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[Merge] lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-server/trunk-bug-715667-vmt into lp:openobject-server


Vo Minh Thu (OpenERP) has proposed merging lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-server/trunk-bug-715667-vmt into lp:openobject-server.

Requested reviews:
  OpenERP Core Team (openerp)

For more details, see:

Cleaning of the setup.py.
Your team OpenERP R&D Team is subscribed to branch lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-server/trunk-bug-715667-vmt.
=== modified file 'MANIFEST.in'
--- MANIFEST.in	2011-03-22 14:08:41 +0000
+++ MANIFEST.in	2011-03-22 14:22:32 +0000
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
-include rpminstall_sh.txt
+include rpminstall_sh.txt # TODO do we need this file ?
 include README
 include LICENSE
 include MANIFEST.in
 include setup.nsi
 include setup.cfg
-include bin/import_xml.rng
-include bin/server.cert
-include bin/server.pkey
-include bin/gpl.txt
+#include openerp/server.cert
+#include openerp/server.pkey
+#include openerp/gpl.txt
 include man/openerp-server.1
 include man/openerp_serverrc.5
-recursive-include pixmaps *
-recursive-include win32 *
-recursive-include doc *
-recursive-include bin *xml *xsl *sql *rml *sxw *csv *rng
-graft bin/addons
-global-exclude *pyc *~
+recursive-include pixmaps *bmp *ico *png
+recursive-include win32 *.py *.bat
+recursive-include openerp *css *csv *html *png *po *pot
+recursive-include openerp *rml *rng *sql *sxw *xml *xsl *yml
+graft doc
+global-exclude *pyc *~    # Exclude possible garbage from previous graft.

=== removed file 'doc/Changelog-4.x.moved'
--- doc/Changelog-4.x.moved	2009-11-20 14:31:04 +0000
+++ doc/Changelog-4.x.moved	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,951 +0,0 @@
-	Bugfixes
-	Fix context for source_count function
-	Create stock move on production for products without BOM lines
-	Add IBAN fields in bank view
-	Fix uninitialize variable in import data
-	Update due date on invoice when payment term change
-	Fix store on field function that have type many2one or one2one
-	Request summary must be truncate
-	Partner event name must be truncate
-	Remove parent field on partner contact view
-	Fix icon type on journal period
-	Remove exception on the size of char field
-	Fix reference on move line that comes from invoice (Customer != Supplier)
-	Add function search on sheet_id of timesheet_sheet
-	Don't return 0 for balance account if there is no fiscal year
-	Fix set to draft for expense, now really set to draft
-	Add product and partner in the recursive call of tax compute
-	Don't compute balance account for inactive account
-	Fix bad encoding in log message on report_sxw
-	Fix overdue report for refund lines
-	Don't start server in non secure mode if secure mode have been set
-	Fix default value of move line if move_id is not find
-	Fix _product_partner_ref for cannot concatenate 'str' and 'bool' objects
-	Add partner_id in the context of SO for browsing the product
-	Fix multi-tax code on invoice
-	Fix tax definition for Belgium chart
-	Remove compute debit/credit on inactive account
-	Fix the way the tax are rounded for invoice with tax included prices
-	Fix SO to use the right uom and price to create invoice
-	Fix on_chnage uos on SO to return the id not the browse record
-	Add condition on the button "Sending goods>Packing to be invoiced" to show
-		only customer packings
-	Fix zero division error when the quantity is zero on an invoice line
-	Fix duplicate timesheet line that have been invoiced
-	Fix invoice report for bad removeParentNode tag
-	Fix priority for product view
-	Fix tax line computation when encoding account lines manually
-	Fix refund supplier invoice to have the same journal
-	New chinese translation
-	Pass context to action_done on stock move
-	Add product_uom change on sale order line
-	Fix demo data for working time UOM
-	Fix _sheet function in timesheet_sheet when called with a list of non
-		unique id
-	Remove commit inside function validate on account move
-	Use one function to post account move
-	Fix computation of sale/purchase amount in segmentation module
-	Use standar uom converion in analytic lines
-	Add journal_id in context for account move line search in payment module
-	Fix wrong id used by pricelist based on partner form
-	Use partner reference from SO/PO for invoice name if there is one
-	Make analysis analytic module include child accounts
-	Summary:
-		Add new view graph
-		REPORT_INTRASTAT: new module
-		KERNEL: add netrpc (speed improvement)
-		REPORT_STOCK: add report on stock by stock location and production lots
-		HR_TIMESHEET_INVOICE: add final invoice
-		ADD modules publication tools
-		KERNEL: add timezone
-		KERNEL: add concurnecy check
-		BASE: allow to specify many view_id in act_window
-		BASE: add ir.rules (acces base on record fields)
-		KERNEL: add search_count on objects
-		KERNEL: add assert tools (unit test)
-		KERNEL: improve workflow speed
-		KERNEL: move some modules to extra_addons
-	Bugfixes:
-		Fix pooler for multi-db
-		REPORT_ANALYTIC: new reports
-		BOARD_ACCOUNT: new dashboard for accountants
-		PURCHASE: allow multiple pickings for the same purchase order
-		STOCK: When refunding picking: confirm & Assign the newly generated picking
-		PRODUCT: add average price
-		STOCK: Fix workflow for stock
-		TOOLS: Fix export translate for wizard
-		KERNEL: add id in import_data
-		BASE: add history rate to currency
-		ACCOUNT: partner_id is now required for an invoice
-		HR_TIMESHEET: add exception if employee haven't product
-		I18N: new fr_CH file
-		HR_EXPENSE: fix domain
-		ACCOUNT: Fix invoice with currency and payment term
-		ACCOUNT: Fix currency
-		KERNEL: add pidfile
-		ACCOUNT,PURCHASE,SALE: use partner lang for description
-		Model Acces: Unlink permission (delete) is now available
-		KERNEL: Remove set for python2.3
-		HR: add id to Attendance menu
-		PRODUCT: add dimension to packaging
-		ACCOUNT: new cash_discount on payment term
-		KERNEL: Add price accuracy
-		BASE: Function to remove installed modules
-		REPORT_SALE: fix for sale without line
-		PURCHASE: remove use of currency
-		KERNEL: fix set without values
-		PURCHASE: fix domain pricelist
-		INVOICE: use date for currency rate
-		KERNEL: Fix import many2many by id
-		KERNEL: run the cron
-		ACCOUNT: bank statment line now have a ref t othe corresponding invoice
-		ACCOUNT: Add possibilitty to include tax amount in base amount for the computation of the next taxes
-		ACCOUNT: Add product in tax compute python code
-		KERNEL: use reportlab 2.0
-		BASE: fix import the same lang
-		ACCOUNT: fix tax code
-		ACCOUNT: define tax account for invoice and refund
-		ACCOUNT: add supplier tax to product
-		ACCOUNT: don't overwrite tax_code on the creation for account line
-		PURCHASE: use partner code for report order
-		KERNEL: fix pooler netsvc for multi-db
-		TOOLS: add ref to function tag
-		PRODUCT: fix digits on volume and weight, add weight_net
-		ACCOUNT: split to new module account_cash_discount
-		ORM : error message on python constraints are now displayed correctly
-		ACCOUNT: add partner to tax compute context
-		KERNEL: improve logger
-		PROJECT: add check_recursion for project
-		HR_TIMESHEET_INVOICE: improve create invoice
-		ACCOUNT: add product_id to analytic line create by invoice
-		KERNEL: fix the inheritance mechanism
-		KERNEL: Fix use always basename for cvs file
-		BASE: fix IBAN len to 27
-		INVOICE: fix invoice number for analytic
-		REPORT: add replace tag for custom header
-		ACCOUNT: add ref to analytic line
-		BASE: prevent exception in ir_cron
-		SALE: fix uos for tax_amount
-		MRP: fix dbname in _procure_confirm
-		HR_EXPENSE: add domain to analytic_account
-		KERNEL: use 0 instead of False for fix on _fnct_read
-		SUBSCRIPTION: add required to model
-		HR_TIMESHEET: add rounding on report
-		SALE: Fix cancel invoice and recreate invoice, now cancel also the order lines
-		STOCK-DELIVERY: add wizard invoice_onshipping from delivery to stock
-		STOCK: use tax from sale for invoice
-		BASE: improve copy of res.partner
-		ACCOUNT: pay only invoice if not in state draft
-		REPORT: fix rml translation, translate before eval
-		PRODUCT_EXTENDED: don't use seller price for bom price
-		ACCOUNT_TAX_INCLUDE: fix right amount in account move generate with tax_include
-		BASE: improve workflow print
-		SALE: fix workflow error when create invoice from wizard
-		MRP: Use company currency for Product Cost Structure
-		BASE: prevent recursion in company
-		KERNEL: Fix deleted property and many2one
-		KERNEL: allow directory for import csv
-		KERNEL: add store option to fields function
-		ACCOUNT: use property_account_tax on on_change_product
-		KERNEL: add right-click for translate label
-		KERNEL: fix log of backtrace
-		KERNEL: fix search on xxx2many
-		BASE: use tool to call popen.pipe2
-		KERNEL: fix print workflow on win32
-		BASE: fix US states
-		KERNEL: use python 2.3 format_exception
-		ACCOUNT: add multi-company into base accounting
-		KERNEL: check return code for exec_pg_command_pipe
-		KERNEL: fix search with active args
-		KERNEL: improve _sql_contsraints, now insert if doesn't exist
-		KERNEL: remove old inheritor and add _constraints and _sql_constraints to the fields inherited
-		CRM: bugfix mailgate
-		PURCHASE: fix the UOM for purchase line and improve update price unit
-		ACCOUNT: new invoice view
-		KERNEL,BASE: allow to create zip modules
-		BASE: add right-to-left
-		KERNEL: copy now ignore technical values ('create_date', 'create_uid', 'write_date' and 'write_uid')
-		ACCOUNT_TAX_INCLUDE: Now the module manage correctly the case when the taxes defined on the product differ from the taxes defined on the invoice line
-		ALL: fix colspan 3 -> 4
-		KERNEL: use context for search
-		ACCOUNT: improve speed of analytic account
-		ACCOUNT: fix search debit/credit on partner
-		ACCOUNT: fix refund invoice if no product_id nor uos_id on lines
-		MRP: fix scheduler location of product to produce and method, date of automatic orderpoint
-		KERNEL: many2many : fix unlink and link action
-		MRP: add default product_uom from context and add link from product to bom
-		PROJECT: improve speed for function fields
-		ALL: remove bad act_window name
-		KERNEL: modification for compatibility with postgres 7.4
-		KERNEL: fix size for selection field
-		KERNEL: fix compatibility for python2.5
-		KERNEL: add new win32 build script
-		KERNEL: add test for duplicate report and wizard
-		ACCOUNT: force round amount fixed in payment term
-		KERNEL: fix print screen
-		CRM: Better ergonomy
-		SERVER: add sum tag on tree view that display sum of the selected lines
-		KERNEL: allow subfield query on one2many
-		KERNEL: fix create_date and write_date as there are timestamp now
-		SERVER: improve language
-		KERNEL: fix search on fields function of type one2many, many2many
-		ACCOUNT: fix pay invoice to use period
-		ACCOUNT: add check recursion in account.tax.code
-		MRP: fix compute cycle for workcenter
-		BASE: add constraint uniq module name
-		BASE: improve update module list
-		ACCOUNT: add round to last payment term
-		KERNEL: don't modify the args of the call
-		KERNEL: don't use mutable as default value in function defintion
-		KERNEL: fix orm for sql query with reserved words
-	Summary:
-		Improve the migration scripts
-		Some bugfixes
-		Print workflow on win32 (with ghostscript)
-	Bugfixes:
-		BASE: Fix "set default value"
-		HR_TIMESHEET_INVOICE: Improve invoice on timesheet
-		ACCOUNT: Fix tax amount
-		KERNEL: correct the delete for property
-		PURCHASE: fix the journal for invoice created by PO
-		KERNEL: fix the migration for id removed
-		Add id to some menuitem
-		BASE: prevent exception in ir_cron when the DB is dropped
-		HR: Fix sign-in/sign-out, the user is now allowed to provide a date in
-			the future
-		SALE: fix uos for the tax amount
-		MRP: fix wrong dbname in _procure_confirm
-		HR_EXPENSE: add domain to analytic_account
-		ACCOUNT: fix debit_get
-		SUBSCRIPTION: model is required now
-		HR_TIMESHEET: add rounding value to report
-		SALE: Fix cancel and recreate invoice, now cancel also the order lines
-		STOCK: use the tax define in sale for the invoice
-		ACCOUNT: add test to pay only if invoice not in state draft
-		KERNEL: root have access to all records
-		REPORT: fix rml translation to translate before the eval
-		ACCOUNT_TAX_INCLUDE: Use the right amount in account mmove generate
-			with tax_include
-		BASE: Improve the workflow print
-		SALE: Fix workflow error when creating invoice from the wizard
-		PRODUCT_EXTENDED: don't use pricelist to compute standard price
-		MRP: Use company currency for product cost structure
-		KERNEL: fix where clause when deleting false items
-		ACCOUNT: product source account depend on the invoice type now
-		ACCOUNT: use the property account tax for the on_change_product
-		ACCOUNT: use the invoice date for the date of analytic line
-		ACCOUNT: Fix the pay invoice when multi-currency
-		HR_TIMESHEET_PROJECT: use the right product
-		STOCK: Fix to assign picking with product consumable and call the
-			workflow
-		STOCK: Fix the split lot production
-		PURCHASE: fix workflow for purchase with manual invoice to not set
-			invoice and paid
-		DELIVERY: can use any type of journal for invoice
-		KERNEL: fix search on xxx2many
-		ACCOUNT: add id to sequence record
-		KERNEL: set properly the demo flag for module installed
-		KERNEL: Fix print workflow on win32
-		LETTER: fix print letter
-	Migration:
-		Fix migration for postreSQL 7.4
-		Fix the default value of demo in module
-		Fix migration of account_uos to product_uos
-Wed Jan 17 15:06:07 CET 2007
-	Summary:
-		Improve the migration
-		Some bugfixes
-		Improve tax
-	Bugfixes:
-		Fix tax for invoice, refund, etc
-		SALE: fix view priority
-		PURCHASE: wizard may crash on some data
-		BASE: Fix import the same lang
-		BASE: start the cron
-		PURCHASE: fix domain for pricelist
-		KERNEL: fix object set without values
-		REPORT_SALE: fix for sale without line
-		KERNEL: add pidfile
-		BASE: remove 'set' for python2.3 compliant
-	Migration:
-		Migrate hr_timesheet user_id
-Fri Dec 22 12:01:26 CET 2006
-	Summary:
-		Improve the migration
-		Some bugfixes
-	Bugfixes:
-		HR_EXPENSE: Fix domain
-		HR_TIMESHEET: Fix employee without product
-		TOOLS: Fix export translate
-		BASE: fix for concurrency of sequence number
-		MRP: fix report
-		CRM: fix graph report
-		KERNEL: fix instance of osv_pool
-		KERNEL: fix setup.py
-Mon Dec 4 18:01:55 CET 2006
-	Summary:
-		Some bugfixes
-Tue Nov 28 14:44:20 CET 2006
-	Summary:
-		This is a stable version (RC1) with lots of new features. Main
-		Improvements were:
-			Accounting: more functions, new modules, more stable
-			Much more better ergonomy
-			Lots of simplification to allows non IT people to use and
-				configure Tiny ERP: manage database, step by step configuration
-				menu, auto-installers, better help, ...
-	New:
-		Skill management module
-			New and simpler bank statement form
-			New reports:
-				on Timesheets (analytic accounting)
-				Theorical revenue based on time spent
-				Global timesheet report by month
-				Chart of accounts
-			Different taxes methods supported
-				Gross (brut)
-				Net
-				Fixed amount
-			invoice on shipping (manufacturing industry)
-			invoice on timesheet (services)
-			different invoicing control method (on order, on shipping,
-			manual)
-		Support of prices tax included /excluded in sales orders
-		New modules:
-			Sale_journal, stock_journal for bigger industries:
-				Divide works in different journals
-			New invoicing method from partner, to so, to picking
-				Daily, Monthly (grouped by partner or not)
-			New modules for prices with taxes included / excluded
-		New chart of accounts supported:
-			l10n_be/                     l10n_chart_be_frnl/
-			l10n_chart_id/               l10n_chart_uk/
-			l10n_ca-qc/                  l10n_chart_br/
-			l10n_chart_it/               l10n_chart_us_general/
-			l10n_ch/                     l10n_chart_ca_en/
-			l10n_chart_it_cc2424/        l10n_chart_us_manufacturing/
-			l10n_ch_pcpbl_association/   l10n_chart_ca_fr/
-			l10n_chart_la/               l10n_chart_us_service/
-			l10n_ch_pcpbl_independant/   l10n_chart_ch_german/
-			l10n_chart_nl/               l10n_chart_us_ucoa/
-			l10n_ch_pcpbl_menage/        l10n_chart_cn/
-			l10n_chart_nl_standard/      l10n_chart_us_ucoa_ez/
-			l10n_ch_pcpbl_plangen/       l10n_chart_cn_traditional/
-			l10n_chart_no/               l10n_chart_ve/
-			l10n_ch_pcpbl_plangensimpl/  l10n_chart_co/
-			l10n_chart_pa/               l10n_fr/
-			l10n_ch_vat_brut/            l10n_chart_cz/
-			l10n_chart_pl/               l10n_se/
-			l10n_ch_vat_forfait/         l10n_chart_da/
-			l10n_chart_sp/               l10n_simple/
-			l10n_ch_vat_net/             l10n_chart_de_datev_skr03/
-			l10n_chart_sw/
-			l10n_chart_at/               l10n_chart_de_skr03/
-			l10n_chart_sw_church/
-			l10n_chart_au/               l10n_chart_hu/
-			l10n_chart_sw_food/
-		Step by step configuration menu
-		Setup wizard on first connection
-			Select a company profile, auto-install language, demo data, ...
-	Imrovements:
-		KERNEL: Demo data improved
-			Better import / export system
-		KERNEL: Multi-database management system
-			Backup, Restore, Create, Drop from the client
-		PRODUCT/PRODUCT_EXTD: Eavily change the product form, use the new
-			object to compute the pricelist
-			Better Sale order, purchase order, invocies and customers reports
-		ACCOUNT: Support of taxes in accounts
-			management of the VAT taxes for most european countries:
-				Support of VAT codes in invoices
-				Better computation of default values in accounting entries
-				Preferences in partners, override products
-			Bugfix when closing a fiscal year
-			Better ergonomy when writting entries
-		New Module Management System:
-			Install / Upgrade new modules directly from the client
-			Install new languages
-			Ability to add select=True at the object level for postgresql indexes
-			Bugfix in search in some inherited objects
-			Added the ability to call methods from a browse object
-		KERNEL+BASE: changed the way the migration system works for menuitems:
-			now you can change a menuitem defined elsewhere. And this will work
-			whether that menuitem has an id or not (it use the name of the
-			menuitem to find it)
-			Installing a module from the client
-		Better Windows Auto-Installer
-			Delivery and invoicing on picking list
-			Distinction between active (by default) and installable
-		ACCOUNT/PROJECT: Added support for the type of invoicing
-		CRM:
-			eMAil gateway
-			Management of different departments and sections
-			Rule system
-		About 20 new statistics reporting
-		eCommerce interface:
-			Better Joomla (virtuemart, OSCommerce) support
-			Joomla is now fully functionnal
-	Bugfixes:
-		ACCOUNT: tree view on reporting analytic account
-		KERNEL: Fix the bug that happened when mixing active and child_of
-			search
-		KERNEL: Check for the existance of active when computing child_of
-		PRODUCT: production computation with different UoM
-Fri Oct  6 14:44:05 CEST 2006
-Server 3.4.2
-    Improvements:
-        BASE: changed workflow print system so that it handles inexisting 
-              workflows more gracefully (patch from Geoff Gardiner)
-        MRP: new view to take into account the orderpoint exceptions
-        MRP: made menu title more explicit
-    Bugfixes:
-        ACCOUNT: fixed typo in invoice + changed sxw file so that it is in 
-                 sync with the rml file
-        DELIVERY: fixed taxes on delivery line (patch from Brice Vissière)
-        PROJECT: skip tasks without user in Gantt charts (it crashed the report)
-        PRODUCT: fixed bug when no active pricelist version was found 
-        PRODUCT_EXTENDED: correct recursive computation of the price
-        SALE: get product price from price list even when quantity is set after
-              the product is set
-        STOCK: fixed partial picking
-    Packaging:
-        Changed migration script so that it works on PostgreSQL 7.4
-Tue Sep 12 15:10:31 CEST 2006
-Server 3.4.1
-    Bugfixes:
-        ACCOUNT: fixed a bug which prevented to reconcile posted moves.
-Mon Sep 11 16:12:10 CEST 2006
-Server 3.4.0 (changes since 3.3.0)
-    New modules:
-        ESALE_JOOMLA: integration with Joomla CMS 
-        HR_TIMESHEET_ICAL: import iCal to automatically complete timesheet 
-            based on outlook meetings
-        PARTNER_LDAP: adds partner synchronization with an LDAP server
-        SALE_REBATE: adds rebates to sale orders
-        4 new modules for reporting using postgresql views:
-        REPORT_CRM: reporting on CRM cases: by month, user, ...
-        REPORT_PROJECT: reporting on projects: tasks closed by project, user,
-                        month, ...
-        REPORT_PURCHASE: reporting on purchases
-        REPORT_SALE: reporting on sales by periods and by product, category of
-                     product, ...
-    New features:
-        KERNEL: Tiny ERP server and client may now communicate through HTTPS.
-                To launch the server with HTTPS, use the -S or --secure option
-                Note that if the server runs on HTTPS, the clients MUST connect
-                with the "secure" option checked.
-        KERNEL: the server can now run as a service on Windows
-        Printscreen function (Tree view print)
-        KERNEL: added a new --stop-after-init option which stops the server 
-                just before it starts listening
-        KERNEL: added support for a new forcecreate attribute on XML record 
-                fields: it is useful for records are in a data node marked as 
-                "noupdate" but the record still needs to be added if it doesn't
-                exit yet. The typical use for that is when you add a new record
-                to a noupdate file/node.
-        KERNEL: manage SQL constraints with human-readable error message on the
-                client side, eg: Unique constraints
-        KERNEL: added a new system to be able to specify the tooltip for each
-                field in the definition of the field (by using the new help="" 
-                attribute)
-        ACCOUNT: new report: aged trial balance system
-        ACCOUNT: added a wizard to pay an invoice from the invoice form
-        BASE: print on a module to print the reference guide using introspection
-        HR: added report on attendance errors
-        PRODUCT: products now support multi-Level variants
-    Improvements:
-        KERNEL: speed improvement in many parts of the system thanks to some
-                optimizations and a new caching system
-        KERNEL: New property system which replace the, now deprecated, ir_set 
-                system. This leads to better migration of properties, more
-                practical use of them (they can be used like normal fields), 
-                they can be translated, they are "multi-company aware", and 
-                you can specify access rights for them on a per field basis.
-        KERNEL: Under windows, the server looks for its configuration file in 
-                the "etc" sub directory (relative to the installation path). 
-                This was needed so that the server can be run as a windows 
-                service (using the SYSTEM profile).
-        KERNEL: added ability to import CSV files from the __terp__.py file
-        KERNEL: force freeing cursor when closing them, so that they are 
-                available again immediately and not when garbage collected.
-        KERNEL: automatically drop not null/required constraints from removed
-                fields (ie which are in the database but not in the object)
-        KERNEL: added a command-line option to specify which smtp server to use
-                to send emails.
-        KERNEL: made browse_record hashable
-        ALL: removed shortcuts for the demo user.
-        ACCOUNT: better invoice report
-        ACCOUNT: Modifs for account chart, removed old stock_income account type
-        ACCOUNT: made the test_paid method on invoices more tolerant to buggy 
-                 data (open invoices without move/movelines)
-        ACCOUNT: better bank statement reconciliation system
-        ACCOUNT: accounting entries encoding improved a lot (using journal)
-        ACCOUNT: Adding a date and max Qty field in analytic accounts for 
-                 support contract
-        ACCOUNT: Adding the View type to analytic account / cost account
-        ACCOUNT: changed test_paid so that the workflow works even if there is
-                 no move line
-        ACCOUNT: Cleanup credit/debit and balance computation methods. Should 
-                 be faster too.
-        ACCOUNT: use the normal sequence (from the journal) for the name of 
-                 moves generated from invoices instead of the longer name.
-        ACCOUNT: print Payment delay in invoices
-        ACCOUNT: account chart show subtotals
-        ACCOUNT: Subtotal in view accounts
-        ACCOUNT: Replaced some Typo: moves-> entries, Transaction -> entry
-        ACCOUNT: added quantities in analytic accounts view, and modified 
-                 cost ledger report for partners/customers
-        ACCOUNT: added default value for the currency field in invoices
-        ACCOUNT: added the comment/notes field on the invoice report
-        BASE: added menuitem (and action) to access partner functions (in the 
-              definitions menu)
-        BASE: better demo data
-        BASE: duplicating a menu item now duplicates its action and submenus
-        BASE: Bank Details on Partners
-        CRM: View on all actions made on cases (used by our ISO9002 customer 
-             to manage corrections to actions)
-        CRM: fixed wizard to create a sale order from a case
-        CRM: search on non active case, not desactivated by default
-        CRM: Case ID in fields with search
-        HR_TIMESHEET: new "sign_in, sign_out" using projects. It fills 
-                      timesheets and attendance at the same time.
-        HR_TIMESHEET: added cost unit to employee demo data
-        MRP: improvement in the scheduler
-        MRP: purchase order lines' description generated from a procurement
-             defaults to the product name instead of procurement name
-        MRP: Better traceability
-        MRP: Better view for procurement in exception
-        MRP: Added production delay in product forms. Use this delay for 
-             average production delay for one product
-        MRP: dates scheduler, better computation
-        MRP: added constraint for non 0 BoM lines
-        PRODUCT: Better pricelist system (on template or variant of product)
-        PRODUCT_EXTENDED: Compute the price only if there is a supplier
-        PROJECT: when a task is closed, use the task's customer to warn the 
-                 customer if it is set, otherwise use the project contact.
-        PROJECT: better system to automatically send an email to the customer 
-                 when a task is closed or reopened.
-        PURCHASE: date_planned <= current_time line in red
-        PURCHASE: better purchase order report
-        PURCHASE: better purchase order duplication: you can now duplicate non 
-                  draft purchase orders and the new one will become draft.
-        SALE: better sale order report
-        SALE: better demo data for sale orders
-        SALE: better view for buttons in sale.order
-        SALE: select product => description = product name instead of code
-        SALE: warehouse field in shop is now required
-        SCRUM: lots of improvements for better useability
-        STOCK: allows to confirm empty picking lists.
-        STOCK: speed up stock computation methods
-    Bugfixes:
-        KERNEL: fix a huge bug in the search method for objects involving 
-                "old-style" inheritance (inherits) which prevented some records
-                to be accessible in some cases. Most notable example was some 
-                products were not accessible in the sale order lines if you had
-                more products in your database than the limit of your search 
-                (80 by default).
-        KERNEL: fixed bug which caused OO (sxw) reports to behave badly (crash 
-                on Windows and not print correctly on Linux) when data 
-                contained XML entities (&, <, >)
-        KERNEL: reports are now fully concurrency compliant
-        KERNEL: fixed bug which caused menuitems without id to cause havoc on 
-                update. The menuitems themselves were not created (which is 
-                correct) but they created a bad "default" action for all 
-                menuitems without action (such as all "menu folders").
-        KERNEL: fix a small security issue: we should check the password of the 
-                user when a user asks for the result of a report (in addition 
-                to the user id and id of that report)
-        KERNEL: bugfix in view inheritancy
-        KERNEL: fixed duplicating resource with a state field whose selection 
-                doesn't contain a 'draft' value (for example project tasks). It
-                now uses the default value of the resource for that field.
-        KERNEL: fixed updating many2many fields using the (4, id) syntax
-        KERNEL: load/save the --logfile option correctly in the config file
-        KERNEL: fixed duplicating a resource with many2many fields
-        ALL: all properties should be inside a data tag with "noupdate" and
-             should have a forcecreate attribute.
-        ACCOUNT: fixed rounding bug in tax computation method
-        ACCOUNT: bugfix in balance and aged balance reports
-        ACCOUNT: fixing precision in function fields methods 
-        ACCOUNT: fixed creation of account move lines without using the client 
-                 interface
-        ACCOUNT: fixed duplicating invoices
-        ACCOUNT: fixed opening an invoices whose description contained non 
-                 ASCII chars at specific position
-        ACCOUNT: small bugfixes in all accounting reports
-        ACCOUNT: fixed crash when --without-demo due to missing payment.term
-        ACCOUNT: fixed bug in automatic reconciliation
-        ACCOUNT: pass the address to the tax computation method so that it is 
-                 available in the tax "python applicable code"
-        BASE: allows to delete a request which has a history (it now deletes the
-              history as well as the request)
-        BASE: override copy method for users so that we can duplicate them
-        BASE: fixed bug when the user search for a partner by hitting on an 
-              empty many2one field (it searched for a partner with ref=='')
-        BASE: making ir.sequence call thread-safe.
-        CRM: fixed a bug which introduced an invalid case state when closing a
-             case (Thanks to Leigh Willard)
-        HR: added domain to category tree view so that they are not displayed 
-            twice
-        HR_TIMESHEET: fixed print graph
-        HR_TIMESHEET: fixed printing timesheet report
-        HR_TIMESHEET: Remove a timesheet entry removes the analytic line
-        MRP: bugfix on "force reservation"
-        MRP: fixed bugs in some reports and MRP scheduler when a partner has 
-             no address
-        MRP: fix Force production button if no product available
-        MRP: when computing lots of procurements, the scheduler could raise 
-             locking error at the database level. Fixed.
-        PRODUCT: added missing context to compute product list price
-        PRODUCT: fixed field type of qty_available and virtual_available 
-                 (integer->float). This prevented these fields to be displayed
-                 in forms.
-        PROJECT: fixed the view of unassigned task (form and list) instead of 
-                 form only.
-        PURCHASE: fixed merging orders that made inventory errors when coming 
-                  from a procurement (orderpoint).
-        PURCHASE: fix bug which prevented to make a purchase order with 
-                  "manual" lines (ie without product)
-        PURCHASE: fix wizard to group purchase orders in several ways:
-            - only group orders if they are to the same location
-            - only group lines if they are the same except for qty and unit
-            - fix the workflow redirect method so that procurement are not 
-              canceled when we merge orders
-        SALE: fixed duplicating a confirmed sale order
-        SALE: fixed making sale orders with "manual" lines (without product)
-        STOCK: future stock prevision bugfix (for move when date_planned < now)
-        STOCK: better view for stock.move
-        STOCK: fixed partial pickings (waiting for a production)
-        Miscellaneous minor bugfixes
-    Packaging:
-        Fixed bug in setup.py which didn't copy csv files nor some sub-
-            directories
-        Added a script to migrate a 3.3.0 server to 3.4.0 (you should read the 
-            README file in doc/migrate/3.3.0-3.4.0)
-        Removed OsCommerce module
-Fri May 19 10:16:18 CEST 2006
-Server 3.3.0
-    New features:
-        NEW MODULE: hr_timesheet_project
-            Automatically maps projects and tasks to analytic account
-            So that hours spent closing tasks are automatically encoded
-        KERNEL: Added a logfile and a pidfile option (patch from Dan Horak)
-        STOCK: Added support for revisions of tracking numbers
-        STOCK: Added support for revision of production lots
-        STOCK: Added a "splitting and tracking lines" wizard
-        PRODUCT_EXTENDED: Added a method to compute the cost of a product
-                          automatically from the cost of its parts
-    Improvements:
-        ALL: Small improvements in wizards (order of buttons)
-        PRODUCT: Remove packaging info from supplierinfo
-        PROJECT: Better task view (moved unused fields to other tab)
-        SALE: Keep formating for sale order lines' notes in the sale order report
-    Bugfixes:
-        KERNEL: Fixed bug which caused field names with non ascii chars didn't work
-                in list mode on Windows
-        KERNEL: Fix concurrency issue with UpdatableStr with the use of 
-                threading.local
-        KERNEL: Removed browse_record __unicode__ method... It made the sale order
-                report crash when using product names with non ASCII characters
-        KERNEL: Fixed bug which caused the translation export to fail when the server 
-                was not launched from the directory its source is.
-        BASE: Updating a menuitem now takes care its parent menus
-        BASE: Fixed a cursor locking issue with updates
-        BASE: Fixed viewing sequence types as a tree/list
-        HR: Month field needs to be required in the "hours spent" report
-        PURCHASE: fixed group purchase order wizard:
-         - if there were orders from several different suppliers, it created a purchase
-           order for only the first supplier but canceled other orders, even those which
-           weren't merged in the created order (closes bugzilla #236)
-         - doesn't trash "manual" lines (ie lines with no product)
-         - pay attentions to unit factors when adding several lines together
-        MRP: fixed workcenter load report (prints only the selected workcenters) and 
-             does't crash if the user didn't select all workcenters
-    Miscellaneous:
-        Removed pydot from required dependencies
-Server 3.3.0-rc1
-Changelog for Users
-New module: OS Commerce
-    Integration with Tiny ERP and OS Commerce
-    Synchronisation 100% automated with eSale;
-        Import of categories of products
-        Export of products (with photos support)
-        Import of Orders (with the eslae module)
-        Export of stock level
-        Import of OSCommerce Taxes
-    Multiple shop allowed with different rules/products
-    Simple Installation
-    Management by affair, timesheets creates analytic entries in the
-    accounting to get costs and revenue of each affairs. Affairs are
-    structured in trees.
-New Module: Account Follow Up
-    Multi-Level and configurable Follows ups for the accounting module
-New module; Productivity Analysis of users
-    A module to compare productivity of users of Tiny ERP
-    Generic module, you can compare everything (sales, products, partners,
-    ...)
-New Modules for localisations:
-    Accounting localisations for be, ca, fr, de, ch, sw
-    Fix: corrected encoding (latin1 to utf8) of Swedish account tree XML file
-New Module - Sandwich
-    Allows employees to order the lunch
-    Keeps employees preferences
-New Module TOOLS:
-    Email automatic importation/integration in the ERP
-New Module EDI:
-    Import of EDI sale orders
-    Export of shippings
-    Tiny ERP is now fully multi-company !
-    New Company and configuration can be made in the client side.
-    Better Entries > Standard Entries (Editable Tree, like in Excel)
-        Automatic creation of lines
-    Journal centralised or not
-        Counterpart of lines in one line or one counterpart per entry
-    Analytic accounting recoded from scratch
-        5 new reports
-        Completly integrated with:
-            production,
-            hr_timesheet > Management by affairs
-            sales & purchases,
-            Tasks.
-    Added unreconciliation functionnalities
-    Added account tree fast rendering
-    Better tax computation system supporting worldwide specific countries
-    Better subscription system
-    Wizard to close a period
-    Wizard to clase a fiscal year
-    Very powerfull, simple and complete multi-currency system
-        in pricelists, sale order, purchases, ...
-    Added required fields in currencies (currency code)
-    Added decimal support
-    Better search on accounts (on code, shortcut or name)
-    Added constraint;
-        on users
-        on group
-        on accounts in a journal
-    added menuitem for automatic reconciliation; Multi-Levels
-    added factor to analytic units
-    added form view for budget items dotations
-    made number of digits in quantity field of the budget spread wizard coherent with the object field
-    fixed journal on purchase invoices/refunds (SugarCRM #6)
-    Better bank statement reconciliation
-    Fixed some reports
-    Better view for location (using localisation of locations; posx, posy, posz)
-    fixed small bug when a partner has no adress
-    state field of marketing partner set as readonly
-    fixed marketing steps form view
-    better history view
-    disabled completely send sms wizard
-    fixed send email wizard
-    good priority -> high priority
-    fixed 'call again later' button
-    added tree view for login/password
-    added holiday_status (=type of ...) to expense claim form view
-BASE (partner):
-    fixed email_send and _email_send methods
-    removed partner without addresses from demo data
-    Added a date field in the partner form
-    New report: workcenter futur loads
-    Analytic entries when production done.
-    SCHEDULER: better error msg in the generated request
-    Allows services in BoMs (for eg, subcontracting)
-Project/Service Management:
-    create orders from tasks; bugfixes
-    Completly integrated with the rest of the ERP
-        Services can now be MTO/MTS, Buy (subcontracting), produce (task), ...
-        Services can be used anywhere (sale.order, bom, ...)
-    See this graph;
-        http://tiny.be/download/flux/flux_procurement.png
-    tasks sorted by ... AND id, so that the order is not random
-    within a priority
-Automatic translations of all wizards
-Scrum Project Management
-    Better Ergonomy; click on a sprint to view tasks
-    Planned, Effetive hours and progress in backlog, project and sprint
-    Better Burndown Chart computation
-    Better (simpler) view of tasks
-Better demo Data
-    In All modules, eth converted to english
-    computing the weight of the packaging
-    Added last order date
-    Alternative suppliers (with delay, prefs, ...) for one product
-    much more powerfull system
-    views simplified
-    one pricelist per usage: sale, order, pvc
-    price_type on product_view
-    Multi-Currency pricelist (EUR pricelist can depend on a $ one)
-HR-TIMESHEET: fixed bugs in hours report:
-    sum all lines for the same day instead of displaying only the first one
-    it now uses the analytic unit factor, so that mixing hours and days has some sense
-    close cursor
-    invoices generated from a sale order are pre-computed (taxes are computed)
-    new invoicing functionnality;
-        invoice on order quantities or,
-        invoice on shipped quantities
-    Invoice on a sale.order or a sale.order.line
-    added default value for uos_qty in sale order lines (default to 1)
-Changelog for Developers
-New option --debug, that opens a python interpreter when an exception
-occurs on the server side.
-Better wizard system. Arguements self, cr, uid, context are passed in all
-functions of the wizard like normal objects. All wizards converted.
-Speed improvements in many views; partners, sale.order, ...
-    less requests from client to server when opening a form
-Better translation system, wizard terms are exported.
-Script to render module dependency graph
-KERNEL+ALL: pass context to methods computing a selection.
-Modification for actions and view definitions:
-    Actions Window:
-        New field: view_mode = 'tree,form' or 'form,tree' -> default='form,tree'
-        New role of view_type: tree (with shortcuts), form (others with switch button)
-    If you need a form that opens in list mode:
-        view_mode = 'tree,form' or 'tree'
-        view_type = form
-    You can define a view in a view (for example sale.order.line in
-    sale.order)
-        less requests on the client side, no need to define 2 views
-Better command-line option message
-Fixed bug which prevented to search for names using non ASCII
-chars in many2one or many2many fields
-Report Engine: bugfix for concurrency
-Support of SQL constraints
-    Uniq, check, ...
-    Good error message in the client side (check an account entry with
-    credit and debit >0)
-Fixed: when an exception was raised, the cursor wasn't closed and this
-could cause a freeze in some cases
-Sequence can contains code: %(year)s, ... for prefix, suffix
-    EX: ORDER %(year)/0005
-Bugfixes for automatic migration system
-bugfix on default value with creation of inherits
-Improvement in report_sxw; you can redefine preprocess to do some
-preprocessing before printing
-Barcode support enabled by default
-Fixed OpenOffice reports when the server is not launched from the
-directory the code reside
-Print workflow use a pipe instead of using a temporary file (now workflows
-works on Windows Servers)
-Inheritancy improved (multiple arguments: replace, inside, after, before)
-Lots of small bugfixes

=== added file 'setup.README'
--- setup.README	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ setup.README	2011-03-22 14:22:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Some instructions to use setup.py for a user-install.
+This file should/will be moved on a proper documentation place later.
+- Possibly clean any left-over of the previous build.
+  > rm -rf dist openerp_server.egg-info
+- Possibly copy the addons in the server if we want them to be packaged
+  together:
+  > rsync -av --delete \
+    --exclude .bzr/ \
+    --exclude .bzrignore \
+    --exclude /__init__.py \
+    --exclude /base \
+    --exclude /base_quality_interrogation.py \
+    <path-to-addons> openerp/addons
+- Create the user-local directory where we want the package to be installed:
+   > mkdir -p /home/openerp/openerp-tmp/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
+- Use --prefix to specify where the package is installed and include that
+  place in PYTHONPATH:
+  > PYTHONPATH=/home/openerp/openerp-tmp/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ \
+    python setup.py install --prefix=/home/openerp/openerp-tmp
+- Run the main script, again specifying the PYTHONPATH:
+  > PYTHONPATH=/home/openerp/openerp-tmp/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ \
+    bin/openerp-server.py

=== modified file 'setup.py'
--- setup.py	2011-02-03 23:00:23 +0000
+++ setup.py	2011-03-22 14:22:32 +0000
@@ -25,34 +25,19 @@
 #   taken from gnomolicious http://www.nongnu.org/gnomolicious/
 #   adapted by Nicolas Évrard <nicoe@xxxxxxxxxx>
+# doc/migrate is not included since about 6.1-dev
+# doc/tests is not included
+# python25-compat/*py should be in the openerp (and imported appropriately)
 import sys
 import os
-from os.path import join, isfile, basename
+from os.path import join, isfile
 import glob
-from pprint import pprint as pp
 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-from setuptools.command.install import install
-from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
-has_py2exe = False
-if os.name == 'nt':
-    import py2exe
-    has_py2exe = True
-sys.path.append(join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "bin"))
-execfile(join('bin', 'release.py'))
-if 'bdist_rpm' in sys.argv:
-    version = version.split('-')[0]
-# get python short version
-py_short_version = '%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2]
-# backports os.walk with followlinks from python 2.6
+# Backports os.walk with followlinks from python 2.6.
+# Needed to add all addons files to data_files for Windows packaging.
 def walk_followlinks(top, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False):
     from os.path import join, isdir, islink
     from os import listdir, error
@@ -84,120 +69,45 @@
 if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
     os.walk = walk_followlinks
-def find_addons():
-    for root, _, names in os.walk(join('bin', 'addons'), followlinks=True):
-        if '__openerp__.py' in names or '__terp__.py' in names:
-            yield basename(root), root
-    #look for extra modules
-    try:
-        empath = os.getenv('EXTRA_MODULES_PATH', '../addons/')
-        for mname in open(join(empath, 'server_modules.list')):
-            mname = mname.strip()
-            if not mname:
-                continue
-            terp = join(empath, mname, '__openerp__.py')
-            if not os.path.exists(terp):
-                terp = join(empath, mname, '__terp__.py')
-            if os.path.exists(terp):
-                yield mname, join(empath, mname)
-            else:
-                print "Module %s specified, but no valid path." % mname
-    except Exception:
-        pass
-def data_files():
-    '''Build list of data files to be installed'''
-    files = []
-    if os.name == 'nt':
-        os.chdir('bin')
+py2exe_keywords = {}
+py2exe_data_files = []
+if os.name == 'nt':
+    import py2exe
+    py2exe_keywords['console'] = [
+        { "script": "openerp-server.py",
+          "icon_resources": [(1, join("pixmaps","openerp-icon.ico"))],
+        }]
+    py2exe_keywords['options'] = {
+        "py2exe": {
+            "skip_archive": 1,
+            "optimize": 2,
+            "dist_dir": 'dist',
+            "packages": [
+                "lxml", "lxml.builder", "lxml._elementpath", "lxml.etree",
+                "lxml.objectify", "decimal", "xml", "xml", "xml.dom", "xml.xpath",
+                "encodings", "dateutil", "pychart", "PIL", "pyparsing",
+                "pydot", "asyncore","asynchat", "reportlab", "vobject",
+                "HTMLParser", "select", "mako", "poplib",
+                "imaplib", "smtplib", "email", "yaml", "DAV",
+                "uuid", "commands", "openerp",
+            ],
+            "excludes" : ["Tkconstants","Tkinter","tcl"],
+        }
+    }
+    # TODO is it still necessary now that we don't use the library.zip file?
+    def data_files():
+        '''For Windows, we consider all the addons as data files.
+           It seems also that package_data below isn't honored by py2exe.'''
+        files = []
+        os.chdir('openerp')
         for (dp, dn, names) in os.walk('addons'):
-            files.append((dp, map(lambda x: join('bin', dp, x), names)))
+            files.append((join('openerp',dp), map(lambda x: join('openerp', dp, x), names)))
-        #for root, _, names in os.walk(join('bin','addons')):
-        #    files.append((root, [join(root, name) for name in names]))
-        for root, _, names in os.walk('doc'):
-            files.append((root, [join(root, name) for name in names]))
-        #for root, _, names in os.walk('pixmaps'):
-        #    files.append((root, [join(root, name) for name in names]))
-        files.append(('.', [join('bin', 'import_xml.rng'),]))
-    else:
-        man_directory = join('share', 'man')
-        files.append((join(man_directory, 'man1'), ['man/openerp-server.1']))
-        files.append((join(man_directory, 'man5'), ['man/openerp_serverrc.5']))
-        doc_directory = join('share', 'doc', 'openerp-server-%s' % version)
-        files.append((doc_directory, filter(isfile, glob.glob('doc/*'))))
-        files.append((join(doc_directory, 'migrate', '3.3.0-3.4.0'),
-                      filter(isfile, glob.glob('doc/migrate/3.3.0-3.4.0/*'))))
-        files.append((join(doc_directory, 'migrate', '3.4.0-4.0.0'),
-                      filter(isfile, glob.glob('doc/migrate/3.4.0-4.0.0/*'))))
-        openerp_site_packages = join(get_python_lib(prefix=''), 'openerp-server')
-        files.append((openerp_site_packages, [join('bin', 'import_xml.rng'),]))
-        if sys.version_info[0:2] == (2,5):
-            files.append((openerp_site_packages, [ join('python25-compat','BaseHTTPServer.py'),
-                                                   join('python25-compat','SimpleXMLRPCServer.py'),
-                                                   join('python25-compat','SocketServer.py')]))
-        for addonname, add_path in find_addons():
-            addon_path = join(get_python_lib(prefix=''), 'openerp-server','addons', addonname)
-            for root, dirs, innerfiles in os.walk(add_path):
-                innerfiles = filter(lambda fil: os.path.splitext(fil)[1] not in ('.pyc', '.pyd', '.pyo'), innerfiles)
-                if innerfiles:
-                    res = os.path.normpath(join(addon_path, root.replace(join(add_path), '.')))
-                    files.extend(((res, map(lambda fil: join(root, fil),
-                                            innerfiles)),))
-    return files
-f = file('openerp-server','w')
-echo "Error: the content of this file should have been replaced during "
-echo "installation\n"
-exit 1
-def find_package_dirs():
-    package_dirs = {'openerp-server': 'bin'}
-    for mod, path in find_addons():
-        package_dirs['openerp-server.addons.' + mod] = path
-    return package_dirs
-class openerp_server_install(install):
-    def run(self):
-        # create startup script
-        start_script = "#!/bin/sh\ncd %s\nexec %s ./openerp-server.py $@\n"\
-            % (join(self.install_libbase, "openerp-server"), sys.executable)
-        # write script
-        f = open('openerp-server', 'w')
-        f.write(start_script)
-        f.close()
-        install.run(self)
-options = {
-    "py2exe": {
-        "compressed": 1,
-        "optimize": 2,
-        "dist_dir": 'dist',
-        "packages": [
-            "lxml", "lxml.builder", "lxml._elementpath", "lxml.etree",
-            "lxml.objectify", "decimal", "xml", "xml", "xml.dom", "xml.xpath",
-            "encodings", "dateutil", "wizard", "pychart", "PIL", "pyparsing",
-            "pydot", "asyncore","asynchat", "reportlab", "vobject",
-            "HTMLParser", "select", "mako", "poplib",
-            "imaplib", "smtplib", "email", "yaml", "DAV",
-            "uuid",
-        ],
-        "excludes" : ["Tkconstants","Tkinter","tcl"],
-    }
+        files.append(('openerp', [join('openerp', 'import_xml.rng'),]))
+        return files
+    py2exe_data_files = data_files()
+execfile(join('openerp', 'release.py'))
 setup(name             = name,
       version          = version,
@@ -208,32 +118,29 @@
       author_email     = author_email,
       classifiers      = filter(None, classifiers.split("\n")),
       license          = license,
-      data_files       = data_files(),
-      cmdclass         = {
-          'install' : openerp_server_install,
-      },
-      scripts          = ['openerp-server'],
-      packages = [
-          '.'.join(['openerp-server'] + package.split('.')[1:])
-          for package in find_packages()
-      ],
+      data_files       = [
+        (join('man', 'man1'), ['man/openerp-server.1']),
+        (join('man', 'man5'), ['man/openerp_serverrc.5']),
+        ('doc', filter(isfile, glob.glob('doc/*'))),
+      ] + py2exe_data_files,
+      scripts          = ['openerp-server.py'],
+      packages = find_packages(),
       include_package_data = True,
       package_data = {
           '': ['*.yml', '*.xml', '*.po', '*.pot', '*.csv'],
-      package_dir      = find_package_dirs(),
-      console = [
-          {
-              "script": join("bin", "openerp-server.py"),
-              "icon_resources": [(1, join("pixmaps","openerp-icon.ico"))]
-          }
-      ],
-      options = options,
+      dependency_links = ['http://download.gna.org/pychart/'],
       install_requires = [
-          'lxml',
+       # We require the same version as caldav for lxml.
+          'lxml==2.1.5',
+        # TODO the pychart package we include in openerp corresponds to PyChart 1.37.
+        # It seems there is a single difference, which is a spurious print in generate_docs.py.
+        # It is probably safe to move to PyChart 1.39 (the latest one).
+        # (Let setup.py choose the latest one, and we should check we can remove pychart from
+        # our tree.)
@@ -243,8 +150,9 @@
-      extras_require={
+      extras_require = {
           'SSL' : ['pyopenssl'],
-      }
+      },
+      **py2exe_keywords

Follow ups