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Buildbot configurator also moving to GitHub


Hi there, I know that it has much less users than for the recipes, but
I'd link to point out that anybox.buildbot.openerp has also migrated
from Launchpad, and now sits at

What does it change for users ? If you track the latest changes, then
you may want to switch.
The project name (in setup.py) and package names (what you import)
haven't changed yet.
But they will in the future. For the latter, it's quite trivial to
provide backwards compatibility, so I'll do it without further notice.
For the former, I'll do it next time I cook a release, by having
anybox.buildbot.openerp requiring anybox.odoo.openerp. And people
installing it with 'setup.py develop' shouldn't have troubles anyway.

If you are wary of these changes, drop me a line, and we'll see what can
be done to minimize hassle of all concerned parties ;-)

For the record, the reason for having done this change now is that most
of the configuration for the continuous tests of the buildout recipes
and of the buildbot configurator is common (yes, that's testing buildbot
with buildbot)

Georges Racinet
Anybox SAS, http://anybox.fr
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