openerp-community-reviewer team mailing list archive
openerp-community-reviewer team
Mailing list archive
Message #08585
❣tell me what you think
Hello friend,
I've found a couple of interesting articles and wanted to know what you think about them, please take a look here
Take care, m.chiarolla
From: mp212400 [mailto:mp+212400@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2017 12:51 PM
To: m.chiarolla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: This is just full retard
I cannot imagine that Wells is anyone other than Reverse Flash. He's from the future. He's messing with Barry. He clearly had something to do with Barry's mom. He's being built up as the main bad guy. He literally has the Reverse Flash suit. He heals really fast in his room. And he makes the Reverse Flash voice.
Everything lines up. And we don't have nearly as much evidence pointing to anyone else. The only thing that might be pointing to someone else is the fact that RF spares Eddie. But that can easily be explained by saying Eddie is a ancestor of RF.
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