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Message #06809
Re: Fw: Re: odoo with a daily 50000 orders volume
Yes, workflow needs removing if this is to work for larger setups. We
rebuilt the whole logic by replacing it with regular functions, optimising
the code and the result was that what used to take 30 seconds to confirm a
larger order+allocating stock now is instant and no fear of unknowns.
As for archiving its also a good idea, it can be implemented without moving
the records out of the table though, just mark them as archived and when
doing sql to compute the availability/pricing look at just un-archived
But it was a painful experience of getting this done.
*Vadim Chobanu*
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On 25 Aug 2014 04:59, "lin.yu" <lin.yu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Original Message
*Sender:* lin.yu<lin.yu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
*Recipient:* Raphael Valyi<rvalyi@xxxxxxxxx>
*Cc:* Eric Caudal<eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
*Date:* Monday, Aug 25, 2014 11:22
*Subject:* Re: [Openerp-community] odoo with a daily 50000 orders volume
Hello Raphael,
Thanks for your fast response. They are really helpful.
We have worked a daily 5000 order lines, 30000 moves project before with
another company in V7. After several months, we had terrible performance
issues as well. Especially in stock moves and procurements.
As you mentioned on V8 stock scalability issue is gone. I doubt that still.
The new stock level is calculated based on the stock quant history, which
will be millions of lines in our case. And what’s more, each stock
operation needs to operate on stock quant objects (aplication level +
database level), besides the old objects in V7.
Personally I think we need an archive function to save old stock data in
another table, redefine the stock level function based on the archive
result (inventory line or another seperate table).
For the workflow, I do not know how to deal with it yet. Maybe we should
get rid of workflow on each stock operations.
With the volume increases, it requires the system to lighten the resource
of every operations .
It would be great to have a proof that odoo / openerp can work on that
level volume.
Look forward to receiving more feedbacks from the community.
Original Message
*Sender:* Raphael Valyi<rvalyi@xxxxxxxxx>
*Recipient:* lin.yu<lin.yu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
*Cc:* OE Community openerp-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<
*Date:* Monday, Aug 25, 2014 10:43
*Subject:* Re: [Openerp-community] odoo with a daily 50000 orders volume
Hello Lin,
we worked indirectly on a case in the USA with 1/10 of the numbers you
mentioned. And we had terrible issues. Just to be clear we were called as
firemen and didn't had a chance to study things upfront on that project.
Well basically, 2 things became extremely slow: workflows because tables
were huge and stock moves (that was on 6.1) because millions of move to
crawl to compute any stock level.
On v8, there is good hope that the stock scalability issue is gone. As for
the workflows I'm afraid I'll probably still have issues: all workflows use
the same tables and open workflow instances of sale, stock, account
accumulate. My advice is: if it's on a version prior to v8, forget it
because of the way the stock moves work. If it's on v8, well in any case
plan some very serious optimizations and testing to see feasibility.
Number of concurrent users isn't too hard to tackle by adding more cores
now that we have process based parallelism, but as for very large tables,
well you'll have to clean them up often, you'll have tweak indexes,
probably to bypass some computations and use some custom SQL, add caching...
I never heard about sharding in OpenERP/Odoo so I guess nobody ever did
sharding, so don't assume it would be easy like in frameworks where it's
being done...
As for the company we worked for, well, after 18 months they ended up
dropping OpenERP for SAP. Probably putting way more money on it than trying
again on v8 and paying a lot of engineering to get the things optimized,
but still it's the decision they took and scalability was one of the main
reasons and that was 1/10th of the figures you mentioned. So don't take
that challenge lightly and good luck!
Raphaël Valyi
Founder and consultant <!/rvalyi>
+55 21 3942-2434
On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 10:21 PM, lin.yu <lin.yu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Community,
We have a potential lead which has a volume of daily 20000 sale orders and
50000 sale order lines from Magento, which will probably result in a daily
100000 or 200000 stock moves, 3000000 stock moves per month.
I would like to ask that has anyone experience on Odoo/OpenERP with that
daily volume? How about the performance after one month?
I would like also to ask if you have any module on
* archive stock move , sales order, and other objects
* sales forecasting
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