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lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-import_sugarcrm-backlog3_import_alldata-atp into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-import_sugarcrm


Atul Patel(OpenERP) has proposed merging lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-import_sugarcrm-backlog3_import_alldata-atp into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-import_sugarcrm.

Requested reviews:
  Bhumika (OpenERP) (sbh-openerp)

For more details, see:


BackLog3: Import all datas

1) Import Accounts data into Openerp Partners
2) Import contacts data into Partner address
3) Import Employee data into Openerp Hr Employee.

4) Import Leads status into Leads
5) Import partner and partner_address id into Opportunities


I had made changes and Fix it.

Your team OpenERP R&D Team is subscribed to branch lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-import_sugarcrm.
=== modified file 'import_sugarcrm/__openerp__.py'
--- import_sugarcrm/__openerp__.py	2011-03-18 09:02:34 +0000
+++ import_sugarcrm/__openerp__.py	2011-03-25 12:45:30 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     'description': """This Module Import SugarCRM "Leads", "Opportunities", and "Users" Data into OpenERP Module.""",
     'author': 'OpenERP SA',
     'website': 'http://www.openerp.com',
-    'depends': ['crm'],
+    'depends': ['crm', 'hr'],
     'init_xml': [],
     'update_xml': ["wizard/sugarcrm_login_view.xml",

=== modified file 'import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm.py'
--- import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm.py	2011-03-18 09:02:34 +0000
+++ import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm.py	2011-03-25 12:45:30 +0000
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 from osv import fields, osv
+from operator import itemgetter
 import sugar
 import sugarcrm_fields_mapping
 import pprint
@@ -38,6 +39,56 @@
     model_obj = obj.pool.get('ir.model.data')
     return model_obj.search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', res_model), ('module', '=', 'sugarcrm_import'), ('name', '=', sugar_id)], context=context)
+def get_all(sugar_obj, cr, uid, model, sugar_val, context=None):
+       models = sugar_obj.pool.get(model)
+       str = sugar_val[0:2]
+       all_model_ids = models.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', sugar_val)]) or models.search(cr, uid, [('code', '=', str.upper())]) 
+       output = [(False, '')]
+       output = sorted([(o.id, o.name)
+                for o in models.browse(cr, uid, all_model_ids,
+                                       context=context)],
+               key=itemgetter(1))
+       return output
+def get_all_states(sugar_obj, cr, uid, sugar_val, context=None):
+    return get_all(sugar_obj,
+        cr, uid, 'res.country.state', sugar_val, context=context)
+def get_all_countries(sugar_obj, cr, uid, sugar_val, context=None):
+    return get_all(sugar_obj,
+        cr, uid, 'res.country', sugar_val, context=context)
+def import_partner_address(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
+    if not context:
+        context = {}
+    res_country_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.country')
+    map_partner_address = {
+             'id': 'id',              
+             'name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
+            'phone': 'phone_work',
+            'mobile': 'phone_mobile',
+            'fax': 'phone_fax',
+            'function': 'title',
+            'street': 'primary_address_street',
+            'zip': 'primary_address_postalcode',
+            'city': 'primary_address_city',
+          #  'country_id/id': 'country_id/id',
+           # 'state_id/id': 'state_id/id'
+            }
+    address_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.partner.address')
+    PortType, sessionid = sugar.login(context.get('username', ''), context.get('password', ''), context.get('url',''))
+    sugar_data = sugar.search(PortType, sessionid, 'Contacts')
+    for val in sugar_data:
+        str = val.get('primary_address_country')[0:2]
+        country = get_all_countries(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('primary_address_country'), context)
+        state = get_all_states(sugar_obj,cr, uid, val.get('primary_address_state'), context)
+        #Need To Fix
+#        val['country_id/id'] =  country and country[0][0] or res_country_obj.create(cr, uid, {'name': val.get('primary_address_country'), 'code': str}),
+#      #  val['state_id/id'] =  state and state[0][0] or False        
+        fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_partner_address)
+        address_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', context=context)
 def import_users(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
     if not context:
@@ -46,12 +97,13 @@
              'name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
             'login': 'user_name',
             'context_lang' : 'context_lang',
             'password' : 'password',
             '.id' : '.id',
+            'context_department_id': 'department'
     user_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.users')
+    department_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('hr.department')
     PortType,sessionid = sugar.login(context.get('username',''), context.get('password',''), context.get('url',''))
     sugar_data = sugar.search(PortType,sessionid, 'Users')
     for val in sugar_data:
@@ -60,7 +112,9 @@
             val['.id'] = str(user_ids[0])
             val['password'] = 'sugarcrm' #default password for all user
+#            cr.execute('SELECT * FROM users_signatures u LIMIT 0,1000')
+        new_department_id = department_obj.create(cr, uid, {'name': val.get('department')})
+        val['context_department_id'] = new_department_id     
         val['context_lang'] = context.get('lang','en_US')
         fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_user)
         #All data has to be imported separatly because they don't have the same field
@@ -85,6 +139,21 @@
         stage_id = stage.id
     return stage_id
+def get_lead_state(surgar_obj, cr, uid, sugar_val,context=None):
+    if not context:
+        context = {}
+    state = ''
+    state_dict = {'status': #field in the sugarcrm database
+        { #Mapping of sugarcrm stage : openerp opportunity stage
+            'New' : 'draft',
+            'Assigned':'open',
+            'In Progress': 'open',
+            'Recycled': 'cancel',
+            'Dead': 'done'
+        },}
+    state = state_dict['status'].get(sugar_val['status'], '')
+    return state
 def get_opportunity_status(surgar_obj, cr, uid, sugar_val,context=None):
     if not context:
         context = {}
@@ -105,6 +174,182 @@
         stage_id = stage.id
     return stage_id
+def get_billing_address(sugar_obj,cr, uid, val, map_partner_address, context=None):
+    fields=[]
+    datas=[]
+    address_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.partner.address')
+    res_country_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.country')
+    str = val.get('billing_address_country')[0:2]
+    map_partner_address.update({
+        'street': 'billing_address_street',
+        'zip': 'billing_address_postalcode',
+        'city': 'billing_address_city',
+        'country_id': 'country_id',
+        'type': 'type'
+            })
+    val['type'] = 'invoice'
+    country = get_all_countries(sugar_obj,cr, uid, val.get('billing_address_country'), context)
+    state = get_all_states(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('billing_address_state'), context)
+    #Need to Fix bcz code create problem.
+    val['country_id'] =  country and country[0][0] or res_country_obj.create(cr, uid, {'name': val.get('billing_address_country'), 'code': str}),
+    val['state_id'] =  state and state[0][0] or  False,           
+    fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_partner_address)
+    dict_val = dict(zip(fields,datas))
+    new_address_id = address_obj.create(cr,uid, dict_val)
+    return new_address_id
+def get_shipping_address(sugar_obj,cr, uid, val, map_partner_address, context=None):
+    fields=[]
+    datas=[]
+    str = ''
+    address_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.partner.address')
+    res_country_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.country')
+    str = val.get('shipping_address_country')[0:2]
+    map_partner_address.update({
+        'street': 'shipping_address_street',
+        'zip': 'shipping_address_postalcode',
+        'city': 'shipping_address_city',
+         'country_id': 'country_id',
+         'type': 'type'
+        })
+    val['type'] = 'delivery'
+    country = get_all_countries(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('shipping_address_country'), context)
+    state = get_all_states(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('shipping_address_state'), context)
+    val['country_id'] =  country and country[0][0] or res_country_obj.create(cr, uid, {'name': val.get('shipping_address_country'), 'code': str}),
+    val['state_id'] =  state and state[0][0] or  False,
+    fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_partner_address)
+    dict_val = dict(zip(fields,datas))
+    new_address_id = address_obj.create(cr,uid, dict_val)
+    return new_address_id
+def get_user_address(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context=None):
+    address_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.partner.address')
+    map_user_address = {
+    'name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
+    'city': 'address_city',
+    'country_id.id': 'address_country',
+    'state_id.id': 'address_state',
+    'street': 'address_street',
+    'zip': 'address_postalcode',
+    }
+    address_ids = address_obj.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=',val.get('first_name') +''+ val.get('last_name'))])
+    fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_user_address)
+    dict_val = dict(zip(fields,datas))
+    if address_ids:
+        address_obj.write(cr, uid, address_ids, dict_val)
+    else:        
+        new_address_id = address_obj.create(cr,uid, dict_val)
+        return new_address_id
+def get_address(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context=None):
+    map_partner_address={}
+    address_id=[]
+    fields=[]
+    datas=[]
+    address_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.partner.address')
+    model_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('ir.model.data')
+    address_ids = address_obj.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=',val.get('name')), ('type', 'in', ('invoice', 'delivery')), ('street', '=', val.get('billing_address_street'))])
+    if address_ids:
+        return address_ids 
+    else:
+        map_partner_address = {
+            'id': 'id',                    
+            'name': 'name',
+            'partner_id/id': 'account_id',
+            'phone': 'phone_office',
+            'mobile': 'phone_mobile',
+            'fax': 'phone_fax',
+            'type': 'type',
+            }
+        address_id.append(get_billing_address(sugar_obj,cr, uid, val, map_partner_address, context))
+        address_id.append(get_shipping_address(sugar_obj,cr, uid, val, map_partner_address, context))
+        return address_id
+def import_partners(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
+    if not context:
+        context = {}
+    map_partner = {
+                'id': 'id',
+                'name': 'name',
+                'website': 'website',
+                'user_id/id': 'assigned_user_id',
+                'ref': 'sic_code',
+                'comment': ['description', 'employees', 'ownership', 'annual_revenue', 'rating', 'industry', 'ticker_symbol'],
+                'customer': False,
+                'supplier': False
+                }
+    partner_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.partner')
+    address_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.partner.address')
+    PortType, sessionid = sugar.login(context.get('username', ''), context.get('password', ''), context.get('url',''))
+    sugar_data = sugar.search(PortType, sessionid, 'Accounts')
+    for val in sugar_data:
+        add_id = get_address(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context)
+        if val.get('account_type') in  ('customer', 'prospect', 'other'):
+            val['customer'] = True
+        else:
+            val['supplier'] = True
+        fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_partner)
+        partner_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', context=context)
+        for a in  address_obj.browse(cr,uid,add_id):
+            data_id=partner_obj.search(cr,uid,[('name','like',a.name),('website','like',val.get('website'))])
+            if data_id:
+                address_obj.write(cr,uid,a.id,{'partner_id':data_id[0]})                
+    return True
+def import_resources(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
+    if not context:
+        context = {}
+    map_resource = {'id' : 'user_hash',
+                    'name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
+    }
+    resource_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('resource.resource')
+    PortType, sessionid = sugar.login(context.get('username', ''), context.get('password', ''), context.get('url',''))
+    sugar_data = sugar.search(PortType, sessionid, 'Employees')
+    for val in sugar_data:
+        fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_resource)
+        resource_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', context=context)
+def import_employees(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
+    if not context:
+        context = {}
+    map_employee = {'id' : 'user_hash',
+                    'name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
+                    'work_phone': 'phone_work',
+                    'mobile_phone':  'phone_mobile',
+                    'user_id/name': ['first_name', 'last_name'], 
+                    'resource_id/.id': 'resource_id/.id', 
+                    'address_home_id/.id': 'address_home_id/.id',
+                    'notes': 'description',
+                    #TODO: Creation of Employee create problem.
+                 #   'coach_id/id': 'reports_to_id',
+                    'job_id/.id': 'job_id/.id'
+    }
+    employee_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('hr.employee')
+    job_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('hr.job')
+    PortType, sessionid = sugar.login(context.get('username', ''), context.get('password', ''), context.get('url',''))
+    sugar_data = sugar.search(PortType, sessionid, 'Employees')
+    for val in sugar_data:
+        address_id = get_user_address(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context)
+        val['address_home_id/.id'] = address_id
+        model_ids = find_mapped_id(sugar_obj, cr, uid, 'resource.resource', val.get('user_hash')+ '_resource_resource', context)
+        resource_id = sugar_obj.pool.get('ir.model.data').browse(cr, uid, model_ids)
+        if resource_id:
+            val['resource_id/.id'] = resource_id[0].res_id
+        new_job_id = job_obj.create(cr, uid, {'name': val.get('title')})
+        val['job_id/.id'] = new_job_id
+        fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_employee)
+        employee_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', context=context)
 def import_leads(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
     if not context:
         context = {}
@@ -113,7 +358,7 @@
             'name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
             'contact_name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
             'description': 'description',
-            'partner_name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
+            'partner_name': 'account_name',
             'email_from': 'email1',
             'phone': 'phone_work',
             'mobile': 'phone_mobile',
@@ -122,11 +367,9 @@
             'zip': 'primary_address_postalcode',
             'user_id/id' : 'assigned_user_id',
             'stage_id.id' : 'stage_id.id',
             'type' : 'type',
+            'state': 'state',
     lead_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('crm.lead')
@@ -136,6 +379,7 @@
         val['type'] = 'lead'
         stage_id = get_lead_status(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context)
         val['stage_id.id'] = stage_id
+        val['state'] = get_lead_state(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val,context)
         fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_lead)
         lead_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', context=context)
@@ -145,6 +389,9 @@
     map_opportunity = {'id' : 'id',
         'name': 'name',
         'probability': 'probability',
+        'partner_id/name': 'account_name',
+        'title_action': 'next_step',
+        'partner_address_id/name': 'account_name',
         'planned_revenue': 'amount_usdollar',
         'user_id/id' : 'assigned_user_id',
@@ -161,19 +408,35 @@
         fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_opportunity)
         lead_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', context=context)
 MAP_FIELDS = {'Opportunities':  #Object Mapping name
-                     { 'dependencies' : ['Users'],  #Object to import before this table
-                       'process' : import_opportunities,
+                    {'dependencies' : ['Users', 'Accounts'],  #Object to import before this table
+                     'process' : import_opportunities,
-                'Users' : {'dependencies' : [],
-                          'process' : import_users,
-                         },
-              { 'dependencies' : ['Users'],  #Object to import before this table
-                       'process' : import_leads,
-                     },
+                    {'dependencies' : ['Users', 'Accounts', 'Contacts'],  #Object to import before this table
+                     'process' : import_leads,
+                    },
+              'Contacts':
+                    {'dependencies' : ['Users'],  #Object to import before this table
+                     'process' : import_partner_address,
+                    },
+              'Accounts':
+                    {'dependencies' : ['Users'],  #Object to import before this table
+                     'process' : import_partners,
+                    },
+              'Users': 
+                    {'dependencies' : [],
+                     'process' : import_users,
+                    },
+              'Employees': 
+                    {'dependencies' : ['Resources'],
+                     'process' : import_employees,
+                    },    
+              'Resources': 
+                    {'dependencies' : ['Users'],
+                     'process' : import_resources,
+                    },                                      
 class import_sugarcrm(osv.osv):
@@ -186,6 +449,9 @@
         'lead': fields.boolean('Leads', help="If Leads is checked, SugarCRM Leads data imported in openerp crm-Lead form"),
         'opportunity': fields.boolean('Opportunities', help="If Leads is checked, SugarCRM Leads data imported in openerp crm-Opportunity form"),
         'user': fields.boolean('User', help="If Users is checked, SugarCRM Users data imported in openerp crm-Opportunity form"),
+        'contact': fields.boolean('Contacts', help="If Contacts is checked, SugarCRM Contacts data imported in openerp partner address form"),
+        'account': fields.boolean('Accounts', help="If Accounts is checked, SugarCRM  Accounts data imported in openerp partner form"),
+        'employee': fields.boolean('Employee', help="If Employees is checked, SugarCRM Employees data imported in openerp partner employee form"),
         'username': fields.char('User Name', size=64),
         'password': fields.char('Password', size=24),
@@ -193,7 +459,11 @@
        'lead': True,
        'opportunity': True,
        'user' : True,
+       'contact' : True,
+       'account' : True,
+        'employee' : True,        
     def get_key(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         """Select Key as For which Module data we want import data."""
         if not context:
@@ -206,6 +476,13 @@
             if current.user:
+            if current.contact:
+                key_list.append('Contacts')
+            if current.account:
+                key_list.append('Accounts') 
+            if current.employee:
+                key_list.append('Employees')       
         return key_list
@@ -242,7 +519,4 @@

=== modified file 'import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm_view.xml'
--- import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm_view.xml	2011-03-18 09:02:34 +0000
+++ import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm_view.xml	2011-03-25 12:45:30 +0000
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
                          <field name="lead" />
                          <field name="opportunity" />
                          <field name="user" />
+                         <field name= "contact" />
+                         <field name= "account" />
+                         <field name= "employee" />
                          <field name="username" invisible="1"/>
                          <field name="password" invisible="1"/>

Follow ups