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Re: OpenERP - OpenOffice / LibreOffice Writer Extension?


On 09/19/2012 12:10 PM, office@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Has anyone already been working on an OpenOffice / LibreOffice Writer Extension?
The Idea is, that for writing Documents, Letters, Notifications,... 
(not Orders or any similar Reports) it would be nice if you could 
create an ODF Document (based on a Template and prefilled with the 
partners data) out of OpenERP's Partner Form and, here comes the 
interesting part, save/store it right back as an attachment _through_ 
an OpenOffice / LibreOffice Writer Extension.
We would like to avoid, the users having to upload the File into 
OpenERP or place it in some FTP/WebDAV Folder Structure provided by 

Therp has developed an OpenOffice extension that allows you to open an Aeroo template in odt format and run a mail merge from OpenOffice, i.e. without having to upload the report template to the OpenERP server.
It does not store the resulting document as an attachment on the server, 
but that would be an easy extension.

Best regards,

Therp - Maatwerk in open ontwikkeling

Stefan Rijnhart - Ontwerp en implementatie

mail: stefan@xxxxxxxx
tel: +31 (0) 614478606
