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Re: import a new user field from mangento to openerp


ok, i so much difficult :)

another way for bypass my request: is possible change one of the already
present field (in this case Fax) with my fiscalinfo information?

Because none of my user setup the fax but everybody setup the Fiscal Info.

The openerp match field is: fiscalcode

Question: with the original version of the connector openerp import all the
data corectly but the taxvat is not imported from magento.
I disable also the validate vat because my user didn't put the Country Code
at the begin, but nothing.


2014-07-30 19:50 GMT+02:00 Cooperativa Ceposs <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Ok thanks i will try tommorrow and i will post my Renault,
> Thanks
> Michele
> Il 30/lug/2014 19:25 "Markus Schneider" <markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx> ha
> scritto:
>  No just run once and configure your magento.backend in openerp to be
>> your version of the connector.
>> On 30. Juli 2014 19:14:34 MESZ, Cooperativa Ceposs <
>> info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> thanks so much Markus,
>>> so the idea is: run the "normal" magento user import and after run the
>>> "ceposs_fiscale" for import the "fiscalinfo" information for the users?
>>> Sorry for all this questions but i don't have still the ideas really
>>> clear :)
>>> thanks,
>>> Michele
>>> 2014-07-30 18:51 GMT+02:00 Markus Schneider <markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx
>>> >:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> you need to write a own module: call it "ceposs_fiscale" with
>>>> __openerp__.py file and all the other class and lines of code in the
>>>> tutorial, only the model and the mapper is not enoth.
>>>> Sp All you need is here:
>>>> https://github.com/OCA/connector-magento/tree/7.0/customize_example
>>>> copy the folter customize_example to ceposs_fiscale.
>>>> replace all "magento_myversion" with "magento_ceposs". Modify the
>>>> partner stuff and hopefully after install the module everythink should
>>>> work.
>>>> You can run manuell the import work from the backend after switching to
>>>> your version their.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Markus
>>>> On 30.07.2014 18:37, Cooperativa Ceposs wrote:
>>>> > Hello Markus,
>>>> >
>>>> > thanks for your support,
>>>> >
>>>> > this is my code, it's my first try in openerp connector so i really
>>>> need
>>>> > helps :)
>>>> >
>>>> > # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > from openerp.osv import orm, fields
>>>> >
>>>> > from openerp.addons.connector.unit.mapper import mapping
>>>> >
>>>> > from openerp.addons.magentoerpconnect.partner import
>>>> PartnerImportMapper
>>>> >
>>>> > from .backend import magento_myversion
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > class magento_res_partner(orm.Model):
>>>> >
>>>> >     _inherit = 'magento.res.partner'
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >     _columns = {
>>>> >
>>>> >         'fiscalinfo': fields.char('Codice Fiscale', readonly=True),
>>>> >
>>>> >         }
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > @magento_myversion
>>>> >
>>>> > class MyPartnerImportMapper(PartnerImportMapper):
>>>> >
>>>> >     _model_name = 'magento.res.partner'
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >     direct = PartnerImportMapper.direct + [('fiscalinfo',
>>>> 'fiscalcode')]
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > My questions is:
>>>> >
>>>> > 1) where i need to put this code? in
>>>> > the /openerp-connector-magento/magentoerpconnect/partner.py
>>>> >
>>>> > 2) if yes, where in the code page?
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Sorry for my really basic questions,
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > thanks,
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Michele
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > 2014-07-30 14:28 GMT+02:00 Markus Schneider <
>>>> markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>> > <mailto:markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx>>:
>>>> >
>>>> >     Hi Michele,
>>>> >
>>>> >     have you somewhere your code? Have you checked the log files of a
>>>> syntax
>>>> >     error?
>>>> >
>>>> >     You should just have something like:
>>>> >
>>>> >     @magento_myversion
>>>> >     class myProductImportMapper(ProductImportMapper):
>>>> >         _model_name = 'magento.product.product'
>>>> >
>>>> >         direct = ProductImportMapper.direct + [('fiscalinfo',
>>>> 'fiscalcode')]
>>>> >
>>>> >     With all the stuff what you do in the tutorial [1] it should be
>>>> >     everything to make it work.
>>>> >
>>>> >     Kind Regards
>>>> >
>>>> >     Markus
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >     [1]
>>>> http://openerp-magento-connector.com/guides/tutorial_customize.html
>>>> >
>>>> >     On 29.07.2014 20:06, Cooperativa Ceposs wrote:
>>>> >     > Hello,
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     > i'm new with Openerp-magento connector, i did some test and
>>>> everything
>>>> >     > work ok.
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     > Only a thing:
>>>> >     > i need to import a field called "fiscalinfo" form magento to
>>>> >     openerp, i
>>>> >     > did some try with the examples but for now when i test the
>>>> modific the
>>>> >     > "jobs" don't starts.
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     > Someone can help me in this?
>>>> >     > The magento field is "fiscalinfo" and the openerp field is
>>>> >     "fiscalcode"
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     > Thanks,
>>>> >     > Michele
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     > --
>>>> >     > CePoSS Società Cooperativa Sociale
>>>> >     > Via Venezia 92/B
>>>> >     > 35129 - Padova
>>>> >     > Tel 049 8077882
>>>> >     > Fax 049 8598341
>>>> >     > www.cooperativaceposs.com <http://www.cooperativaceposs.com>
>>>> >     <http://www.cooperativaceposs.com/>
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     > ---
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     > Questo messaggio è destinato unicamente alla/e persona/e
>>>> >     sopraindicata/e.
>>>> >     > E' strettamente personale e può contenere informazioni la cui
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>>>> contenuto
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>>>> >     > Chi ha ricevuto per errore questo messaggio è pregato di
>>>> >     distruggerlo e
>>>> >     > di informare la Cooperativa CePoSS rispondendo a questa mail.
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     >
>>>> >
>>>> >     --
>>>> >     Dipl.-Comp.-Math. Markus Schneider
>>>> >     Softwareentwickler
>>>> >
>>>> >     initOS GmbH & Co. KG
>>>> >     An der Eisenbahn 1
>>>> >     21224 Rosengarten
>>>> >
>>>> >     Mobil:   +49 (0)172 2303699 <tel:%2B49%20%280%29172%202303699>
>>>> >     Phone:   +49 (0)4105 5615613 <tel:%2B49%20%280%294105%205615613>
>>>> >     Fax:     +49 (0)4105 5615610 <tel:%2B49%20%280%294105%205615610>
>>>> >
>>>> >     Email:   markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>> >     <mailto:markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> >     Web:     http://www.initos.com
>>>> >
>>>> >     Geschäftsführung:
>>>> >     Dipl. Wirt.-Inf. Frederik Kramer & Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Torsten Francke
>>>> >     Haftende Gesellschafterin: initOS Verwaltungs GmbH
>>>> >
>>>> >     Sitz der Gesellschaft: Rosengarten – Klecken
>>>> >     Amtsgericht Tostedt, HRA 201840
>>>> >     USt-IdNr: DE 275698169
>>>> >     Steuer-Nr: 15/205/21402
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > CePoSS Società Cooperativa Sociale
>>>> > Via Venezia 92/B
>>>> > 35129 - Padova
>>>> > Tel 049 8077882
>>>> > Fax 049 8598341
>>>> > www.cooperativaceposs.com <http://www.cooperativaceposs.com/>
>>>> >
>>>> > ---
>>>> >
>>>> > Questo messaggio è destinato unicamente alla/e persona/e
>>>> sopraindicata/e.
>>>> > E' strettamente personale e può contenere informazioni la cui
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>>>> > Chi ha ricevuto per errore questo messaggio è pregato di distruggerlo
>>>> e
>>>> > di informare la Cooperativa CePoSS rispondendo a questa mail.
>>>> --
>>>> Dipl.-Comp.-Math. Markus Schneider
>>>> Softwareentwickler
>>>> initOS GmbH & Co. KG
>>>> An der Eisenbahn 1
>>>> 21224 Rosengarten
>>>> Mobil:   +49 (0)172 2303699
>>>> Phone:   +49 (0)4105 5615613
>>>> Fax:     +49 (0)4105 5615610
>>>> Email:   markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Web:     http://www.initos.com
>>>> Geschäftsführung:
>>>> Dipl. Wirt.-Inf. Frederik Kramer & Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Torsten Francke
>>>> Haftende Gesellschafterin: initOS Verwaltungs GmbH
>>>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Rosengarten – Klecken
>>>> Amtsgericht Tostedt, HRA 201840
>>>> USt-IdNr: DE 275698169
>>>> Steuer-Nr: 15/205/21402
>>> --
>>> CePoSS Società Cooperativa Sociale
>>> Via Venezia 92/B
>>> 35129 - Padova
>>> Tel 049 8077882
>>> Fax 049 8598341
>>> www.cooperativaceposs.com
>>> ---
>>> Questo messaggio è destinato unicamente alla/e persona/e
>>> sopraindicata/e.
>>> E' strettamente personale e può contenere informazioni la cui
>>> riservatezza è tutelata dalla normativa sulla privacy.
>>> E' espressamente vietato alla/e persona/e non destinataria/e leggere,
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>>> autorizzazione.
>>> Chi ha ricevuto per errore questo messaggio è pregato di distruggerlo e
>>> di informare la Cooperativa CePoSS rispondendo a questa mail.
>> --
>> Dipl.-Comp.-Math. Markus Schneider
>> Softwareentwickler
>> initOS GmbH & Co. KG
>> An der Eisenbahn 1
>> 21224 Rosengarten
>> Mobil: +49 (0)172 2303699
>> Phone: +49 (0)4105 5615613
>> Fax: +49 (0)4105 5615610
>> Email: markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx
>> Web: http://www.initos.com
>> Geschäftsführung:
>> Dipl. Wirt.-Inf. Frederik Kramer & Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Torsten Francke
>> Haftende Gesellschafterin: initOS Verwaltungs GmbH
>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Rosengarten – Klecken
>> Amtsgericht Tostedt, HRA 201840
>> USt-IdNr: DE 275698169
>> Steuer-Nr: 15/205/21402

CePoSS Società Cooperativa Sociale
Via Venezia 92/B
35129 - Padova
Tel 049 8077882
Fax 049 8598341


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