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Message #01067
openerp module development issue
Excuse me everyone, I develop a module in openerp and I'm stuck in my work.I
know I'm not allowed to send emails that way but I have no choice. I
really need
your help to continue. It's been a week since I did not advance. I just can
not help me please:
I created 2 objects 'client.class' and 'vigne.class' with one2many and
many2one fields because one client.class can get one or more vigne.class :
*class client_class*(osv.osv) :
_name = 'client.class'
_inherit = 'res.partner'
_order ='nom'
_columns = {
ondelete='set null')*, #'vigne'
'date':fields.datetime("Date de Creation"),
'nom': fields.char("Nom et Prenom",size=128),
'phone': fields.char("Téléphone",size=64),
'note': fields.text("Note")
*class vigne_class*(osv.osv) :
_name = 'vigne.class'
_order ='vigne_ids'
def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context={}): ### Fonction pour la séquence
vals['ref'] = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'vigne.class')
res = super(vigne_class, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context)
return res
_columns = {
'date':fields.datetime("Date de Creation"),
*'vigne_ids': fields.many2one('client.class',"Client", readonly=True,
'nom': fields.char("Nom de vigne",size=64),
'guyot':fields.selection([('s','Simple'), ('d','Double')],'Guyot'),
'lieu': fields.char("Lieu",size=64),
'nbr_treill': fields.integer("Nombre de treilles")
*'devis_taillage_total'*: fields.float("Prix",digits=(10,2),readonly=True),
*'duree_taillage'*:fields.float("Durée du taillage(h)",digits=(10,2))
I stocked value in fields *'duree_taillage' *and *'devis_taillage_total**'*
* *of* **vigne_class** *and cause some * **client_class* have one or many *
vigne_class*, i would like to *compute the sum** *of these fields *
'duree_taillage'** *and *'**devis_taillage_total'** *for each *client_class*
* *objects created.
There is a complete information in attachment file. PLEASE HELP ME.
Description: Adobe PDF document
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