openerp-community team mailing list archive
openerp-community team
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Message #04460
v7: Multi-Company - also for Sales, Warehouse, MRP etc ?
Does anyone have any experience or users utilizing multi-company for the
creation, editing and movement (stages/states/validation) of documents
other than Accounting.
So far, every one of our customers who have used OpenERP in a multi-company
environment have used it only for Accounting (ie: to modify only accounting
documents such as invoices, payment and journal entries).
Today we were asked if it was possible to use it for everything.
I noticed the ‘company’ dropdown on some (but not all) documents in other
areas of the system.
Thanks in advance.
Ray Carnes.
[image: Ursa Information Systems]
*Ray Carnes - Implementation Strategy*
Ursa Information Systems
1706 Plum Lane, Suite 127
Redlands, California, 92374
*Office: 1-855-URSA ERP x 703 1-855-877 2377 x 703Mobile:

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