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[Merge] lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/pso-dev-addons3 into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3


pso (Open ERP) has proposed merging lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/pso-dev-addons3 into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3.

Requested reviews:
  OpenERP R&D Team (openerp-dev)
Related bugs:
  #617974 trunk - hr payment - rounding issue payment slip
  #663585 [6.0rc1] suggested improvements to PO and SO form view
  #663967 [RC1] SO -History - can delete related invoice
  #666592 save and close crash adding product in point of sale
  #669360 hr_timeeshet_sheet : installation fails on 1st (and probably last) date of the month.
  #669533 [hr_timesheet] Employee timesheet reports confuse employee id and user id
  #672684 Manual Global Tax


I have improved partner and general ledger reports.

If account has secondary currency, it will not display currency in report otherwise it will display sum of all the move_line on that account have the same secondary currency.

Your team OpenERP R&D Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/pso-dev-addons3 into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3.
=== modified file 'account/report/account_general_ledger.py'
--- account/report/account_general_ledger.py	2010-11-12 13:21:27 +0000
+++ account/report/account_general_ledger.py	2010-11-19 10:09:56 +0000
@@ -191,17 +191,19 @@
             sql = """
                 SELECT 0 AS lid, '' AS ldate, '' AS lcode, COALESCE(SUM(l.amount_currency),0.0) AS amount_currency, '' AS lref, 'Initial Balance' AS lname, COALESCE(SUM(l.debit),0.0) AS debit, COALESCE(SUM(l.credit),0.0) AS credit, '' AS lperiod_id, '' AS lpartner_id,
                 '' AS move_name, '' AS mmove_id,
-                '' AS currency_code,
-                NULL AS currency_id,
+                c.symbol AS currency_code,
+                '' AS currency_id,
                 '' AS invoice_id, '' AS invoice_type, '' AS invoice_number,
                 '' AS partner_name
                 FROM account_move_line l
                 LEFT JOIN account_move m on (l.move_id=m.id)
+                LEFT JOIN account_account ac on (l.account_id=ac.id)
                 LEFT JOIN res_currency c on (l.currency_id=c.id)
                 LEFT JOIN res_partner p on (l.partner_id=p.id)
                 LEFT JOIN account_invoice i on (m.id =i.move_id)
                 JOIN account_journal j on (l.journal_id=j.id)
-                WHERE %s AND m.state IN %s AND l.account_id = %%s
+                WHERE %s AND m.state IN %s AND l.account_id = %%s   
+                group by c.symbol 
             """ %(self.init_query, tuple(move_state))
             self.cr.execute(sql, (account.id,))
             res_init = self.cr.dictfetchall()

=== modified file 'account/report/account_general_ledger_landscape.rml'
--- account/report/account_general_ledger_landscape.rml	2010-11-10 07:04:30 +0000
+++ account/report/account_general_ledger_landscape.rml	2010-11-19 10:09:56 +0000
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
 			<td><para style="P4_content">[[ formatLang(line['debit'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]]</para></td>
 			<td><para style="P4_content">[[ formatLang(line['credit'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]]</para></td>
 			<td><para style="P4_content">[[ formatLang(line['progress'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]]</para></td>
-			<td><para style="P4_content"><font>[[ (line.has_key('currency_id') and line['currency_id']==None or line['amount_currency']==None) and removeParentNode('font') ]] [[  formatLang(line['amount_currency'])]] [[  line['currency_code'] or '']]</font></para></td>
+			<td><para style="P4_content"><font>[[ (o.currency_id and formatLang(line['amount_currency'])) or removeParentNode('font') ]] [[  line['currency_code'] or '']] </font></para></td>

=== modified file 'account/report/account_partner_ledger.py'
--- account/report/account_partner_ledger.py	2010-11-12 13:21:27 +0000
+++ account/report/account_partner_ledger.py	2010-11-19 10:09:56 +0000
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
             'get_target_move': self._get_target_move,
+            'sum_currency_amount_account': self._sum_currency_amount_account
     def set_context(self, objects, data, ids, report_type=None):
@@ -385,16 +386,27 @@
             return 'Receivable and Payable Accounts'
         return ''
-    def _sum_currency_amount_account(self, account, form):
-        self._set_get_account_currency_code(account.id)
-        self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(aml.amount_currency) FROM account_move_line as aml,res_currency as rc WHERE aml.currency_id = rc.id AND aml.account_id= %s ", (account.id,))
+#    def _set_get_account_currency_code(self, account_id):
+#        self.cr.execute("SELECT c.symbol AS code "\
+#                        "FROM res_currency c, account_account AS ac "\
+#                        "WHERE ac.id = %s AND ac.currency_id = c.id" % (account_id))
+#        result = self.cr.fetchone()
+#        if result:
+#            self.account_currency = result[0]
+#        else:
+#            self.account_currency = False
+    def _sum_currency_amount_account(self, account):
+#        self._set_get_account_currency_code(account.id)
+        self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(aml.amount_currency) FROM account_move_line as aml,res_currency as rc WHERE aml.currency_id = rc.id AND aml.account_id= %s" %(account.id))
         total = self.cr.fetchone()
-        if self.account_currency:
-            return_field = str(total[0]) + self.account_currency
-            return return_field
-        else:
-            currency_total = self.tot_currency = 0.0
-            return currency_total
+        return total[0] or 0.0
+#        if self.amount_currency:
+#            return_field = total[0] + self.amount_currency
+#            return return_field
+#        else:
+#            currency_total = self.tot_currency = 0.0
+#            return currency_total
     def _display_initial_balance(self, data):
          if self.initial_balance:

=== modified file 'account/report/account_partner_ledger_other.rml'
--- account/report/account_partner_ledger_other.rml	2010-11-10 07:04:30 +0000
+++ account/report/account_partner_ledger_other.rml	2010-11-19 10:09:56 +0000
@@ -327,7 +327,8 @@
     <paraStyle name="Table index 1" rightIndent="0.0" leftIndent="0.0" fontName="Helvetica"/>
     <paraStyle name="Table" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="10.0" leading="13" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/>
     <paraStyle name="Table index heading" rightIndent="0.0" leftIndent="0.0" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="16.0" leading="20" spaceBefore="12.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/>
-  <paraStyle name="terp_default_Right_1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="CENTER" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/>
+    <paraStyle name="terp_default_Right_1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="CENTER" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/>
+    <paraStyle name="P9b" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="8.5" leading="10" alignment="RIGHT" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/>
@@ -656,7 +657,7 @@
           <para style="terp_default_Right_9">[[ formatLang(get_intial_balance(p)[0][2]) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]]</para>
-          <para style="terp_default_Right_9"></para>
+          <para style="terp_default_Right_9">[[ p.property_account_receivable.currency_id and formatLang(sum_currency_amount_account(p.property_account_receivable), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) + p.property_account_receivable.currency_id.symbol or '' ]]</para>
@@ -689,7 +690,7 @@
             <para style="terp_default_Right_9">[[ formatLang((line['progress'])) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]]</para>
-            <para style="terp_default_Right_9"><font>[[ (line['currency_id']==None or line['amount_currency']==None) and removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ formatLang(line['amount_currency'] ) ]] [[ line['currency_code'] or '' ]]</font></para>
+            <para style="terp_default_Right_9"><font>[[ (p.property_account_receivable.currency_id and formatLang(line['amount_currency'])) or removeParentNode('font') ]] [[  line['currency_code'] or '']] </font></para>

Follow ups