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openerp-dev-web team
Mailing list archive
Message #01112
[Merge] lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/pso-dev-addons3 into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3
pso (Open ERP) has proposed merging lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/pso-dev-addons3 into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3.
Requested reviews:
OpenERP R&D Team (openerp-dev)
Related bugs:
#617974 trunk - hr payment - rounding issue payment slip
#663585 [6.0rc1] suggested improvements to PO and SO form view
#663967 [RC1] SO -History - can delete related invoice
#666592 save and close crash adding product in point of sale
#669360 hr_timeeshet_sheet : installation fails on 1st (and probably last) date of the month.
#669533 [hr_timesheet] Employee timesheet reports confuse employee id and user id
#672684 Manual Global Tax
I have improved account and voucher views.
pso (Open ERP)
Your team OpenERP R&D Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/pso-dev-addons3 into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3.
=== modified file 'account/account_invoice_view.xml'
--- account/account_invoice_view.xml 2010-12-06 10:05:55 +0000
+++ account/account_invoice_view.xml 2010-12-09 06:29:11 +0000
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
<field name="amount_total"/>
<field name="state"/>
<field name="residual"/>
- <group col="7" colspan="4" groups="base.group_user">
+ <group col="8" colspan="4" groups="base.group_user">
<button name="invoice_cancel" states="draft,proforma2,sale,open" string="Cancel" icon="gtk-cancel"/>
<button name="action_cancel_draft" states="cancel" string="Reset to Draft" type="object" icon="terp-stock_effects-object-colorize"/>
@@ -310,6 +310,7 @@
<button name='%(action_account_state_open)d' type='action' string='Re-Open' states='paid' icon="gtk-convert" groups="base.group_no_one"/>
<button name="invoice_proforma2" states="draft" string="PRO-FORMA" icon="terp-gtk-media-pause" groups="account.group_account_user"/>
<button name="invoice_open" states="draft,proforma2" string="Validate" icon="gtk-go-forward"/>
+ <button name="%(account_invoices)d" string="Invoices" type="action" icon="gtk-print"/>
@@ -465,7 +466,7 @@
<menuitem action="action_invoice_tree2" id="menu_action_invoice_tree2" parent="menu_finance_payables"/>
<record id="action_invoice_tree3" model="ir.actions.act_window">
- <field name="name">Customer Refunds</field>
+ <field name="name">Credit Memo</field>
<field name="res_model">account.invoice</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_mode">tree,form,calendar,graph</field>
@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@
<field name="domain">[('type','=','out_refund')]</field>
<field name="context">{'type':'out_refund', 'journal_type': 'sale_refund'}</field>
<field name="search_view_id" ref="view_account_invoice_filter"/>
- <field name="help">Customer Refunds helps you manage the credit notes issued/to be issued for your customers. A refund invoice is a document that cancels an invoice or a part of it. You can easily generate refunds and reconcile them from the invoice form.</field>
+ <field name="help">Credit Memo helps you manage the credit notes issued/to be issued for your customers. A refund invoice is a document that cancels an invoice or a part of it. You can easily generate refunds and reconcile them from the invoice form.</field>
<record id="action_invoice_tree3_view1" model="ir.actions.act_window.view">
=== modified file 'account/account_report.xml'
--- account/account_report.xml 2010-11-18 11:56:06 +0000
+++ account/account_report.xml 2010-12-09 06:29:11 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
attachment="(object.state in ('open','paid')) and ('INV'+(object.number or '').replace('/',''))"
- attachment_use="1"/>
+ attachment_use="1"
+ multi="True"/>
<report id="account_transfers" model="account.transfer" name="account.transfer" string="Transfers" xml="account/report/transfer.xml" xsl="account/report/transfer.xsl"/>
<report auto="False" id="account_intracom" menu="False" model="account.move.line" name="account.intracom" string="IntraCom"/>
=== modified file 'account/report/'
--- account/report/ 2010-11-25 14:41:27 +0000
+++ account/report/ 2010-12-09 06:29:11 +0000
@@ -159,13 +159,20 @@
sql_sort=', l.move_id'
sql = """
- SELECT AS lid, AS ldate, j.code AS lcode, l.currency_id,l.amount_currency,l.ref AS lref, AS lname, COALESCE(l.debit,0) AS debit, COALESCE(,0) AS credit, l.period_id AS lperiod_id, l.partner_id AS lpartner_id,
+ SELECT AS lid, AS ldate, j.code AS lcode, l.currency_id,
+ case when a.currency_id is not null then
+ l.amount_currency
+ else
+ 0.0
+ end as amount_currency,
+ l.ref AS lref, AS lname, COALESCE(l.debit,0) AS debit, COALESCE(,0) AS credit, l.period_id AS lperiod_id, l.partner_id AS lpartner_id, AS move_name, AS mmove_id,per.code as period_code,
c.symbol AS currency_code, AS invoice_id, i.type AS invoice_type, i.number AS invoice_number, AS partner_name
FROM account_move_line l
JOIN account_move m on (
+ LEFT JOIN account_account a ON (
LEFT JOIN res_currency c on (
LEFT JOIN res_partner p on (
LEFT JOIN account_invoice i on ( =i.move_id)
@@ -179,23 +186,31 @@
if res_lines and self.init_balance:
#FIXME: replace the label of lname with a string translatable
sql = """
- SELECT 0 AS lid, '' AS ldate, '' AS lcode, COALESCE(SUM(l.amount_currency),0.0) AS amount_currency, '' AS lref, 'Initial Balance' AS lname, COALESCE(SUM(l.debit),0.0) AS debit, COALESCE(SUM(,0.0) AS credit, '' AS lperiod_id, '' AS lpartner_id,
- '' AS move_name, '' AS mmove_id, '' AS period_code,
- '' AS currency_code,
- NULL AS currency_id,
+ SELECT 0 AS lid, '' AS ldate, '' AS lcode,
+ sum(case when a.currency_id is not null then
+ l.amount_currency
+ else
+ 0.0
+ end) as amount_currency,
+ '' AS lref, 'Initial Balance' AS lname, COALESCE(SUM(l.debit),0.0) AS debit, COALESCE(SUM(,0.0) AS credit, '' AS lperiod_id, '' AS lpartner_id,
+ '' AS move_name, '' AS mmove_id,
+ c.symbol AS currency_code,
+ l.currency_id AS currency_id,
'' AS invoice_id, '' AS invoice_type, '' AS invoice_number,
'' AS partner_name
FROM account_move_line l
LEFT JOIN account_move m on (
+ LEFT JOIN account_account a ON (
LEFT JOIN res_currency c on (
LEFT JOIN res_partner p on (
LEFT JOIN account_invoice i on ( =i.move_id)
JOIN account_journal j on (
- WHERE %s AND m.state IN %s AND l.account_id = %%s
+ WHERE %s AND m.state IN %s AND l.account_id = %%s
+ group by c.symbol , l.currency_id
""" %(self.init_query, tuple(move_state)), (,))
res_init =
- res = res_init + res_lines
+ res = res_init + res_lines
account_sum = 0.0
for l in res:
l['move'] = l['move_name'] != '/' and l['move_name'] or ('*'+str(l['mmove_id']))
@@ -209,6 +224,8 @@
l['amount_currency'] = abs(l['amount_currency']) * -1
if l['amount_currency'] != None:
self.tot_currency = self.tot_currency + l['amount_currency']
+"select distinct currency_id from account_invoice")
+ l['cur_id']
return res
def _sum_debit_account(self, account):
=== modified file 'account/report/account_general_ledger.rml'
--- account/report/account_general_ledger.rml 2010-11-24 13:32:59 +0000
+++ account/report/account_general_ledger.rml 2010-12-09 06:29:11 +0000
@@ -622,4 +622,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
=== modified file 'account/report/'
--- account/report/ 2010-11-22 07:19:21 +0000
+++ account/report/ 2010-12-09 06:29:11 +0000
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
'get_target_move': self._get_target_move,
+ 'get_currency': self._get_currency,
+ 'sum_currency_amount_account': self._sum_currency_amount_account
def set_context(self, objects, data, ids, report_type=None):
@@ -161,6 +163,10 @@
return full_account
+ def _get_currency(self):
+"select distinct currency_id from account_invoice")
+ return
def _get_intial_balance(self, partner):
move_state = ['draft','posted']
if self.target_move == 'posted':
@@ -390,16 +396,27 @@
return 'Receivable and Payable Accounts'
return ''
- def _sum_currency_amount_account(self, account, form):
- self._set_get_account_currency_code(
-"SELECT sum(aml.amount_currency) FROM account_move_line as aml,res_currency as rc WHERE aml.currency_id = AND aml.account_id= %s ", (,))
+# def _set_get_account_currency_code(self, account_id):
+#"SELECT c.symbol AS code "\
+# "FROM res_currency c, account_account AS ac "\
+# "WHERE = %s AND ac.currency_id =" % (account_id))
+# result =
+# if result:
+# self.account_currency = result[0]
+# else:
+# self.account_currency = False
+ def _sum_currency_amount_account(self, account):
+# self._set_get_account_currency_code(
+"SELECT sum(aml.amount_currency) FROM account_move_line as aml,res_currency as rc WHERE aml.currency_id = AND aml.account_id= %s" %(
total =
- if self.account_currency:
- return_field = str(total[0]) + self.account_currency
- return return_field
- else:
- currency_total = self.tot_currency = 0.0
- return currency_total
+ return total[0] or 0.0
+# if self.amount_currency:
+# return_field = total[0] + self.amount_currency
+# return return_field
+# else:
+# currency_total = self.tot_currency = 0.0
+# return currency_total
def _display_initial_balance(self, data):
if self.initial_balance:
=== modified file 'account/report/account_partner_ledger_other.rml'
--- account/report/account_partner_ledger_other.rml 2010-11-24 11:34:26 +0000
+++ account/report/account_partner_ledger_other.rml 2010-12-09 06:29:11 +0000
@@ -662,4 +662,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
=== modified file 'account_voucher/voucher_sales_purchase_view.xml'
--- account_voucher/voucher_sales_purchase_view.xml 2010-12-08 07:19:43 +0000
+++ account_voucher/voucher_sales_purchase_view.xml 2010-12-09 06:29:11 +0000
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
<group col="4" colspan="1">
<separator string="Total" colspan="4"/>
- <field name="tax_id" on_change="onchange_price(line_cr_ids, tax_id, partner_id)" widget="selection" domain="[('type_tax_use','in',('sale','all'))]"/><field name="tax_amount" nolabel="1"/><button type="object" icon="terp-stock_format-scientific" name="compute_tax" groups="base.group_extended" string="Compute Tax" attrs="{'invisible': [('state','!=','draft')]}"/>
+ <field name="tax_id" on_change="onchange_price(line_cr_ids, tax_id, partner_id)" widget="selection" domain="[('type_tax_use','in',('sale','all')), ('parent_id', '=', False)]"/><field name="tax_amount" nolabel="1"/><button type="object" icon="terp-stock_format-scientific" name="compute_tax" groups="base.group_extended" string="Compute Tax" attrs="{'invisible': [('state','!=','draft')]}"/>
<label string="" colspan="1"/><field name="amount" string="Total"/>
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
<group col="4" colspan="1">
<separator string="Total" colspan="4"/>
- <field name="tax_id" on_change="onchange_price(line_dr_ids, tax_id, partner_id)" widget="selection" domain="[('type_tax_use','in',('purchase','all'))]"/><field name="tax_amount" nolabel="1"/><button type="object" icon="terp-stock_format-scientific" name="compute_tax" string="Compute Tax" groups="base.group_extended" attrs="{'invisible': [('state','!=','draft')]}"/>
+ <field name="tax_id" on_change="onchange_price(line_dr_ids, tax_id, partner_id)" widget="selection" domain="[('type_tax_use','in',('purchase','all')), ('parent_id', '=', False)]"/><field name="tax_amount" nolabel="1"/><button type="object" icon="terp-stock_format-scientific" name="compute_tax" string="Compute Tax" groups="base.group_extended" attrs="{'invisible': [('state','!=','draft')]}"/>
<label string="" colspan="1"/><field name="amount" string="Total"/>
Follow ups