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[Merge] lp:~openerp-commiter/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3-psi2 into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3


Purnendu Singh (OpenERP) has proposed merging lp:~openerp-commiter/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3-psi2 into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3.

Requested reviews:
  OpenERP R&D Team (openerp-dev)
Related bugs:
  #568537 The __compute method of account_account needs optmization to improve Accounting Performance!
  #588776 Error when closing fiscal year
  #686508 Not able to validate sales receipt
  #686513 Not able to validate supplier vouchers
  #691218 add an employee to a department
  #692139 Account Journal onchange_type method context undefined error
  #692962 In hr contract, shouldn't be able to enter an end date lower than a start date
  #693476 [6.0] sale manager dashboard - "Sales by Customer" - incomplete
  #693810 [RC1]Pay button when you pay directly in Sales receipt form
  #693833 [6.0] performance issues - stock_move, account_move_lines and others
  #694937 [6.0] account entry analysis - unreconciled does not filter 
  #695439 membership: can't open members via GTK client
  #697080 Payment Invoice is not considering the currency in Invoice
  #697207 Bug when sending followups without specifying any email address
  #697714 Unclear warning on cancel opening entries
  #699809 [6.0 and 5.0] Installing account_analytic_analysis you have a maximu of 2147 analytic accounts
  #701895 [Trunk] account_analytic_plan  break the creation of inovice from analytic lines
  #702027 [trunk]hr_payroll minor typos
  #705043 Selection of multi-company products account in invoices lines

For more details, see:

Hello sir,

refactor the code to generate the chart of accounts, journals, taxes, chart of taxes... from templates because currently the code:
 - exists in account/installer.py  (if we select the generic chart of account)
 - exists in account/account.py (if we select a l10n_** module and then run the second wizard.

Purnendu singh
Your team OpenERP R&D Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~openerp-commiter/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3-psi2 into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-dev-addons3.
=== modified file 'account/account.py'
--- account/account.py	2011-02-09 12:05:35 +0000
+++ account/account.py	2011-02-10 05:03:58 +0000
@@ -2684,6 +2684,7 @@
         analytic_journal_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.journal')
         obj_tax_code = self.pool.get('account.tax.code')
         obj_tax_code_template = self.pool.get('account.tax.code.template')
+        obj_acc_journal_view = self.pool.get('account.journal.view')
         ir_values = self.pool.get('ir.values')
         # Creating Account
         obj_acc_root = obj_multi.chart_template_id.account_root_id
@@ -2757,7 +2758,7 @@
         children_acc_template = obj_acc_template.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id','child_of',[obj_acc_root.id]),('nocreate','!=',True)])
-        for account_template in obj_acc_template.browse(cr, uid, children_acc_template,context=context):
+        for account_template in obj_acc_template.browse(cr, uid, children_acc_template, context=context):
             tax_ids = []
             for tax in account_template.tax_ids:
@@ -2783,6 +2784,123 @@
             new_account = obj_acc.create(cr, uid, vals, context=ctx)
             acc_template_ref[account_template.id] = new_account
+            ### Configure Bank Journal for generic chart of account
+            if account_template.name == 'Bank Current Account' and obj_multi.chart_template_id.name == 'Configurable Account Chart Template':
+                b_vals = {
+                    'name': 'Bank Accounts',
+                    'code': '110500',
+                    'type': 'view',
+                    'user_type': account_template.parent_id.user_type and account_template.user_type.id or False,
+                    'shortcut': account_template.shortcut,
+                    'note': account_template.note,
+                    'parent_id': account_template.parent_id and ((account_template.parent_id.id in acc_template_ref) and acc_template_ref[account_template.parent_id.id]) or False,
+                    'tax_ids': [(6,0,tax_ids)],
+                    'company_id': company_id,
+                }
+                bank_account = obj_acc.create(cr, uid, b_vals, context=ctx)
+                view_id_cash = obj_acc_journal_view.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Bank/Cash Journal View')], context=context)[0] #why fixed name here?
+                view_id_cur = obj_acc_journal_view.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Bank/Cash Journal (Multi-Currency) View')], context=context)[0] #Why Fixed name here?
+                cash_result = obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'conf_account_type_cash')
+                cash_type_id = cash_result and cash_result[1] or False
+                bank_result = obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'conf_account_type_bnk')
+                bank_type_id = bank_result and bank_result[1] or False
+                check_result = obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'conf_account_type_chk')
+                check_type_id = check_result and check_result[1] or False
+#                record = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)[0]
+                code_cnt = 1
+                vals_seq = {
+                    'name': _('Bank Journal '),
+                    'code': 'account.journal',
+                    'prefix': 'BNK/%(year)s/',
+                    'company_id': company_id,
+                    'padding': 5
+                }
+                seq_id = obj_sequence.create(cr, uid, vals_seq, context=context)
+                #create the bank journals
+                analitical_bank_ids = analytic_journal_obj.search(cr, uid, [('type', '=', 'situation')], context=context)
+                analitical_journal_bank = analitical_bank_ids and analitical_bank_ids[0] or False
+                vals_journal = {
+                    'name': _('Bank Journal '),
+                    'code': _('BNK'),
+                    'sequence_id': seq_id,
+                    'type': 'bank',
+                    'company_id': company_id,
+                    'analytic_journal_id': analitical_journal_bank
+                }
+                if vals.get('currency_id', False):
+                    vals_journal.update({
+                        'view_id': view_id_cur,
+                        'currency': vals.get('currency_id', False)
+                    })
+                else:
+                    vals_journal.update({'view_id': view_id_cash})
+                vals_journal.update({
+                    'default_credit_account_id': new_account,
+                    'default_debit_account_id': new_account,
+                })
+                obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
+                for val in obj_multi.bank_accounts_id:
+                    seq_padding = 5
+                    if val.account_type == 'cash':
+                        type = cash_type_id
+                    elif val.account_type == 'bank':
+                        type = bank_type_id
+                    elif val.account_type == 'check':
+                        type = check_type_id
+                    else:
+                        type = check_type_id
+                        seq_padding = None
+                    vals_bnk = {
+                        'name': val.acc_name or '',
+                        'currency_id': val.currency_id.id or False,
+                        'code': str(110500 + code_cnt),
+                        'type': 'liquidity',
+                        'user_type': type,
+                        'parent_id': bank_account,
+                        'company_id': company_id
+                    }
+                    child_bnk_acc = obj_acc.create(cr, uid, vals_bnk, context=ctx)
+                    vals_seq_child = {
+                        'name': _(vals_bnk['name'] + ' ' + 'Journal'),
+                        'code': 'account.journal',
+                        'prefix': _((vals_bnk['name'][:3].upper()) + '/%(year)s/'),
+                        'padding': seq_padding
+                    }
+                    seq_id = obj_sequence.create(cr, uid, vals_seq_child, context=context)
+                    #create the bank journal
+                    vals_journal = {}
+                    vals_journal = {
+                        'name': vals_bnk['name'] + _(' Journal'),
+                        'code': _(vals_bnk['name'][:3]).upper(),
+                        'sequence_id': seq_id,
+                        'type': 'cash',
+                        'company_id': company_id
+                    }
+                    if vals.get('currency_id', False):
+                        vals_journal.update({
+                                'view_id': view_id_cur,
+                                'currency': vals_bnk.get('currency_id', False),
+                        })
+                    else:
+                        vals_journal.update({'view_id': view_id_cash})
+                    vals_journal.update({
+                        'default_credit_account_id': child_bnk_acc,
+                        'default_debit_account_id': child_bnk_acc,
+                        'analytic_journal_id': analitical_journal_bank
+                    })
+                    obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
+                    code_cnt += 1
         #reactivate the parent_store functionnality on account_account
@@ -2929,7 +3047,7 @@
                 'view_id': view_id,
                 'name': _('Opening Entries Journal'),
                 'type': 'situation',
-                'code': _('TOEJ'),
+                'code': _('OPEJ'),
                 'sequence_id': seq_id_opening,
                 'company_id': company_id,
                 'centralisation': True,
@@ -2949,55 +3067,56 @@
         view_id_cur = data.res_id
         ref_acc_bank = obj_multi.chart_template_id.bank_account_view_id
-        current_num = 1
-        for line in obj_multi.bank_accounts_id:
-            #create the account_account for this bank journal
-            tmp = line.acc_name
-            dig = obj_multi.code_digits
-            if ref_acc_bank.code:
-                try:
-                    new_code = str(int(ref_acc_bank.code.ljust(dig,'0')) + current_num)
-                except:
-                    new_code = str(ref_acc_bank.code.ljust(dig-len(str(current_num)),'0')) + str(current_num)
-            vals = {
-                'name': tmp,
-                'currency_id': line.currency_id and line.currency_id.id or False,
-                'code': new_code,
-                'type': 'liquidity',
-                'user_type': account_template.user_type and account_template.user_type.id or False,
-                'reconcile': True,
-                'parent_id': acc_template_ref[ref_acc_bank.id] or False,
-                'company_id': company_id,
-            }
-            acc_cash_id  = obj_acc.create(cr,uid,vals)
-            if obj_multi.seq_journal:
-                vals_seq={
-                    'name': _('Bank Journal ') + vals['name'],
-                    'code': 'account.journal',
+        if obj_multi.chart_template_id.name != 'Configurable Account Chart Template':
+            current_num = 1
+            for line in obj_multi.bank_accounts_id:
+                #create the account_account for this bank journal
+                tmp = line.acc_name
+                dig = obj_multi.code_digits
+                if ref_acc_bank.code:
+                    try:
+                        new_code = str(int(ref_acc_bank.code.ljust(dig,'0')) + current_num)
+                    except:
+                        new_code = str(ref_acc_bank.code.ljust(dig-len(str(current_num)),'0')) + str(current_num)
+                vals = {
+                    'name': tmp,
+                    'currency_id': line.currency_id and line.currency_id.id or False,
+                    'code': new_code,
+                    'type': 'liquidity',
+                    'user_type': account_template.user_type and account_template.user_type.id or False,
+                    'reconcile': True,
+                    'parent_id': acc_template_ref[ref_acc_bank.id] or False,
+                    'company_id': company_id,
-                seq_id = obj_sequence.create(cr,uid,vals_seq)
-            #create the bank journal
-            analitical_bank_ids = analytic_journal_obj.search(cr,uid,[('type','=','situation')])
-            analitical_journal_bank = analitical_bank_ids and analitical_bank_ids[0] or False
-            vals_journal['name']= vals['name']
-            vals_journal['code']= _('BNK') + str(current_num)
-            vals_journal['sequence_id'] = seq_id
-            vals_journal['type'] = line.account_type == 'cash' and 'cash' or 'bank'
-            vals_journal['company_id'] =  company_id
-            vals_journal['analytic_journal_id'] = analitical_journal_bank
-            if line.currency_id:
-                vals_journal['view_id'] = view_id_cur
-                vals_journal['currency'] = line.currency_id.id
-            else:
-                vals_journal['view_id'] = view_id_cash
-            vals_journal['default_credit_account_id'] = acc_cash_id
-            vals_journal['default_debit_account_id'] = acc_cash_id
-            obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal)
-            current_num += 1
+                acc_cash_id  = obj_acc.create(cr,uid,vals)
+                if obj_multi.seq_journal:
+                    vals_seq={
+                        'name': _('Bank Journal ') + vals['name'],
+                        'code': 'account.journal',
+                    }
+                    seq_id = obj_sequence.create(cr,uid,vals_seq)
+                #create the bank journal
+                analitical_bank_ids = analytic_journal_obj.search(cr,uid,[('type','=','situation')])
+                analitical_journal_bank = analitical_bank_ids and analitical_bank_ids[0] or False
+                vals_journal['name']= vals['name']
+                vals_journal['code']= _('BNK') + str(current_num)
+                vals_journal['sequence_id'] = seq_id
+                vals_journal['type'] = line.account_type == 'cash' and 'cash' or 'bank'
+                vals_journal['company_id'] =  company_id
+                vals_journal['analytic_journal_id'] = analitical_journal_bank
+                if line.currency_id:
+                    vals_journal['view_id'] = view_id_cur
+                    vals_journal['currency'] = line.currency_id.id
+                else:
+                    vals_journal['view_id'] = view_id_cash
+                vals_journal['default_credit_account_id'] = acc_cash_id
+                vals_journal['default_debit_account_id'] = acc_cash_id
+                obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal)
+                current_num += 1
         #create the properties
         property_obj = self.pool.get('ir.property')

=== modified file 'account/account_installer.xml'
--- account/account_installer.xml	2011-01-14 00:11:01 +0000
+++ account/account_installer.xml	2011-02-10 05:03:58 +0000
@@ -33,25 +33,6 @@
                                 <field name="date_stop"/>
                                 <field name="period" colspan="4"/>
-                            <group colspan="4" attrs="{'invisible':[('charts','!=','configurable')]}">
-                                <field name="sale_tax" on_change="on_change_tax(sale_tax)" attrs="{'required':[('charts','=','configurable')]}"/>
-                                <field name="purchase_tax" groups="base.group_extended"/>
-                            </group>
-                            <group colspan="4" attrs="{'invisible':[('charts','!=','configurable')]}">
-                                <separator col="4" colspan="4" string="Bank and Cash Accounts"/>
-                                <field colspan="4" mode="tree" height="200" name="bank_accounts_id" nolabel="1" widget="one2many_list">
-                                    <form string="">
-                                        <field name="acc_name"/>
-                                        <field name="account_type"/>
-                                        <field name="currency_id" widget="selection" groups="base.group_extended"/>
-                                    </form>
-                                    <tree editable="bottom" string="Your bank and cash accounts">
-                                        <field name="acc_name"/>
-                                        <field name="account_type"/>
-                                        <field name="currency_id" widget="selection" groups="base.group_extended"/>
-                                    </tree>
-                                </field>
-                            </group>

=== modified file 'account/configurable_account_chart.xml'
--- account/configurable_account_chart.xml	2011-02-03 10:16:30 +0000
+++ account/configurable_account_chart.xml	2011-02-10 05:03:58 +0000
@@ -613,6 +613,13 @@
 			<field name="tax_ids" eval="[(6,0,[ref('otaxs')])]"/>
+		<record id="action_wizard_multi_chart_todo" model="ir.actions.todo">
+			<field name="name">Generate Chart of Accounts from a Chart Template</field>
+			<field name="action_id" ref="account.action_wizard_multi_chart"/>
+			<field name="state">open</field>
+			<field name="restart">onskip</field>
+		</record>

=== modified file 'account/installer.py'
--- account/installer.py	2011-02-04 10:20:49 +0000
+++ account/installer.py	2011-02-10 05:03:58 +0000
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@
     _name = 'account.installer'
     _inherit = 'res.config.installer'
-    def _get_default_accounts(self, cr, uid, context=None):
-        accounts = [{'acc_name': 'Current', 'account_type': 'bank'},
-                    {'acc_name': 'Deposit', 'account_type': 'bank'},
-                    {'acc_name': 'Cash', 'account_type': 'cash'}]
-        return accounts
     def _get_charts(self, cr, uid, context=None):
         modules = self.pool.get('ir.module.module')
         ids = modules.search(cr, uid, [('category_id', '=', 'Account Charts')], context=context)
@@ -60,9 +54,6 @@
         'date_start': fields.date('Start Date', required=True),
         'date_stop': fields.date('End Date', required=True),
         'period': fields.selection([('month', 'Monthly'), ('3months','3 Monthly')], 'Periods', required=True),
-        'bank_accounts_id': fields.one2many('account.bank.accounts.wizard', 'bank_account_id', 'Your Bank and Cash Accounts'),
-        'sale_tax': fields.float('Sale Tax(%)'),
-        'purchase_tax': fields.float('Purchase Tax(%)'),
         'company_id': fields.many2one('res.company', 'Company', required=True),
@@ -89,10 +80,7 @@
         'date_start': lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-01-01'),
         'date_stop': lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-12-31'),
         'period': 'month',
-        'sale_tax': 0.0,
-        'purchase_tax': 0.0,
         'company_id': _default_company,
-        'bank_accounts_id': _get_default_accounts,
         'charts': _get_default_charts
@@ -115,8 +103,8 @@
                    res['fields'][field]['selection'] = cmp_select
         return res
-    def on_change_tax(self, cr, uid, id, tax):
-        return {'value': {'purchase_tax': tax}}
+#    def on_change_tax(self, cr, uid, id, tax):
+#        return {'value': {'purchase_tax': tax}}
     def on_change_start_date(self, cr, uid, id, start_date=False):
         if start_date:
@@ -125,497 +113,6 @@
             return {'value': {'date_stop': end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}}
         return {}
-    def generate_configurable_chart(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
-        obj_acc = self.pool.get('account.account')
-        obj_acc_tax = self.pool.get('account.tax')
-        obj_journal = self.pool.get('account.journal')
-        obj_acc_tax_code = self.pool.get('account.tax.code')
-        obj_acc_template = self.pool.get('account.account.template')
-        obj_acc_tax_template = self.pool.get('account.tax.code.template')
-        obj_fiscal_position_template = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position.template')
-        obj_fiscal_position = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position')
-        analytic_journal_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.journal')
-        obj_acc_chart_template = self.pool.get('account.chart.template')
-        obj_acc_journal_view = self.pool.get('account.journal.view')
-        mod_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
-        obj_sequence = self.pool.get('ir.sequence')
-        property_obj = self.pool.get('ir.property')
-        fields_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.fields')
-        obj_tax_fp = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position.tax')
-        obj_ac_fp = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position.account')
-        result = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'configurable_chart_template')
-        id = result and result[1] or False
-        obj_multi = obj_acc_chart_template.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context)
-        record = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)[0]
-        if context is None:
-            context = {}
-        company_id = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)[0].company_id
-        seq_journal = True
-        # Creating Account
-        obj_acc_root = obj_multi.account_root_id
-        tax_code_root_id = obj_multi.tax_code_root_id.id
-        #new code
-        acc_template_ref = {}
-        tax_template_ref = {}
-        tax_code_template_ref = {}
-        todo_dict = {}
-        #create all the tax code
-        children_tax_code_template = obj_acc_tax_template.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', [tax_code_root_id])], order='id')
-        children_tax_code_template.sort()
-        for tax_code_template in obj_acc_tax_template.browse(cr, uid, children_tax_code_template, context=context):
-            vals = {
-                'name': (tax_code_root_id == tax_code_template.id) and company_id.name or tax_code_template.name,
-                'code': tax_code_template.code,
-                'info': tax_code_template.info,
-                'parent_id': tax_code_template.parent_id and ((tax_code_template.parent_id.id in tax_code_template_ref) and tax_code_template_ref[tax_code_template.parent_id.id]) or False,
-                'company_id': company_id.id,
-                'sign': tax_code_template.sign,
-            }
-            new_tax_code = obj_acc_tax_code.create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
-            #recording the new tax code to do the mapping
-            tax_code_template_ref[tax_code_template.id] = new_tax_code
-        #create all the tax
-        for tax in obj_multi.tax_template_ids:
-            #create it
-            vals_tax = {
-                'name': tax.name,
-                'sequence': tax.sequence,
-                'amount': tax.amount,
-                'type': tax.type,
-                'applicable_type': tax.applicable_type,
-                'domain': tax.domain,
-                'parent_id': tax.parent_id and ((tax.parent_id.id in tax_template_ref) and tax_template_ref[tax.parent_id.id]) or False,
-                'child_depend': tax.child_depend,
-                'python_compute': tax.python_compute,
-                'python_compute_inv': tax.python_compute_inv,
-                'python_applicable': tax.python_applicable,
-                'base_code_id': tax.base_code_id and ((tax.base_code_id.id in tax_code_template_ref) and tax_code_template_ref[tax.base_code_id.id]) or False,
-                'tax_code_id': tax.tax_code_id and ((tax.tax_code_id.id in tax_code_template_ref) and tax_code_template_ref[tax.tax_code_id.id]) or False,
-                'base_sign': tax.base_sign,
-                'tax_sign': tax.tax_sign,
-                'ref_base_code_id': tax.ref_base_code_id and ((tax.ref_base_code_id.id in tax_code_template_ref) and tax_code_template_ref[tax.ref_base_code_id.id]) or False,
-                'ref_tax_code_id': tax.ref_tax_code_id and ((tax.ref_tax_code_id.id in tax_code_template_ref) and tax_code_template_ref[tax.ref_tax_code_id.id]) or False,
-                'ref_base_sign': tax.ref_base_sign,
-                'ref_tax_sign': tax.ref_tax_sign,
-                'include_base_amount': tax.include_base_amount,
-                'description': tax.description,
-                'company_id': company_id.id,
-                'type_tax_use': tax.type_tax_use,
-                'price_include': tax.price_include
-            }
-            new_tax = obj_acc_tax.create(cr, uid, vals_tax, context=context)
-            #as the accounts have not been created yet, we have to wait before filling these fields
-            todo_dict[new_tax] = {
-                'account_collected_id': tax.account_collected_id and tax.account_collected_id.id or False,
-                'account_paid_id': tax.account_paid_id and tax.account_paid_id.id or False,
-            }
-            tax_template_ref[tax.id] = new_tax
-        #deactivate the parent_store functionnality on account_account for rapidity purpose
-        ctx = context and context.copy() or {}
-        ctx['defer_parent_store_computation'] = True
-        children_acc_template = obj_acc_template.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', [obj_acc_root.id]), ('nocreate', '!=', True)], context=context)
-        children_acc_template.sort()
-        for account_template in obj_acc_template.browse(cr, uid, children_acc_template, context=context):
-            tax_ids = []
-            for tax in account_template.tax_ids:
-                tax_ids.append(tax_template_ref[tax.id])
-            #create the account_account
-            dig = 6
-            code_main = account_template.code and len(account_template.code) or 0
-            code_acc = account_template.code or ''
-            if code_main > 0 and code_main <= dig and account_template.type != 'view':
-                code_acc = str(code_acc) + (str('0'*(dig-code_main)))
-            vals = {
-                'name': (obj_acc_root.id == account_template.id) and company_id.name or account_template.name,
-                #'sign': account_template.sign,
-                'currency_id': account_template.currency_id and account_template.currency_id.id or False,
-                'code': code_acc,
-                'type': account_template.type,
-                'user_type': account_template.user_type and account_template.user_type.id or False,
-                'reconcile': account_template.reconcile,
-                'shortcut': account_template.shortcut,
-                'note': account_template.note,
-                'parent_id': account_template.parent_id and ((account_template.parent_id.id in acc_template_ref) and acc_template_ref[account_template.parent_id.id]) or False,
-                'tax_ids': [(6, 0, tax_ids)],
-                'company_id': company_id.id,
-            }
-            new_account = obj_acc.create(cr, uid, vals, context=ctx)
-            acc_template_ref[account_template.id] = new_account
-            if account_template.name == 'Bank Current Account':
-                b_vals = {
-                    'name': 'Bank Accounts',
-                    'code': '110500',
-                    'type': 'view',
-                    'user_type': account_template.parent_id.user_type and account_template.user_type.id or False,
-                    'shortcut': account_template.shortcut,
-                    'note': account_template.note,
-                    'parent_id': account_template.parent_id and ((account_template.parent_id.id in acc_template_ref) and acc_template_ref[account_template.parent_id.id]) or False,
-                    'tax_ids': [(6,0,tax_ids)],
-                    'company_id': company_id.id,
-                }
-                bank_account = obj_acc.create(cr, uid, b_vals, context=ctx)
-                view_id_cash = obj_acc_journal_view.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Bank/Cash Journal View')], context=context)[0] #why fixed name here?
-                view_id_cur = obj_acc_journal_view.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Bank/Cash Journal (Multi-Currency) View')], context=context)[0] #Why Fixed name here?
-                cash_result = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'conf_account_type_cash')
-                cash_type_id = cash_result and cash_result[1] or False
-                bank_result = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'conf_account_type_bnk')
-                bank_type_id = bank_result and bank_result[1] or False
-                check_result = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'conf_account_type_chk')
-                check_type_id = check_result and check_result[1] or False
-#                record = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)[0]
-                code_cnt = 1
-                vals_seq = {
-                    'name': _('Bank Journal '),
-                    'code': 'account.journal',
-                    'prefix': 'BNK/%(year)s/',
-                    'company_id': company_id.id,
-                    'padding': 5
-                }
-                seq_id = obj_sequence.create(cr, uid, vals_seq, context=context)
-                #create the bank journals
-                analitical_bank_ids = analytic_journal_obj.search(cr, uid, [('type', '=', 'situation')], context=context)
-                analitical_journal_bank = analitical_bank_ids and analitical_bank_ids[0] or False
-                vals_journal = {
-                    'name': _('Bank Journal '),
-                    'code': _('BNK'),
-                    'sequence_id': seq_id,
-                    'type': 'bank',
-                    'company_id': company_id.id,
-                    'analytic_journal_id': analitical_journal_bank
-                }
-                if vals.get('currency_id', False):
-                    vals_journal.update({
-                        'view_id': view_id_cur,
-                        'currency': vals.get('currency_id', False)
-                    })
-                else:
-                    vals_journal.update({'view_id': view_id_cash})
-                vals_journal.update({
-                    'default_credit_account_id': new_account,
-                    'default_debit_account_id': new_account,
-                })
-                obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
-                for val in record.bank_accounts_id:
-                    seq_padding = 5
-                    if val.account_type == 'cash':
-                        type = cash_type_id
-                    elif val.account_type == 'bank':
-                        type = bank_type_id
-                    elif val.account_type == 'check':
-                        type = check_type_id
-                    else:
-                        type = check_type_id
-                        seq_padding = None
-                    vals_bnk = {
-                        'name': val.acc_name or '',
-                        'currency_id': val.currency_id.id or False,
-                        'code': str(110500 + code_cnt),
-                        'type': 'liquidity',
-                        'user_type': type,
-                        'parent_id': bank_account,
-                        'company_id': company_id.id
-                    }
-                    child_bnk_acc = obj_acc.create(cr, uid, vals_bnk, context=ctx)
-                    vals_seq_child = {
-                        'name': _(vals_bnk['name'] + ' ' + 'Journal'),
-                        'code': 'account.journal',
-                        'prefix': _((vals_bnk['name'][:3].upper()) + '/%(year)s/'),
-                        'padding': seq_padding
-                    }
-                    seq_id = obj_sequence.create(cr, uid, vals_seq_child, context=context)
-                    #create the bank journal
-                    vals_journal = {}
-                    vals_journal = {
-                        'name': vals_bnk['name'] + _(' Journal'),
-                        'code': _(vals_bnk['name'][:3]).upper(),
-                        'sequence_id': seq_id,
-                        'type': 'cash',
-                        'company_id': company_id.id
-                    }
-                    if vals.get('currency_id', False):
-                        vals_journal.update({
-                                'view_id': view_id_cur,
-                                'currency': vals_bnk.get('currency_id', False),
-                        })
-                    else:
-                        vals_journal.update({'view_id': view_id_cash})
-                    vals_journal.update({
-                        'default_credit_account_id': child_bnk_acc,
-                        'default_debit_account_id': child_bnk_acc,
-                        'analytic_journal_id': analitical_journal_bank
-                    })
-                    obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
-                    code_cnt += 1
-        #reactivate the parent_store functionality on account_account
-        obj_acc._parent_store_compute(cr)
-        for key, value in todo_dict.items():
-            if value['account_collected_id'] or value['account_paid_id']:
-                obj_acc_tax.write(cr, uid, [key], {
-                    'account_collected_id': acc_template_ref[value['account_collected_id']],
-                    'account_paid_id': acc_template_ref[value['account_paid_id']],
-                })
-        # Creating Journals Sales and Purchase
-        vals_journal = {}
-        data_id = mod_obj.search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'account.journal.view'), ('name', '=', 'account_sp_journal_view')], context=context)
-        data = mod_obj.browse(cr, uid, data_id[0], context=context)
-        view_id = data.res_id
-        seq_id = obj_sequence.search(cr,uid,[('name', '=', 'Account Journal')], context=context)[0]
-        if seq_journal:
-            seq_sale = {
-                'name': 'Sale Journal',
-                'code': 'account.journal',
-                'prefix': 'SAJ/%(year)s/',
-                'padding': 3,
-                'company_id': company_id.id
-            }
-            seq_id_sale = obj_sequence.create(cr, uid, seq_sale, context=context)
-            seq_purchase = {
-                'name': 'Purchase Journal',
-                'code': 'account.journal',
-                'prefix': 'EXJ/%(year)s/',
-                'padding': 3,
-                'company_id': company_id.id
-            }
-            seq_id_purchase = obj_sequence.create(cr, uid, seq_purchase, context=context)
-            seq_refund_sale = {
-                'name': 'Sales Refund Journal',
-                'code': 'account.journal',
-                'prefix': 'SCNJ/%(year)s/',
-                'padding': 3,
-                'company_id': company_id.id
-            }
-            seq_id_sale_refund = obj_sequence.create(cr, uid, seq_refund_sale, context=context)
-            seq_refund_purchase = {
-                'name': 'Purchase Refund Journal',
-                'code': 'account.journal',
-                'prefix': 'ECNJ/%(year)s/',
-                'padding': 3,
-                'company_id': company_id.id
-            }
-            seq_id_purchase_refund = obj_sequence.create(cr, uid, seq_refund_purchase, context=context)
-            seq_opening_journal = {
-                'name': 'Opening Entries Journal',
-                'code': 'account.journal',
-                'prefix': 'OPEJ/%(year)s/',
-                'padding': 3,
-                'company_id': company_id.id
-            }
-            seq_id_opening = obj_sequence.create(cr, uid, seq_opening_journal, context=context)
-            seq_miscellaneous_journal = {
-                'name': 'Miscellaneous Journal',
-                'code': 'account.journal',
-                'prefix': 'MISJ/%(year)s/',
-                'padding': 3,
-                'company_id': company_id.id
-            }
-            seq_id_miscellaneous = obj_sequence.create(cr, uid, seq_miscellaneous_journal, context=context)
-        else:
-            seq_id_sale = seq_id
-            seq_id_purchase = seq_id
-            seq_id_sale_refund = seq_id
-            seq_id_purchase_refund = seq_id
-            seq_id_opening = seq_id
-            seq_id_miscellaneous = seq_id
-        vals_journal['view_id'] = view_id
-        #Sales Journal
-        analitical_sale_ids = analytic_journal_obj.search(cr, uid, [('type','=','sale')], context=context)
-        analitical_journal_sale = analitical_sale_ids and analitical_sale_ids[0] or False
-        vals_journal.update({
-            'name': _('Sales Journal'),
-            'type': 'sale',
-            'code': _('SAJ'),
-            'sequence_id': seq_id_sale,
-            'analytic_journal_id': analitical_journal_sale,
-            'company_id': company_id.id
-        })
-        if obj_multi.property_account_receivable:
-            vals_journal.update({
-                    'default_credit_account_id': acc_template_ref[obj_multi.property_account_income_categ.id],
-                    'default_debit_account_id': acc_template_ref[obj_multi.property_account_income_categ.id],
-            })
-        obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
-        # Purchase Journal
-        analitical_purchase_ids = analytic_journal_obj.search(cr, uid, [('type', '=', 'purchase')], context=context)
-        analitical_journal_purchase = analitical_purchase_ids and analitical_purchase_ids[0] or False
-        vals_journal.update({
-            'name': _('Purchase Journal'),
-            'type': 'purchase',
-            'code': _('EXJ'),
-            'sequence_id': seq_id_purchase,
-            'analytic_journal_id': analitical_journal_purchase,
-            'company_id': company_id.id
-        })
-        if obj_multi.property_account_payable:
-            vals_journal.update({
-                'default_credit_account_id': acc_template_ref[obj_multi.property_account_expense_categ.id],
-                'default_debit_account_id': acc_template_ref[obj_multi.property_account_expense_categ.id]
-            })
-        obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
-        # Creating Journals Sales Refund and Purchase Refund
-        vals_journal = {}
-        data_id = mod_obj.search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'account.journal.view'), ('name', '=', 'account_sp_refund_journal_view')], context=context)
-        data = mod_obj.browse(cr, uid, data_id[0], context=context)
-        view_id = data.res_id
-        #Sales Refund Journal
-        vals_journal = {
-            'view_id': view_id,
-            'name': _('Sales Refund Journal'),
-            'type': 'sale_refund',
-            'refund_journal': True,
-            'code': _('SCNJ'),
-            'sequence_id': seq_id_sale_refund,
-            'analytic_journal_id': analitical_journal_sale,
-            'company_id': company_id.id
-        }
-        if obj_multi.property_account_receivable:
-            vals_journal.update({
-                'default_credit_account_id': acc_template_ref[obj_multi.property_account_income_categ.id],
-                'default_debit_account_id': acc_template_ref[obj_multi.property_account_income_categ.id]
-            })
-        obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
-        # Purchase Refund Journal
-        vals_journal = {
-            'view_id': view_id,
-            'name': _('Purchase Refund Journal'),
-            'type': 'purchase_refund',
-            'refund_journal': True,
-            'code': _('ECNJ'),
-            'sequence_id': seq_id_purchase_refund,
-            'analytic_journal_id': analitical_journal_purchase,
-            'company_id': company_id.id
-        }
-        if obj_multi.property_account_payable:
-            vals_journal.update({
-                'default_credit_account_id': acc_template_ref[obj_multi.property_account_expense_categ.id],
-                'default_debit_account_id': acc_template_ref[obj_multi.property_account_expense_categ.id]
-            })
-        obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
-        # Miscellaneous Journal
-        data_id = mod_obj.search(cr, uid, [('model','=','account.journal.view'), ('name','=','account_journal_view')], context=context)
-        data = mod_obj.browse(cr, uid, data_id[0], context=context)
-        view_id_misc = data.res_id
-        analitical_miscellaneous_ids = analytic_journal_obj.search(cr, uid, [('type', '=', 'situation')], context=context)
-        analitical_journal_miscellaneous = analitical_miscellaneous_ids and analitical_miscellaneous_ids[0] or False
-        vals_journal = {
-            'view_id': view_id_misc,
-            'name': _('Miscellaneous Journal'),
-            'type': 'general',
-            'code': _('MISC'),
-            'sequence_id': seq_id_miscellaneous,
-            'analytic_journal_id': analitical_journal_miscellaneous,
-            'company_id': company_id.id
-        }
-        obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
-        # Opening Entries Journal
-        if obj_multi.property_account_income_opening and obj_multi.property_account_expense_opening:
-            vals_journal = {
-                'view_id': view_id_misc,
-                'name': _('Opening Entries Journal'),
-                'type': 'situation',
-                'code': _('OPEJ'),
-                'sequence_id': seq_id_opening,
-                'company_id': company_id.id,
-                'centralisation': True,
-                'default_credit_account_id': acc_template_ref[obj_multi.property_account_income_opening.id],
-                'default_debit_account_id': acc_template_ref[obj_multi.property_account_expense_opening.id]
-                }
-            obj_journal.create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
-        # Bank Journals
-        view_id_cash = obj_acc_journal_view.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Bank/Cash Journal View')], context=context)[0] #TOFIX: Why put fixed name ?
-        view_id_cur = obj_acc_journal_view.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Bank/Cash Journal (Multi-Currency) View')], context=context)[0] #TOFIX: why put fixed name?
-        #create the properties
-        todo_list = [
-            ('property_account_receivable', 'res.partner', 'account.account'),
-            ('property_account_payable', 'res.partner', 'account.account'),
-            ('property_account_expense_categ', 'product.category', 'account.account'),
-            ('property_account_income_categ', 'product.category', 'account.account'),
-            ('property_account_expense', 'product.template', 'account.account'),
-            ('property_account_income', 'product.template', 'account.account'),
-            ('property_reserve_and_surplus_account', 'res.company', 'account.account'),
-        ]
-        for record in todo_list:
-            r = []
-            r = property_obj.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', record[0]), ('company_id', '=', company_id.id)], context=context)
-            account = getattr(obj_multi, record[0])
-            field = fields_obj.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', record[0]), ('model', '=', record[1]), ('relation', '=', record[2])], context=context)
-            vals = {
-                'name': record[0],
-                'company_id': company_id.id,
-                'fields_id': field[0],
-                'value': account and 'account.account, '+str(acc_template_ref[account.id]) or False,
-            }
-            if r:
-                #the property exist: modify it
-                property_obj.write(cr, uid, r, vals, context=context)
-            else:
-                #create the property
-                property_obj.create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
-        fp_ids = obj_fiscal_position_template.search(cr, uid, [('chart_template_id', '=', obj_multi.id)], context=context)
-        if fp_ids:
-            for position in obj_fiscal_position_template.browse(cr, uid, fp_ids, context=context):
-                vals_fp = {
-                    'company_id': company_id.id,
-                    'name': position.name,
-                }
-                new_fp = obj_fiscal_position.create(cr, uid, vals_fp, context=context)
-                for tax in position.tax_ids:
-                    vals_tax = {
-                        'tax_src_id': tax_template_ref[tax.tax_src_id.id],
-                        'tax_dest_id': tax.tax_dest_id and tax_template_ref[tax.tax_dest_id.id] or False,
-                        'position_id': new_fp,
-                    }
-                    obj_tax_fp.create(cr, uid, vals_tax, context=context)
-                for acc in position.account_ids:
-                    vals_acc = {
-                        'account_src_id': acc_template_ref[acc.account_src_id.id],
-                        'account_dest_id': acc_template_ref[acc.account_dest_id.id],
-                        'position_id': new_fp,
-                    }
-                    obj_ac_fp.create(cr, uid, vals_acc, context=context)
     def execute(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         if context is None:
             context = {}
@@ -635,129 +132,6 @@
                 fp = tools.file_open(opj('account', 'configurable_account_chart.xml'))
                 tools.convert_xml_import(cr, 'account', fp, {}, 'init', True, None)
-                self.generate_configurable_chart(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
-                s_tax = (res.get('sale_tax', 0.0))/100
-                p_tax = (res.get('purchase_tax', 0.0))/100
-                tax_val = {}
-                default_tax = []
-                pur_temp_tax = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'tax_code_base_purchases')
-                pur_temp_tax_id = pur_temp_tax and pur_temp_tax[1] or False
-                pur_temp_tax_names = obj_temp_tax_code.read(cr, uid, [pur_temp_tax_id], ['name'], context=context)
-                pur_tax_parent_name = pur_temp_tax_names and pur_temp_tax_names[0]['name'] or False
-                pur_taxcode_parent_id = obj_tax_code.search(cr, uid, [('name', 'ilike', pur_tax_parent_name)], context=context)
-                if pur_taxcode_parent_id:
-                    pur_taxcode_parent_id = pur_taxcode_parent_id[0]
-                else:
-                    pur_taxcode_parent_id = False
-                pur_temp_tax_paid = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'tax_code_input')
-                pur_temp_tax_paid_id = pur_temp_tax_paid and pur_temp_tax_paid[1] or False
-                pur_temp_tax_paid_names = obj_temp_tax_code.read(cr, uid, [pur_temp_tax_paid_id], ['name'], context=context)
-                pur_tax_paid_parent_name = pur_temp_tax_names and pur_temp_tax_paid_names[0]['name'] or False
-                pur_taxcode_paid_parent_id = obj_tax_code.search(cr, uid, [('name', 'ilike', pur_tax_paid_parent_name)], context=context)
-                if pur_taxcode_paid_parent_id:
-                    pur_taxcode_paid_parent_id = pur_taxcode_paid_parent_id[0]
-                else:
-                    pur_taxcode_paid_parent_id = False
-                sale_temp_tax = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'tax_code_base_sales')
-                sale_temp_tax_id = sale_temp_tax and sale_temp_tax[1] or False
-                sale_temp_tax_names = obj_temp_tax_code.read(cr, uid, [sale_temp_tax_id], ['name'], context=context)
-                sale_tax_parent_name = sale_temp_tax_names and sale_temp_tax_names[0]['name'] or False
-                sale_taxcode_parent_id = obj_tax_code.search(cr, uid, [('name', 'ilike', sale_tax_parent_name)], context=context)
-                if sale_taxcode_parent_id:
-                    sale_taxcode_parent_id = sale_taxcode_parent_id[0]
-                else:
-                    sale_taxcode_parent_id = False
-                sale_temp_tax_paid = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'tax_code_output')
-                sale_temp_tax_paid_id = sale_temp_tax_paid and sale_temp_tax_paid[1] or False
-                sale_temp_tax_paid_names = obj_temp_tax_code.read(cr, uid, [sale_temp_tax_paid_id], ['name'], context=context)
-                sale_tax_paid_parent_name = sale_temp_tax_paid_names and sale_temp_tax_paid_names[0]['name'] or False
-                sale_taxcode_paid_parent_id = obj_tax_code.search(cr, uid, [('name', 'ilike', sale_tax_paid_parent_name)], context=context)
-                if sale_taxcode_paid_parent_id:
-                    sale_taxcode_paid_parent_id = sale_taxcode_paid_parent_id[0]
-                else:
-                    sale_taxcode_paid_parent_id = False
-                if s_tax*100 > 0.0:
-                    tax_account_ids = obj_acc.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Tax Received')], context=context)
-                    sales_tax_account_id = tax_account_ids and tax_account_ids[0] or False
-                    vals_tax_code = {
-                        'name': 'TAX%s%%'%(s_tax*100),
-                        'code': 'TAX%s%%'%(s_tax*100),
-                        'company_id': company_id.id,
-                        'sign': 1,
-                        'parent_id': sale_taxcode_parent_id
-                    }
-                    new_tax_code = obj_tax_code.create(cr, uid, vals_tax_code, context=context)
-                    vals_paid_tax_code = {
-                        'name': 'TAX Received %s%%'%(s_tax*100),
-                        'code': 'TAX Received %s%%'%(s_tax*100),
-                        'company_id': company_id.id,
-                        'sign': 1,
-                        'parent_id': sale_taxcode_paid_parent_id
-                        }
-                    new_paid_tax_code = obj_tax_code.create(cr, uid, vals_paid_tax_code, context=context)
-                    sales_tax = obj_tax.create(cr, uid,
-                                           {'name': 'TAX %s%%'%(s_tax*100),
-                                            'amount': s_tax,
-                                            'base_code_id': new_tax_code,
-                                            'tax_code_id': new_paid_tax_code,
-                                            'type_tax_use': 'sale',
-                                            'account_collected_id': sales_tax_account_id,
-                                            'account_paid_id': sales_tax_account_id
-                                            }, context=context)
-                    default_account_ids = obj_acc.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Product Sales')], context=context)
-                    if default_account_ids:
-                        obj_acc.write(cr, uid, default_account_ids, {'tax_ids': [(6, 0, [sales_tax])]}, context=context)
-                    tax_val.update({'taxes_id': [(6, 0, [sales_tax])]})
-                    default_tax.append(('taxes_id', sales_tax))
-                if p_tax*100 > 0.0:
-                    tax_account_ids = obj_acc.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Tax Paid')], context=context)
-                    purchase_tax_account_id = tax_account_ids and tax_account_ids[0] or False
-                    vals_tax_code = {
-                        'name': 'TAX%s%%'%(p_tax*100),
-                        'code': 'TAX%s%%'%(p_tax*100),
-                        'company_id': company_id.id,
-                        'sign': 1,
-                        'parent_id': pur_taxcode_parent_id
-                    }
-                    new_tax_code = obj_tax_code.create(cr, uid, vals_tax_code, context=context)
-                    vals_paid_tax_code = {
-                        'name': 'TAX Paid %s%%'%(p_tax*100),
-                        'code': 'TAX Paid %s%%'%(p_tax*100),
-                        'company_id': company_id.id,
-                        'sign': 1,
-                        'parent_id': pur_taxcode_paid_parent_id
-                    }
-                    new_paid_tax_code = obj_tax_code.create(cr, uid, vals_paid_tax_code, context=context)
-                    purchase_tax = obj_tax.create(cr, uid,
-                                            {'name': 'TAX%s%%'%(p_tax*100),
-                                             'description': 'TAX%s%%'%(p_tax*100),
-                                             'amount': p_tax,
-                                             'base_code_id': new_tax_code,
-                                            'tax_code_id': new_paid_tax_code,
-                                            'type_tax_use': 'purchase',
-                                            'account_collected_id': purchase_tax_account_id,
-                                            'account_paid_id': purchase_tax_account_id
-                                             }, context=context)
-                    default_account_ids = obj_acc.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Expenses')], context=context)
-                    if default_account_ids:
-                        obj_acc.write(cr, uid, default_account_ids, {'tax_ids': [(6, 0, [purchase_tax])]}, context=context)
-                    tax_val.update({'supplier_taxes_id': [(6 ,0, [purchase_tax])]})
-                    default_tax.append(('supplier_taxes_id', purchase_tax))
-                if tax_val:
-                    product_ids = obj_product.search(cr, uid, [], context=context)
-                    for product in obj_product.browse(cr, uid, product_ids, context=context):
-                        obj_product.write(cr, uid, product.id, tax_val, context=context)
-                    for name, value in default_tax:
-                        ir_values.set(cr, uid, key='default', key2=False, name=name, models =[('product.product', False)], value=[value])
             if 'date_start' in res and 'date_stop' in res:
                 f_ids = fy_obj.search(cr, uid, [('date_start', '<=', res['date_start']), ('date_stop', '>=', res['date_stop']), ('company_id', '=', res['company_id'])], context=context)
                 if not f_ids:
@@ -778,7 +152,6 @@
                     elif res['period'] == '3months':
                         fy_obj.create_period3(cr, uid, [fiscal_id])
     def modules_to_install(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         modules = super(account_installer, self).modules_to_install(
             cr, uid, ids, context=context)
@@ -791,18 +164,6 @@
-class account_bank_accounts_wizard(osv.osv_memory):
-    _name='account.bank.accounts.wizard'
-    _columns = {
-        'acc_name': fields.char('Account Name.', size=64, required=True),
-        'bank_account_id': fields.many2one('account.installer', 'Bank Account', required=True),
-        'currency_id': fields.many2one('res.currency', 'Secondary Currency', help="Forces all moves for this account to have this secondary currency."),
-        'account_type': fields.selection([('cash','Cash'), ('check','Check'), ('bank','Bank')], 'Account Type', size=32),
-    }
 class account_installer_modules(osv.osv_memory):
     _name = 'account.installer.modules'
     _inherit = 'res.config.installer'