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Re: Magento connector feedback and questions


On 03/09/2014 03:36 AM, Jean-Philippe Robbe wrote:

I've been playing a while with OpenERP 7.0 and Magento 1.8 CE, with the
connector installed.
I decided, as suggested to select Magento as the Catalog master. this
choice is fine, even for a multi-channel business. stick with Magento to
manage the catalog.
But I encountered a problem regarding customers.
If a customer already exists in OpenERP (because of a direct/phone
sale), a duplicate entry is created with an incoming SO from Magento.
And unfortunately, there is no merge option in 7.0. This can lead to a
mess in the customer database, on OpenERP side.

Googled a bit, found that a merge function has been developed. it is
published in saas-3 branch.

I installed this version, but unfortunately the connector is not working

Questions :

Are you aware of the duplicates problem ?
Do you plan to release an updated version of connector before v8 (ie
saas-3) ?


Thanks for the feedback.

I understand your concern, but on what criteria the connector could decide that a Magento customer is the same than an existing one? Actually if the e-mail has been filed beforehand on an OpenERP customer, the Magento customer with the same e-mail will be merged with this one. Besides that, if you think that in your particular business, you can safely rely on other criteria, then you can still create an extension module [0] on the example on the e-mail but with your fields. If you find a solution that you find generic, we'll be pleased to review and eventually merge it [1].

Regarding the merge module, I'm not aware of the issue when it is used with the connector. I suggest you to use this [2] module that has been extracted from the trunk for the version 7.0 instead of using saas3. If somehow you still have your issue, please report a bug with more details [3].


[0] http://openerp-magento-connector.com/guides/tutorial_customize.html
[1] http://openerp-magento-connector.com/project/contribute.html#submit-merge-proposals-for-features-or-fixes [2] https://code.launchpad.net/~camptocamp/partner-contact-management/add-base_partner_merge/+merge/189616 [3] http://openerp-magento-connector.com/project/contribute.html#file-an-issue

Guewen Baconnier
Business Solutions Software Developer

Camptocamp SA
PSE A, CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone: +41 21 619 10 39
Office: +41 21 619 10 10
