openerp-community team mailing list archive
openerp-community team
Mailing list archive
Message #03520
Re: Network Audit Module
Hi, Eric, I don't understand why are you talking about this. Is there
something I have missed?
2013/10/22 Eric Caudal <eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> This is not a perfect world and you have to play with the cards you are
> given indeed.
> Not contributing because of "OpenERP sa" is finally a double penalty...
> (they are not perfect but they have made as well a lot of good as well and
> not contributing doesnot help solving their mistakes)
> Eric Caudal*CEO*
> --*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branchOpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner *
> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
> Skype: elico.corperic.caudal@elico-corp.com
> [image: Elico Corp]
> On 10/22/2013 04:29 AM, Ray Carnes wrote:
> I've already heard back from one of you that thinks I am naïve. I don't
> agree.
> Are you a football fan?
> Three referees were talking. One had just finished calling his first
> game, the next had been working for 20 years, the last was about to
> retire. The youngest and newest said he had learned he had to call the
> penalties AS HE SAW THEM. The second laughed and said he did that too
> when he was first in the game, but now he called the penalties AS THEY
> ARE. While the younger ref thought this was interesting, the retiring ref
> laughed at both of them and said he knew by now that THERE IS NO PENALTY
> My point?
> I understand - I do. I've heard a lot of the dirty laundry from others.
> I know there are a lot of upset people in the community. I know we are
> the 'new kids' on the block.
> I stand by what I wrote - even though there has been wasted energy in the
> past, it is YOUR choice to be frustrated with OpenERP and keep that from
> making you even more successful than you are.
> They are doing the best with what they have - they aren't perfect and they
> are not scheming to make you waste time on purpose. They are just doing
> 'things' and you are making these things into frustrations and wasted
> energy.
> Hey - I hated my parents for 40 years before I realized they just did what
> they did, they didn't mean to upset me, frustrate me or make me feel bad -
> they just made choices. 'I' was the one who gave those choices meanings.
> You have the choice - you can choose to continue to feel like they are the
> 'bad' guys or you can spend your energy making things better. It is only
> a penalty if you call it a penalty.
> I wish everyone the very best with OpenERP and everything else you all do.
> I will still think this way in 15 years, no matter what OpenERP does.
> Ray.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Carnes [mailto:rcarnes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <rcarnes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>]
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 12:43 PM
> To: 'P. Christeas'; 'Markus Schneider'; 'sharoon.thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> Cc: 'openerp-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: RE: [Openerp-community] Network Audit Module
> I'd like to welcome everyone who feels slighted by OpenERP S.A back to the
> I see a lot of frustrated comments and I presume there is a lot of energy
> spent in ways that could be re-directed for the benefit of all of us.
> We can't change the world without EVERYONE's help folks! Together we can
> make OpenERP the best ERP in the world. As individuals, factions and
> infighters we can't.
> Our customers (and potential customers) notice this and so do our
> competitors.
> 'banned' and 'resistance' - has that approach really been working that
> well for you? It is getting you what you want?
> 'teamwork' and 'understanding' - these approaches have been working REALLY
> well for me and the company I work for. OpenERP has provided a platform
> that has helped us TRIPLE the size of our company in 12 months.
> I encourage you to 'come back'...
> Things just happen, they aren't meant as attacks on what you believe in...
> Don't take it personally, don't take your toys and go home sad and mad -
> be part of the solution that benefits everyone. (please!)
> Ray Carnes,
> Ursa Information Systems
> OpenERP Gold Partner
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Openerp-community
> [ <>] On Behalf Of P. Christeas
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 12:07 PM
> To: Markus Schneider; sharoon.thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: openerp-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Openerp-community] Network Audit Module
> On Monday 21 October 2013, Markus Schneider wrote:
> is there any list of 'interesting' OpenERP Branches like this one?
> There is even some "banned" ones, that SA. will not want you to ever know
> of..
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