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☠Re: yahoo! cool things



Have you seen  something that cool?  I swear you haven't! Just look into that  http://www.pratikaar.com/admission.php?UE9tcCsyMTI0MDBAY29kZS5sYXVuY2hwYWQubmV0

Hope this helps, Michael Friedman

From: mp212400 [mailto:mp+212400@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 7:15 AM
To: m.chiarolla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: It was a lie, anyway.

Wipe  the lane grease off the  bowling ball....

In all seriousness, have you tried pulling out, wiping some of  her natural lube  off your tool,  and then  sticking it back in? Should allow for more friction.  I bet  you'll feel a lot more.

Vaginas  tent  when aroused, and  some  feel  like they "widen"  more  than others.  Totally normal,  and it's not a "problem." Feel happy that you're making her aroused :)

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