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Re: [Openobject-italia-core-devs] [Merge] lp:~nicolariolini/account-invoicing/add_module_account_payment_term_month into lp:account-invoicing


Hi all,
my intention is XOR fileds, so mutually exclusive, I dont' like in this 
case hide days if month is written or other attrs operation, this 
because at start time user see all two fields so he thinks that both are 
writable. I prefer a check to let choose the method, but I'm open to new 
ideas :)
Thank Sergio for test and blueprinting.

On 04/06/2014 08:03, Lorenzo Battistini - Agile BG wrote:
> On 06/03/2014 10:35 PM, Sergio Corato wrote:
>> Hi Nicola, Lorenzo, Holger,
>> what about delete "commercial_month" field and put this code instead?
>> "if line.months != 0:"
>> And in the view set the field "days" required if "months" if false and viceversa:
>> <field name="months" attrs="{'required':[('days','=',False)]}"/>
>> and
>> <xpath expr="/form/group/group/field[@name='days']" position="attributes">
>>       <attribute name="attrs">{'required':[('months','=',False)]}</attribute>
>> </xpath>
> Ciao Sergio,
> this means a user could fill both the 'months' and 'days' fields at the
> same time, despite they are mutually exclusive.

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Your team Account Core Editors is subscribed to branch lp:account-invoicing.
