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Doubt: Mapping fields over an non-customized magento backend version


Hi! I tell you,

I developed two independent modules that should work with the same version of backend (magento1700), each module adds a mapping on sale.order model as follows:

Module 1:

//class SaleOrderNotesImportMapper(SaleOrderImportMapper)://
//    _model_name = 'magento.sale.order'//
//    @mapping//
//    def notes(self, record)://
//        result = {}//
//        notes = ''//
//        set_intro = False//
//        for line in record['items']://
//            ifield = line['product_options']//
//            if ifield://
// clean = php_load(ifield.encode('utf-8', errors="ignore"))//
//                options = clean.get('options', {})//
//                options_label = []//
//                begin = '[%s]' % (line['sku'],)//
//                for key in options://
// if options[key].get('option_type', False) == 'field':// // options_label.append('%s %s: %s' % (begin, options[key]['label'],//
//                        begin = ','//
//                if set_intro and options_label://
//                    notes = notes+'\n'//
//                set_intro = True//
//                notes = notes + "".join(options_label)//
//        if notes://
//            notes = _('Order_details:\n')+notes//
//        result = {'note': notes}//
//        return result/

Module 2:

class SaleOrderCouponImportMapper(SaleOrderImportMapper):
    _model_name = 'magento.sale.order'

    def _add_coupon_discount_line(self, map_record, values):

        record = map_record.source
        description_line = False
        coupon_code = record.get('coupon_code', False)
        discount_description = record.get('discount_description', False)
        if not coupon_code:
            return values
        line_builder = self.unit_for(MagentoCouponLineBuilder)
        if discount_description:
            description_line = discount_description
        if coupon_code:
            description_line = "%s(%s)" % (description_line,coupon_code, )
        line_builder.coupon_code = description_line
        line_builder.price_unit = 0.0
        line = (0, 0, line_builder.get_line())
        return values/

, when I try to import a Magento sale_order, i get this error:

/AssertionError: Several classes found for <class 'openerp.addons.magentoerpconnect.sale.SaleOrderImportMapper'> with session <Session db_name: db_demo, uid: 1, context: {}>, model name: magento.sale.order. Found: set([<class 'openerp.addons.magento_import_product_configurable_variants.models.sale.SaleOrderNotesImportMapper'>, <class 'openerp.addons.magentoerpconnect_coupon_line_builder.models.sale.SaleOrderCouponImportMapper'>])//

/What is the correct way of two independent modules can add new fields mapping to a non-customized version of backend?/

/I hope someone can help me with this issue ...

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