Le 24/01/2014 19:02, Serpent Consulting Services a écrit :
Today, one nice commit has been pushed which allows us to search stock
qtys on product:
I watched this commit and I'm afraid of performance issues with a lot
of products (10,000 or more) when I read this:
product_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [], context=context)
ids = []
if product_ids:
#TODO: use a query instead of this browse record which is
probably making the too much requests, but don't forget
#the context that can be set with a location, an owner...
for element in self.browse(cr, uid, product_ids,
if eval(str(element[field]) + operator + str(value)):
I saw the TODO but the problem is the context in this case. I've no
other solution to propose but I think it's not a good way.
Maybe we can look for other solution as cache values (by product /
location / prodlot…) computed periodically or at each stock move