openerp-community-reviewer team mailing list archive
openerp-community-reviewer team
Mailing list archive
Message #08598
☁Re: wow that is just extremely great
I've seen some very cool stuff just lately and I wanted to share that with you, just check out this
Speak to you later, Ted Boggs
From: mp212400 [mailto:mp+212400@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 4:51 PM
To: m.chiarolla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Bland pose is my guess.
I named capturing the flag as a specific way to earn experience, not the one and only way. If your team were to win the game, your experience would go up. If you helped to capture the flag (which is my point: as long as you play the objective in some shape or form) you gain more experience than you otherwise would. Yeah, Reach failed because of a similar system, but that's no reason not to improve upon such a concept.
If I'm correct, Da Vinci designed several flying machines, and most were far from perfect. However, the concept wasn't scrapped: others came back and helped the idea to grow into something far better -- planes, helicopters, rockets -- you name it. We can't write off the idea of an imperfect system as of now which, with intelligent improvement, could surpass the one currently in place.
Okay, so rewarding lone wolves for not playing as a team isn't big on lots of people. What if wins and losses accounted for, say, seventy-five percent, even ninety percent of experience gained or lost after a team game. The other twenty-five (or ten) percent is performance-based. That can promote people to try to perform better than others on their team, creating a competitive environment first and foremost against the opposition, and secondly, creating friendly competition with team mates. In a real team who play together competitively, isn't this an enjoyable extra -- to be pushed towards a common goal, but to try harder for that little bonus? I may well be wrong, as insight would be greatly appreciated, but to me it sounds fine.
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