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[Merge] lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/6.0-bug-744175-xrg into lp:openobject-addons/6.0


Stephane Wirtel (OpenERP) has proposed merging lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/6.0-bug-744175-xrg into lp:openobject-addons/6.0.

Requested reviews:
  OpenERP Core Team (openerp)

For more details, see:

There is an OPW on this branch

I asked to the customer to check if this branch fixes its problem, and waiting for a reply.

Your team OpenERP R&D Team is subscribed to branch lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/6.0-bug-744175-xrg.
=== modified file 'document/document_directory.py'
--- document/document_directory.py	2011-01-14 09:34:28 +0000
+++ document/document_directory.py	2011-04-04 12:41:11 +0000
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 import nodes
 from tools.translate import _
+import logging
 class document_directory(osv.osv):
     _name = 'document.directory'
@@ -124,18 +125,48 @@
             res.append((d.id, s or d.name))
         return res
-    def get_full_path(self, cr, uid, dir_id, context=None):
+    def get_full_path(self, cr, uid, dir_id, res_vector=None, context=None):
         """ Return the full path to this directory, in a list, root first
         if isinstance(dir_id, (tuple, list)):
             assert len(dir_id) == 1
             dir_id = dir_id[0]
+        _log = logging.getLogger('document')
         def _parent(dir_id, path):
             parent=self.browse(cr, uid, dir_id)
             if parent.parent_id and not parent.ressource_parent_type_id:
+                if parent.ressource_type_id:
+                    # here, we try to fill the names of dynamic nodes in the
+                    # path leading to the directory.
+                    # Since document.directory records do /not/ contain information
+                    # (aka. the vector) about the dynamic stuff, we need to trust
+                    # some external variable. If not available, we place an item 
+                    # of (<model name>, False) in the path. The caller must handle
+                    # that or bork.
+                    if res_vector is None:
+                        _log.debug("get_full_path: missing a vector for %s", parent.ressource_type_id.model)
+                    elif res_vector and parent.ressource_type_id.model == res_vector[0]:
+                        obj = self.pool.get(res_vector[0])
+                        rbro = obj.browse(cr, uid, res_vector[1], context=context)
+                        fld_name = (parent.resource_field and parent.resource_field.name) or 'name'
+                        if parent.ressource_tree:
+                            rev_names = []
+                            while rbro:
+                                par = getattr(rbro, obj._parent_name, False)
+                                if not par:
+                                    break
+                                rev_names.append(rbro[fld_name])
+                            rev_names.reverse()
+                            path += map(nodes.filter_res_name, rev_names)
+                        else:
+                            # print "appending for %s:%s: %s" %(res_vector[0], res_vector[1], rbro[fld_name])
+                            path.append(nodes.filter_res_name(rbro[fld_name]))
+                    else:
+                        _log.debug("get_full_path: missing a vector for: %s (had %s) ", parent.ressource_type_id.model, res_vector[0])
+                        path.append((parent.ressource_type_id.model, False))
                 return path

=== modified file 'document/document_storage.py'
--- document/document_storage.py	2011-01-14 00:11:01 +0000
+++ document/document_storage.py	2011-04-04 12:41:11 +0000
@@ -142,9 +142,10 @@
                 fsize = os.stat(fname).st_size
                 cr.execute("UPDATE ir_attachment " \
                             " SET index_content = %s, file_type = %s, " \
-                            " file_size = %s " \
+                            " file_size = %s, "\
+                            " write_date = now(), write_uid = %s " \
                             "  WHERE id = %s",
-                            (icont_u, mime, fsize, par.file_id))
+                            (icont_u, mime, fsize, par.context.uid, par.file_id))
                 par.content_length = fsize
                 par.content_type = mime
@@ -157,9 +158,10 @@
                 par = self._get_parent()
                 cr = pooler.get_db(par.context.dbname).cursor()
                 fsize = os.stat(fname).st_size
-                cr.execute("UPDATE ir_attachment SET file_size = %s " \
+                cr.execute("UPDATE ir_attachment SET file_size = %s, " \
+                            " write_date = now(), write_uid = %s " \
                             "  WHERE id = %s",
-                            (fsize, par.file_id))
+                            (fsize, par.context.uid, par.file_id))
                 par.content_length = fsize
@@ -228,17 +230,19 @@
                 out = psycopg2.Binary(data)
                 cr.execute("UPDATE ir_attachment " \
                             "SET db_datas = %s, file_size=%s, " \
-                            " index_content= %s, file_type=%s " \
+                            " index_content= %s, file_type=%s, " \
+                            " write_date = now(), write_uid = %s " \
                             " WHERE id = %s",
-                    (out, len(data), icont_u, mime, par.file_id))
+                    (out, len(data), icont_u, mime, par.context.uid, par.file_id))
             elif self.mode == 'a':
                 data = self.getvalue()
                 out = psycopg2.Binary(data)
                 cr.execute("UPDATE ir_attachment " \
                     "SET db_datas = COALESCE(db_datas,'') || %s, " \
-                    "    file_size = COALESCE(file_size, 0) + %s " \
+                    "    file_size = COALESCE(file_size, 0) + %s, " \
+                    "    write_date = now(), write_uid = %s " \
                     " WHERE id = %s",
-                    (out, len(data), par.file_id))
+                    (out, len(data), par.context.uid, par.file_id))
         except Exception:
             logging.getLogger('document.storage').exception('Cannot update db file #%d for close:', par.file_id)
@@ -306,18 +310,20 @@
                     icont_u = ''
                 cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET db_datas = %s::bytea, file_size=%s, ' \
-                        'index_content = %s, file_type = %s ' \
+                        'index_content = %s, file_type = %s, ' \
+                        ' write_date = now(), write_uid = %s ' \
                         'WHERE id = %s',
-                        (base64.encodestring(data), len(data), icont_u, mime, par.file_id))
+                        (base64.encodestring(data), len(data), icont_u, mime, par.context.uid, par.file_id))
             elif self.mode == 'a':
                 data = self.getvalue()
                 # Yes, we're obviously using the wrong representation for storing our
                 # data as base64-in-bytea
                 cr.execute("UPDATE ir_attachment " \
                     "SET db_datas = encode( (COALESCE(decode(encode(db_datas,'escape'),'base64'),'') || decode(%s, 'base64')),'base64')::bytea , " \
-                    "    file_size = COALESCE(file_size, 0) + %s " \
+                    "    file_size = COALESCE(file_size, 0) + %s, " \
+                    "    write_date = now(), write_uid = %s " \
                     " WHERE id = %s",
-                    (base64.encodestring(data), len(data), par.file_id))
+                    (base64.encodestring(data), len(data), par.context.uid, par.file_id))
         except Exception:
             logging.getLogger('document.storage').exception('Cannot update db file #%d for close:', par.file_id)
@@ -627,8 +633,8 @@
             # a hack: /assume/ that the calling write operation will not try
             # to write the fname and size, and update them in the db concurrently.
             # We cannot use a write() here, because we are already in one.
-            cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET store_fname = %s, file_size = %s, index_content = %s, file_type = %s WHERE id = %s',
-                (store_fname, filesize, icont_u, mime, file_node.file_id))
+            cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET store_fname = %s, file_size = %s, index_content = %s, file_type = %s, write_date = now(), write_uid = %s WHERE id = %s',
+                (store_fname, filesize, icont_u, mime, uid, file_node.file_id))
             file_node.content_length = filesize
             file_node.content_type = mime
             return True

=== modified file 'document/nodes.py'
--- document/nodes.py	2011-01-14 09:34:28 +0000
+++ document/nodes.py	2011-04-04 12:41:11 +0000
@@ -57,6 +57,17 @@
         cre = cre[:fdot]
     return time.mktime(time.strptime(cre,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) + frac
+def filter_res_name(name):
+    """ Filter forbidden chars from a resource name to node names
+        Resource names (eg. project.project.name) could contain any chars,
+        some of them being illegal for filesystem representation.
+        This is the central point to do this kind of filtering.
+        Remember that the substitution char must be '_', because in SQL ILIKE
+        it will match back the original (single) char.
+    """
+    return name.replace('/','_') # any other weird char?
 def get_node_context(cr, uid, context):
     return node_context(cr, uid, context)
@@ -866,7 +877,7 @@
                 # Yes! we can't do better but skip nameless records.
             # Escape the name for characters not supported in filenames
-            res_name = res_name.replace('/','_') # any other weird char?
+            res_name = filter_res_name(res_name)
             if name and (res_name != name):
                 # we have matched _ to any character, but we only meant to match
@@ -1043,7 +1054,7 @@
                 res_name = getattr(bo, namefield)
                 if not res_name:
-                res_name = res_name.replace('/', '_')
+                res_name = filter_res_name(res_name)
                 if name and (res_name != name):
                 # TODO Revise
@@ -1177,6 +1188,11 @@
         self.write_date = fil.write_date or fil.create_date
         self.content_length = fil.file_size
         self.displayname = fil.name
+        self.res_vector = None
+        if fil.res_model:
+            self.res_vector = (fil.res_model, fil.res_id)
+        elif fil.partner_id:
+            self.res_vector = ('res.partner', fil.partner_id.id)
         self.uidperms = 14
         if parent:
@@ -1251,7 +1267,8 @@
         dirpath = []
         if fbro.parent_id:
             dirobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.directory')
-            dirpath = dirobj.get_full_path(cr, uid, fbro.parent_id.id, context=self.context.context)
+            dirpath = dirobj.get_full_path(cr, uid, fbro.parent_id.id,
+                        res_vector=self.res_vector, context=self.context.context)
         if fbro.datas_fname:
@@ -1280,9 +1297,6 @@
     def get_data_len(self, cr, fil_obj = None):
         # TODO: verify with the storage object!
-        bin_size = self.context.context.get('bin_size', False)
-        if bin_size and not self.content_length:
-            self.content_length = fil_obj.db_datas
         return self.content_length
     def set_data(self, cr, data, fil_obj = None):

=== added file 'document/test/document_test3.yml'
--- document/test/document_test3.yml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ document/test/document_test3.yml	2011-04-04 12:41:11 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+    I will now test the realstore functionality of DMS
+    !assert {model: document.storage, id: storage_default }:
+      - id != False
+    I create a realstore folder, with some arbitrary storage path
+    !python {model: document.storage}: |
+        import tempfile
+        tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        print "I will be storing at %s" % tdir
+        context['tests_doc_tmpdir'] = tdir
+    !record {model: document.storage, id: test_realstore_id }:
+        name: Realstore testing
+        type: realstore
+    !python {model: document.storage }: |
+        id = ref('test_realstore_id')
+        self.write(cr, uid, [id,], {'path': context['tests_doc_tmpdir']})
+    I create a "Testing Realstore" folder where all the test data will go.
+    !record {model: document.directory, id: dir_tests_realstore }:
+        name: 'Testing Realstore'
+        parent_id: dir_root
+        storage_id: test_realstore_id
+    I create an attachment into the realstore
+    !record {model: ir.attachment, id: file_test_rs1 }:
+        name: Test file.txt
+        parent_id: dir_tests_realstore
+    I delete the attachment from the root folder
+    !python {model: ir.attachment}: |
+     self.unlink(cr, uid, [ref('file_test_rs1')])
+    I create a second attachment into the Testing folder.
+    !record {model: ir.attachment, id: file_test_rs2 }:
+        name: Test file 2
+        parent_id: dir_tests_realstore
+    I update the attachment with data, namely "abcd"
+    !record {model: ir.attachment, id: file_test_rs2 }:
+        datas: "YWJjZA==\n"
+    I test that the datas of the attachment are correct
+    !assert {model: ir.attachment, id: file_test_rs2 }:
+        - datas == "YWJjZA==\n"
+        - file_size == 4
+        - file_type == 'text/plain'
+    I open the real file and check the data
+    !python {model: ir.attachment}: |
+        import os
+        rpath = os.path.join(context['tests_doc_tmpdir'], 'Documents', 'Testing Realstore', 'Test file 2')
+        assert os.path.exists(rpath), "Cannot find %s!" % rpath
+        print "Found path:", rpath
+    I now check for Realstore & Dynamic folders
+    I create a dynamic folder for companies
+    !record {model: document.directory, id: test_dynfolder_1 }:
+        name: Companies
+        parent_id: dir_tests_realstore
+        type: ressource
+        ressource_type_id: base.model_res_company
+        resource_find_all: False
+        company_id: False
+    I attach one document for the dynamic folder of companies
+    !record {model: ir.attachment, id: file_test_rs3 }:
+        name: Test file 3
+        parent_id: test_dynfolder_1
+        datas: "YWJjZA==\n"
+        res_model: res.company
+        res_id: !eval ref('base.main_company')
+    I open the real dynamic file and check the data
+    !python {model: ir.attachment}: |
+        import os
+        comp_obj = self.pool.get('res.company')
+        comp_name = comp_obj.browse(cr, uid, ref('base.main_company')).name
+        rpath = os.path.join(context['tests_doc_tmpdir'], 'Documents', 'Testing Realstore', \
+            'Companies', comp_name, 'Test file 3')
+        assert os.path.exists(rpath), "Cannot find %s!" % rpath
+        print "Found path:", rpath
+    I delete the attachments
+    !python {model: ir.attachment}: |
+     self.unlink(cr, uid, [ref('file_test_rs2')])
+     self.unlink(cr, uid, [ref('file_test_rs3')])
+    I delete the tests folder
+    !python {model: document.directory}: |
+      self.unlink(cr, uid, [ref('dir_tests_realstore'), ref('test_dynfolder_1')])
+      cr.commit()
+    I delete the realstore
+    !python {model: document.storage}: |
+      self.unlink(cr, uid, [ref('test_realstore_id')])
+      cr.commit()

=== modified file 'document_ftp/ftpserver/abstracted_fs.py'
--- document_ftp/ftpserver/abstracted_fs.py	2011-01-14 09:34:28 +0000
+++ document_ftp/ftpserver/abstracted_fs.py	2011-04-04 12:41:11 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
 import time
 from tarfile import filemode
 import logging
@@ -33,6 +32,42 @@
 from ftpserver import _to_decode, _to_unicode
+class ftp_path(object):
+    """Util functions for ftp (Unix) paths, instead of os.path
+    os.path will behave differently according to platform. For FTP paths
+    we always want the Unix behavior
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def join(*pathelems):
+        return '/'.join(pathelems)
+    @staticmethod
+    def isabs(path):
+        return path.startswith('/')
+    @staticmethod
+    def split(path):
+        return path.rsplit('/',1)
+    @staticmethod
+    def normpath(path):
+        if '//' not in path and '..' not in path and './' not in path:
+            return path
+        pathelems = path.split('/')
+        res = []
+        for p in pathelems:
+            if len(res) and not p:
+                continue
+            if p == '.':
+                continue
+            if p == '..' and len(res):
+                res.pop()
+                continue
+            res.append(p)
+        return '/'.join(res)
 class abstracted_fs(object):
     """A class used to interact with the file system, providing a high
@@ -92,15 +127,10 @@
         Pathname returned is relative!.
-        p = os.path.normpath(ftppath)
+        p = ftp_path.normpath(ftppath)
         # normalize string in a standard web-path notation having '/'
         # as separator. xrg: is that really in the spec?
         p = p.replace("\\", "/")
-        # os.path.normpath supports UNC paths (e.g. "//a/b/c") but we
-        # don't need them.  In case we get an UNC path we collapse
-        # redundant separators appearing at the beginning of the string
-        while p[:2] == '//':
-            p = p[1:]
         if p == '.':
             return ''
         return p
@@ -119,7 +149,7 @@
         if node:
             paths = node.full_path()
             res = '/' + node.context.dbname + '/' +  \
-                _to_decode(os.path.join(*paths))
+                _to_decode(ftp_path.join(*paths))
         return res
@@ -188,6 +218,7 @@
         raise NotImplementedError # TODO
         text = not 'b' in mode
+        node = None # for pyflakes
         # for unique file , maintain version if duplicate file
         if dir:
             cr = dir.cr
@@ -255,16 +286,18 @@
         path = self.ftpnorm(line)
         if self.cwd_node is None:
-            if not os.path.isabs(path):
-                path = os.path.join(self.root, path)
+            if not path:
+                path = self.root or '/'
+            elif not ftp_path.isabs(path):
+                path = ftp_path.join(self.root, path)
         if path == '/' and mode in ('list', 'cwd'):
             return (None, None, None )
-        path = _to_unicode(os.path.normpath(path)) # again, for '/db/../ss'
+        path = _to_unicode(ftp_path.normpath(path)) # again, for '/db/../ss'
         if path == '.': path = ''
-        if os.path.isabs(path) and self.cwd_node is not None \
+        if ftp_path.isabs(path) and self.cwd_node is not None \
                 and path.startswith(self.cwd):
             # make relative, so that cwd_node is used again
             path = path[len(self.cwd):]
@@ -273,18 +306,19 @@
         p_parts = path.split('/') # hard-code the unix sep here, by spec.
-        assert '..' not in p_parts
         rem_path = None
         if mode in ('create',):
             rem_path = p_parts[-1]
             p_parts = p_parts[:-1]
+            assert rem_path != '..' # certainly invalid
-        if os.path.isabs(path):
+        if ftp_path.isabs(path):
             # we have to start from root, again
             while p_parts and p_parts[0] == '':
                 p_parts = p_parts[1:]
             # self._log.debug("Path parts: %r ", p_parts)
+            assert '..' not in p_parts
             if not p_parts:
                 raise IOError(errno.EPERM, 'Cannot perform operation at root dir')
             dbname = p_parts[0]
@@ -311,10 +345,32 @@
             if p_parts and p_parts[-1] == '':
                 p_parts = p_parts[:-1]
             cr, uid = self.get_node_cr_uid(self.cwd_node)
+            start_node = self.cwd_node
+            while p_parts and p_parts[0] == '..':
+                if start_node.parent:
+                    p_parts = p_parts[1:]
+                    if isinstance(start_node.path, (list, tuple)):
+                        # node.parent is NOT a direct parent!
+                        inm_path = list(start_node.path[:-1])
+                        while p_parts and inm_path and p_parts[0] == '..':
+                            inm_path = inm_path[:-1]
+                            p_parts = p_parts[1:]
+                        if inm_path:
+                            p_parts = inm_path + p_parts
+                    start_node = start_node.parent
+                else:
+                    # node has no (known) parent
+                    if len(p_parts) > 1:
+                        raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'Path does not exist')
+                    elif mode in ('list', 'cwd'):
+                        return (None, None, None )
+                    else:
+                        raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'Invalid path for %s operation' % mode)
+            assert '..' not in p_parts
             if p_parts:
-                node = self.cwd_node.get_uri(cr, p_parts)
+                node = start_node.get_uri(cr, p_parts)
-                node = self.cwd_node
+                node = start_node
             if node is False and mode not in ('???'):
                 raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'Path does not exist')
@@ -506,7 +562,7 @@
         if not glob.has_magic(ftppath):
             return self.get_list_dir(self.ftp2fs(rawline, datacr))
-            basedir, basename = os.path.split(ftppath)
+            basedir, basename = ftp_path.split(ftppath)
             if glob.has_magic(basedir):
                 return iter(['Directory recursion not supported.\r\n'])

=== modified file 'document_ftp/test/document_ftp_test2.yml'
--- document_ftp/test/document_ftp_test2.yml	2011-01-14 00:11:01 +0000
+++ document_ftp/test/document_ftp_test2.yml	2011-04-04 12:41:11 +0000
@@ -222,6 +222,26 @@
         # TODO move
+    I check the functionality of cd ".." command
+     !python {model: ir.attachment}: |
+        from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te
+        ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Test-Folder2')
+        pwd = ftp.pwd().rsplit('/',1)[-1]
+        assert pwd == 'Test-Folder2', pwd
+        try:
+            ftp.cwd('../Test-Folder3')
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise AssertionError("FTP error: " + str(e))
+        pwd = ftp.pwd().rsplit('/',1)[-1]
+        assert pwd == 'Test-Folder3', pwd
+        try:
+            ftp.cwd('..')
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise AssertionError("FTP error: " + str(e))
+        pwd = ftp.pwd().rsplit('/',1)[-1]
+        assert pwd == 'Documents', pwd
     I remove the 'Test-Folder3'
     !python {model: ir.attachment}: |

Follow ups