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Re: Integration OpenERP / Moodle


En/na Eric Caudal ha escrit:
I have googled and found a moodle (event_moodle) and some old reference from 2009 about Moodle/OpenERP integration.
Is there anything newer that I have overlooked (integration with 
training modules?)
There is a python library that we (Zikzakmedia) developed one year ago as a proof of concept, you can find it here:

Also an old student in my university has developed a module for OpenERP v6.0 based on training module that allows synchronising Moodle and OpenERP+training. It is also a proof of concept, I send you attached if you want to test and improve it. I suggest you to publish it and to port the improvements to v6.0 as we don't work with v6.1. The module contains a README file that tells you how to configure the moodle webservices.

Jordi Esteve
Consultor Zikzakmedia SL
Mòbil 679 170 693

Zikzakmedia SL
Dr. Fleming, 28, baixos
08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
Tel 93 890 2108

Attachment: training_moodle.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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