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OpenERP 6.1 with mod_wsgi


Greetings everybody,

     Has anyone been able to run OpenERP 6.1 using Apache and mod_wsgi? I
know it has been mentioned quite a lot, but is there an actually working
config? Scouting the web for quite a bit returned nothing.

      With gunicorn it works, but mod_wsgi I don't seem to be able to get
it working.

      In case you are wondering why this is relevant, the goal is to go
around this bug [1] by means of this [2].

      Since the problem of the GTK client is based on the lack of affinity
per process, ensuring one client is always served by the same process
should keep everything happy.

      One option seems to be joining [3] and [4].

       Would anyone care to comment on this?

        Or even if this approach would solve the issue mentioned in [1].

Best regards!

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-server/+bug/1008426
[2] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/modwsgi/smujiUYy-wo