="partner_id" readonly="1" />
                 <field name="street" colspan="4"/>
                 <field name="street2" colspan="4"/>
                 <field name="zip"/>
                 <field name="city"/>
                 <field name="country_id" />
                 <field name="state_id"/>
+                <newline />
+                <separator string="Addresses" colspan="4" />
+                <field name="job_ids" nolabel="1" colspan="4" readonly="1" mode="tree">
+                  	<tree string="Address">
+  	                  	<field name = "contact_id" />
+  	                  	<field name = "partner_id" />
+  	                  	<field name = "function" />
+  	                  	<field name = "type" />
+  	                  	<field name = "state" />           
+                	</tree>   
+                </field> 
@@ -170,6 +300,9 @@
         <field name="type">tree</field>
         <field name="arch" type="xml">
             <tree string="Locations">
+				<field name="partner_id" string="Partner" />
+				<field name="contact_id" />
+				<field name="street" />
                 <field name="city"/>
                 <field name="country_id" />
                 <field name="state_id"/>
@@ -177,19 +310,66 @@
+   <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_partner_location_search">
+        <field name="name">res.partner.location.search</field>
+        <field name="model">res.partner.location</field>
+        <field name="type">search</field>
+        <field name="arch" type="xml">
+            <search string="Partner Location">
+                <field name="partner_id" string="Partner"/>
+				<field name="street" />
+            </search>
+        </field>
+    </record>
+    <record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="action_partner_location_form">
+        <field name="name">Locations</field>
+        <field name="res_model">res.partner.location</field>
+        <field name="view_type">form</field>
+        <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
+        <field name="view_id" ref="view_partner_location_tree"/>
+        <field name="search_view_id" ref="view_partner_location_search"/>
+    </record>
+	<!-- sequence=30 is because 11 is not enough for beeing below addresses to be checked further -->
+    <menuitem name="Locations" id="menu_partner_location_form" action="action_partner_location_form" parent = "base.menu_address_book" sequence="30"/>
+    <menuitem name="Locations" id="menu_purchase_partner_location_form" action="action_partner_location_form" parent = "base.menu_procurement_management_supplier" sequence="30"/>
+    <!-- Update default address view -->
     <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_partner_address_form_inherited0">
         <field name='name'>res.partner.address.form.inherited0</field>
         <field name='model'>res.partner.address</field>
         <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_partner_address_form1"/>
         <field name='type'>form</field>
         <field name='arch' type='xml'>
+        	<field name="partner_id" position="replace">
+        		<field name="partner_id" colspan="2" attrs="{'required':[('contact_id','=', False)]}"/>
+        	</field> 
             <field name="name" position="replace">
-                <field name="contact_id"/>
-            </field>
+                <field name="contact_id" on_change="onchange_contact_id(contact_id)" attrs="{'required':[('partner_id','=', False)]}"/>
+                <!-- <field name="name" string="use this field for initial name only" /> would require adaption of create-->
+            </field>
+            <field name="type" position="replace">
+            	<field name="type" required="1"/>
+            </field>
             <separator string="Postal Address" position="after">
-                <field name="location_id" on_change="onchange_location_id(location_id)"/>
+                <field name="location_id" required="1" on_change="onchange_location_id(location_id)" domain="[('partner_id', '=', partner_id)]"/>
             <field name="title" position="replace"/>
+            <field name="function" position="after">
+               	<separator string="Status" colspan="6"/>
+               	<field name="state" />
+               	<field name="date_start" />
+        		<field name="date_stop" />
+               	<separator string="Sequence" colspan="6" col="2"/> 
+                <field name="sequence_contact" string="Contact Seq."/>
+             </field>

=== modified file 'base_contact/security/ir.model.access.csv' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- base_contact/security/ir.model.access.csv	2012-01-31 13:36:57 +0000
+++ base_contact/security/ir.model.access.csv	2013-11-05 15:41:30 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 "access_res_partner_contact_all","res.partner.contact all","model_res_partner_contact","base.group_user",1,0,0,0

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