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Re: Rationale for proposing the project "openerp-nomenclature" to join the OCA projects


Yes I can.
I have internal documentation.
I need a little time to translate in english, if you agreed
Antonio M. Vigliotti

Il 15/03/2014 17:39, Franco Tampieri ha scritto:
Hi Antonio

Can you link a Document with the NUT standard? With that document other partners can analyze and define toghether a common standard
Do you agree?

Il sabato 15 marzo 2014, Info SHS-AV <info@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:info@xxxxxxxxxx>> ha scritto:
    UE team should ask regional teams about domestic structure in
    order to build functional software.
    In example, for address, UE team shold require these info:
    Address format: Italy ->  %(zip) %(city)s %(state_id)s
    ZIP format: Italy -> 5 digits
    ZIP - City relanshionship: Italy -> Many2Many
    State_id means: Italy -> NUTS3
    State_id - City relanshionship: Italy -> One2Many
    ... and so on
    I am avaiable to prepare a form to gather infomations.

    Il 15/03/2014 11:42, Lionel Sausin ha scritto:
    As I wrote to Franco Tampieri, I'd rather have a global team
    because eventually the team's work will be more about making
    quality data files than gathering region-specifi knowledge.
    + there are already functional l10n teams, why step on their toes?
    So my plan would rather be:
    - rename the project to openerp-data
    - make a single team openerp-data and cease the project ownership
    to it
    - make 1 branch per region if we fear the branches become too big
    Does it make sense?


    Antonio M. Vigliotti

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