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openerp-dev-web team
Mailing list archive
Message #05168
lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/trunk-proto61-diagram-vda into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/trunk-proto61
vda(Open ERP) has proposed merging lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/trunk-proto61-diagram-vda into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/trunk-proto61.
Requested reviews:
OpenERP R&D Team (openerp-dev)
For more details, see:
Your team OpenERP R&D Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/trunk-proto61-diagram-vda into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/trunk-proto61.
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/src/base.html'
--- addons/base/static/src/base.html 2011-04-06 12:02:06 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/src/base.html 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="/base/static/src/js/list.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/base/static/src/js/search.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/base/static/src/js/views.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="/base_diagram/static/src/js/diagram.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="/base_diagram/static/lib/js/raphael-min.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_graffle.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_graph.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/base/static/lib/jquery.ui/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/base/static/lib/jquery.ui.notify/css/ui.notify.css" />
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/src/js/base.js'
--- addons/base/static/src/js/base.js 2011-03-31 08:58:06 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/src/js/base.js 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@;
+ openerp.base.diagram(instance);
// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax:
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/src/xml/base.xml'
--- addons/base/static/src/xml/base.xml 2011-04-06 14:51:13 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/src/xml/base.xml 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -167,6 +167,10 @@
<table id="todo_use_unique_id" class="jqGrid"></table>
+<t t-name="DiagramView">
+ <h2 class="oe_view_title"><t t-esc="fields_view.arch.attrs.string"/></h2>
+ <div id="dia-canvas"></div>
<t t-name="FormView">
<h2 class="oe_view_title"><t t-esc="view.fields_view.arch.attrs.string"/></h2>
<div class="oe_form_header">
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/'
--- addons/base_diagram/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/ 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+import controllers
\ No newline at end of file
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/'
--- addons/base_diagram/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/ 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "name" : "OpenERP Web base Diagram",
+ "version" : "2.0",
+ "depends" : [],
+ 'active': True,
=== added directory 'addons/base_diagram/controllers'
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/controllers/'
--- addons/base_diagram/controllers/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/controllers/ 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+import main
\ No newline at end of file
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/controllers/'
--- addons/base_diagram/controllers/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/controllers/ 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+from base.controllers.main import View
+import openerpweb
+class DiagramView(View):
+ _cp_path = "/base_diagram/diagram"
+ @openerpweb.jsonrequest
+ def load(self, req, model, view_id):
+ fields_view = self.fields_view_get(req.session, model, view_id, 'diagram')
+ return {'fields_view': fields_view}
+ @openerpweb.jsonrequest
+ def get_diagram_info(self, req, **kw):
+ id = kw['id']
+ model = kw['model']
+ node = kw['node']
+ connector = kw['connector']
+ src_node = kw['src_node']
+ des_node = kw['des_node']
+ visible_node_fields = kw.get('visible_node_fields',[])
+ invisible_node_fields = kw.get('invisible_node_fields',[])
+ node_fields_string = kw.get('node_fields_string',[])
+ connector_fields = kw.get('connector_fields',[])
+ connector_fields_string = kw.get('connector_fields_string',[])
+ bgcolors = {}
+ shapes = {}
+ bgcolor = kw.get('bgcolor','')
+ shape = kw.get('shape','')
+ if bgcolor:
+ for color_spec in bgcolor.split(';'):
+ if color_spec:
+ colour, color_state = color_spec.split(':')
+ bgcolors[colour] = color_state
+ if shape:
+ for shape_spec in shape.split(';'):
+ if shape_spec:
+ shape_colour, shape_color_state = shape_spec.split(':')
+ shapes[shape_colour] = shape_color_state
+ ir_view = req.session.model('ir.ui.view')
+ graphs = ir_view.graph_get(id, model, node, connector, src_node, des_node, False,
+ (140, 180), req.session.context)
+ nodes = graphs['nodes']
+ transitions = graphs['transitions']
+ isolate_nodes = {}
+ for node in graphs['blank_nodes']:
+ isolate_nodes[node['id']] = node
+ else:
+ y = map(lambda t: t['y'],filter(lambda x: x['y'] if x['x']==20 else None, nodes.values()))
+ y_max = (y and max(y)) or 120
+ connectors = {}
+ list_tr = []
+ for tr in transitions:
+ list_tr.append(tr)
+ connectors.setdefault(tr, {
+ 'id': tr,
+ 's_id': transitions[tr][0],
+ 'd_id': transitions[tr][1]
+ })
+ connector_tr = req.session.model(connector)
+ connector_ids =[('id', 'in', list_tr)], 0, 0, 0, req.session.context)
+ data_connectors, connector_fields, req.session.context)
+ for tr in data_connectors:
+ t = connectors.get(str(tr['id']))
+ t.update({
+ 'source': tr[src_node][1],
+ 'destination': tr[des_node][1],
+ 'options': {}
+ })
+ for i, fld in enumerate(connector_fields):
+ t['options'][connector_fields_string[i]] = tr[fld]
+ fields = req.session.model('ir.model.fields')
+ field_ids =[('model', '=', model), ('relation', '=', node)], 0, 0, 0, req.session.context)
+ field_data =, ['relation_field'], req.session.context)
+ node_act = req.session.model(node)
+ search_acts =[(field_data[0]['relation_field'], '=', id)], 0, 0, 0, req.session.context)
+ data_acts =, invisible_node_fields + visible_node_fields, req.session.context)
+ for act in data_acts:
+ n = nodes.get(str(act['id']))
+ if not n:
+ n = isolate_nodes.get(act['id'], {})
+ y_max += 140
+ n.update({'x': 20, 'y': y_max})
+ nodes[act['id']] = n
+ n.update(
+ id=act['id'],
+ color='white',
+ shape='ellipse',
+ options={}
+ )
+ for color, expr in bgcolors.items():
+ if eval(expr, act):
+ n['color'] = color
+ for shape, expr in shapes.items():
+ if eval(expr, act):
+ n['shape'] = shape
+ for i, fld in enumerate(visible_node_fields):
+ n['options'][node_fields_string[i]] = act[fld]
+ #to relate m2o field of transition to corresponding o2m in activity
+ in_transition_field_id =[('relation', '=', connector), ('relation_field', '=', des_node), ('model', '=', node)], 0, 0, 0, req.session.context)
+ in_transition_field =[0], ['name'], req.session.context)['name']
+ out_transition_field_id =[('relation', '=', connector), ('relation_field', '=', src_node), ('model', '=', node)], 0, 0, 0, req.session.context)
+ out_transition_field =[0], ['name'], req.session.context)['name']
+ return dict(nodes=nodes, conn=connectors, in_transition_field=in_transition_field, out_transition_field=out_transition_field)
\ No newline at end of file
=== added directory 'addons/base_diagram/static/lib'
=== added directory 'addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js'
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/Curry-1.0.1.js'
--- addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/Curry-1.0.1.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/Curry-1.0.1.js 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Curry - Function currying
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com |
+ * Licensed under BSD (
+ * Date: 10/4/2008
+ *
+ * @author Ariel Flesler
+ * @version 1.0.1
+ */
+function curry( fn ){
+ return function(){
+ var args = curry.args(arguments),
+ master = arguments.callee,
+ self = this;
+ return args.length >= fn.length ? fn.apply(self,args) : function(){
+ return master.apply( self, args.concat(curry.args(arguments)) );
+ };
+ };
+curry.args = function( args ){
+ return;
+Function.prototype.curry = function(){
+ return curry(this);
\ No newline at end of file
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_algorithms.js'
--- addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_algorithms.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_algorithms.js 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+ * Various algorithms and data structures, licensed under the MIT-license.
+ * (c) 2010 by Johann Philipp Strathausen <strathausen@xxxxxxxxx>
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ Bellman-Ford
+ Path-finding algorithm, finds the shortest paths from one node to all nodes.
+ Complexity
+ O( |E| · |V| ), where E = edges and V = vertices (nodes)
+ Constraints
+ Can run on graphs with negative edge weights as long as they do not have
+ any negative weight cycles.
+ */
+function bellman_ford(g, source) {
+ /* STEP 1: initialisation */
+ for(var n in g.nodes)
+ g.nodes[n].distance = Infinity;
+ /* predecessors are implicitly null */
+ source.distance = 0;
+ step("Initially, all distances are infinite and all predecessors are null.");
+ /* STEP 2: relax each edge (this is at the heart of Bellman-Ford) */
+ /* repeat this for the number of nodes minus one */
+ for(var i = 1; i < g.nodes.length; i++)
+ /* for each edge */
+ for(var e in g.edges) {
+ var edge = g.edges[e];
+ if(edge.source.distance + edge.weight < {
+ step("Relax edge between " + + " and " + + ".");
+ = edge.source.distance + edge.weight;
+ = edge.source;
+ }
+ //Added by Jake Stothard (Needs to be tested)
+ if(! {
+ if( + edge.weight < edge.source.distance) {
+ g.snapShot("Relax edge between "" and "".");
+ edge.source.distance = + edge.weight;
+ edge.source.predecessor =;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ step("Ready.");
+ /* STEP 3: TODO Check for negative cycles */
+ /* For now we assume here that the graph does not contain any negative
+ weights cycles. (this is left as an excercise to the reader[tm]) */
+ Path-finding algorithm Dijkstra
+ - worst-case running time is O((|E| + |V|) · log |V| ) thus better than
+ Bellman-Ford for sparse graphs (with less edges), but cannot handle
+ negative edge weights
+ */
+function dijkstra(g, source) {
+ /* initially, all distances are infinite and all predecessors are null */
+ for(var n in g.nodes)
+ g.nodes[n].distance = Infinity;
+ /* predecessors are implicitly null */
+ g.snapShot("Initially, all distances are infinite and all predecessors are null.");
+ source.distance = 0;
+ /* set of unoptimized nodes, sorted by their distance (but a Fibonacci heap
+ would be better) */
+ var q = new BinaryMinHeap(g.nodes, "distance");
+ /* pointer to the node in focus */
+ var node;
+ /* get the node with the smallest distance
+ as long as we have unoptimized nodes. q.min() can have O(log n). */
+ while(q.min() != undefined) {
+ /* remove the latest */
+ node = q.extractMin();
+ node.optimized = true;
+ /* no nodes accessible from this one, should not happen */
+ if(node.distance == Infinity)
+ throw "Orphaned node!";
+ /* for each neighbour of node */
+ for(e in node.edges) {
+ var other = (node == node.edges[e].target) ? node.edges[e].source : node.edges[e].target;
+ if(other.optimized)
+ continue;
+ /* look for an alternative route */
+ var alt = node.distance + node.edges[e].weight;
+ /* update distance and route if a better one has been found */
+ if (alt < other.distance) {
+ /* update distance of neighbour */
+ other.distance = alt;
+ /* update priority queue */
+ q.heapify();
+ /* update path */
+ other.predecessor = node;
+ g.snapShot("Enhancing node.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* All-Pairs-Shortest-Paths */
+/* Runs at worst in O(|V|³) and at best in Omega(|V|³) :-)
+ complexity Sigma(|V|²) */
+/* This implementation is not yet ready for general use, but works with the
+ Dracula graph library. */
+function floyd_warshall(g, source) {
+ /* Step 1: initialising empty path matrix (second dimension is implicit) */
+ var path = [];
+ var next = [];
+ var n = g.nodes.length;
+ /* construct path matrix, initialize with Infinity */
+ for(j in g.nodes) {
+ path[j] = [];
+ next[j] = [];
+ for(i in g.nodes)
+ path[j][i] = j == i ? 0 : Infinity;
+ }
+ /* initialize path with edge weights */
+ for(e in g.edges)
+ path[g.edges[e]][g.edges[e]] = g.edges[e].weight;
+ /* Note: Usually, the initialisation is done by getting the edge weights
+ from a node matrix representation of the graph, not by iterating through
+ a list of edges as done here. */
+ /* Step 2: find best distances (the heart of Floyd-Warshall) */
+ for(k in g.nodes){
+ for(i in g.nodes) {
+ for(j in g.nodes)
+ if(path[i][j] > path[i][k] + path[k][j]) {
+ path[i][j] = path[i][k] + path[k][j];
+ /* Step 2.b: remember the path */
+ next[i][j] = k;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Step 3: Path reconstruction, get shortest path */
+ function getPath(i, j) {
+ if(path[i][j] == Infinity)
+ throw "There is no path.";
+ var intermediate = next[i][j];
+ if(intermediate == undefined)
+ return null;
+ else
+ return getPath(i, intermediate)
+ .concat([intermediate])
+ .concat(getPath(intermediate, j));
+ }
+ /* TODO use the knowledge, e.g. mark path in graph */
+ Ford-Fulkerson
+ Max-Flow-Min-Cut Algorithm finding the maximum flow through a directed
+ graph from source to sink.
+ Complexity
+ O(E * max(f)), max(f) being the maximum flow
+ Description
+ As long as there is an open path through the residual graph, send the
+ minimum of the residual capacities on the path.
+ Constraints
+ The algorithm works only if all weights are integers. Otherwise it is
+ possible that the FordâFulkerson algorithm will not converge to the maximum
+ value.
+ Input
+ g - Graph object
+ s - Source ID
+ t - Target (sink) ID
+ Output
+ Maximum flow from Source s to Target t
+ */
+ Edmonds-Karp
+ Max-Flow-Min-Cut Algorithm finding the maximum flow through a directed
+ graph from source to sink. An implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson
+ algorithm.
+ Complexity
+ O(|V|*|E|²)
+ Input
+ g - Graph object (with node and edge lists, capacity is a property of edge)
+ s - source ID
+ t - sink ID
+ */
+function edmonds_karp(g, s, t) {
+ A simple binary min-heap serving as a priority queue
+ - takes an array as the input, with elements having a key property
+ - elements will look like this:
+ {
+ key: "... key property ...",
+ value: "... element content ..."
+ }
+ - provides insert(), min(), extractMin() and heapify()
+ - example usage (e.g. via the Firebug or Chromium console):
+ var x = {foo: 20, hui: "bla"};
+ var a = new BinaryMinHeap([x,{foo:3},{foo:10},{foo:20},{foo:30},{foo:6},{foo:1},{foo:3}],"foo");
+ console.log(a.extractMin());
+ console.log(a.extractMin());
+ = 0; // update key
+ a.heapify(); // call this always after having a key updated
+ console.log(a.extractMin());
+ console.log(a.extractMin());
+ - can also be used on a simple array, like [9,7,8,5]
+ */
+function BinaryMinHeap(array, key) {
+ /* Binary tree stored in an array, no need for a complicated data structure */
+ var tree = [];
+ var key = key || 'key';
+ /* Calculate the index of the parent or a child */
+ var parent = function(index) { return Math.floor((index - 1)/2); };
+ var right = function(index) { return 2 * index + 2; };
+ var left = function(index) { return 2 * index + 1; };
+ /* Helper function to swap elements with their parent
+ as long as the parent is bigger */
+ function bubble_up(i) {
+ var p = parent(i);
+ while((p >= 0) && (tree[i][key] < tree[p][key])) {
+ /* swap with parent */
+ tree[i] = tree.splice(p, 1, tree[i])[0];
+ /* go up one level */
+ i = p;
+ p = parent(i);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Helper function to swap elements with the smaller of their children
+ as long as there is one */
+ function bubble_down(i) {
+ var l = left(i);
+ var r = right(i);
+ /* as long as there are smaller children */
+ while(tree[l] && (tree[i][key] > tree[l][key]) || tree[r] && (tree[i][key] > tree[r][key])) {
+ /* find smaller child */
+ var child = tree[l] ? tree[r] ? tree[l][key] > tree[r][key] ? r : l : l : l;
+ /* swap with smaller child with current element */
+ tree[i] = tree.splice(child, 1, tree[i])[0];
+ /* go up one level */
+ i = child;
+ l = left(i);
+ r = right(i);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Insert a new element with respect to the heap property
+ 1. Insert the element at the end
+ 2. Bubble it up until it is smaller than its parent */
+ this.insert = function(element) {
+ /* make sure there's a key property */
+ (element[key] == undefined) && (element = {key:element});
+ /* insert element at the end */
+ tree.push(element);
+ /* bubble up the element */
+ bubble_up(tree.length - 1);
+ }
+ /* Only show us the minimum */
+ this.min = function() {
+ return tree.length == 1 ? undefined : tree[0];
+ }
+ /* Return and remove the minimum
+ 1. Take the root as the minimum that we are looking for
+ 2. Move the last element to the root (thereby deleting the root)
+ 3. Compare the new root with both of its children, swap it with the
+ smaller child and then check again from there (bubble down)
+ */
+ this.extractMin = function() {
+ var result = this.min();
+ /* move the last element to the root or empty the tree completely */
+ /* bubble down the new root if necessary */
+ (tree.length == 1) && (tree = []) || (tree[0] = tree.pop()) && bubble_down(0);
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* currently unused, TODO implement */
+ this.changeKey = function(index, key) {
+ throw "function not implemented";
+ }
+ this.heapify = function() {
+ for(var start = Math.floor((tree.length - 2) / 2); start >= 0; start--) {
+ bubble_down(start);
+ }
+ }
+ /* insert the input elements one by one only when we don't have a key property (TODO can be done more elegant) */
+ for(i in (array || []))
+ this.insert(array[i]);
+ Quick Sort:
+ 1. Select some random value from the array, the median.
+ 2. Divide the array in three smaller arrays according to the elements
+ being less, equal or greater than the median.
+ 3. Recursively sort the array containg the elements less than the
+ median and the one containing elements greater than the median.
+ 4. Concatenate the three arrays (less, equal and greater).
+ 5. One or no element is always sorted.
+ TODO: This could be implemented more efficiently by using only one array object and several pointers.
+function quickSort(arr) {
+ /* recursion anchor: one element is always sorted */
+ if(arr.length <= 1) return arr;
+ /* randomly selecting some value */
+ var median = arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
+ var arr1 = [], arr2 = [], arr3 = [];
+ for(var i in arr) {
+ arr[i] < median && arr1.push(arr[i]);
+ arr[i] == median && arr2.push(arr[i]);
+ arr[i] > median && arr3.push(arr[i]);
+ }
+ /* recursive sorting and assembling final result */
+ return quickSort(arr1).concat(arr2).concat(quickSort(arr3));
+ Selection Sort:
+ 1. Select the minimum and remove it from the array
+ 2. Sort the rest recursively
+ 3. Return the minimum plus the sorted rest
+ 4. An array with only one element is already sorted
+function selectionSort(arr) {
+ /* recursion anchor: one element is always sorted */
+ if(arr.length == 1) return arr;
+ var minimum = Infinity;
+ var index;
+ for(var i in arr) {
+ if(arr[i] < minimum) {
+ minimum = arr[i];
+ index = i; /* remember the minimum index for later removal */
+ }
+ }
+ /* remove the minimum */
+ arr.splice(index, 1);
+ /* assemble result and sort recursively (could be easily done iteratively as well)*/
+ return [minimum].concat(selectionSort(arr));
+ Merge Sort:
+ 1. Cut the array in half
+ 2. Sort each of them recursively
+ 3. Merge the two sorted arrays
+ 4. An array with only one element is considered sorted
+function mergeSort(arr) {
+ /* merges two sorted arrays into one sorted array */
+ function merge(a, b) {
+ /* result set */
+ var c = [];
+ /* as long as there are elements in the arrays to be merged */
+ while(a.length > 0 || b.length > 0){
+ /* are there elements to be merged, if yes, compare them and merge */
+ var n = a.length > 0 && b.length > 0 ? a[0] < b[0] ? a.shift() : b.shift() : b.length > 0 ? b.shift() : a.length > 0 ? a.shift() : null;
+ /* always push the smaller one onto the result set */
+ n != null && c.push(n);
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ /* this mergeSort implementation cuts the array in half, wich should be fine with randomized arrays, but introduces the risk of a worst-case scenario */
+ median = Math.floor(arr.length / 2);
+ var part1 = arr.slice(0, median); /* for some reason it doesn't work if inserted directly in the return statement (tried so with firefox) */
+ var part2 = arr.slice(median - arr.length);
+ return arr.length <= 1 ? arr : merge(
+ mergeSort(part1), /* first half */
+ mergeSort(part2) /* second half */
+ );
+/* Balanced Red-Black-Tree */
+function RedBlackTree(arr) {
+function BTree(arr) {
+function NaryTree(n, arr) {
+ * Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching algorithm - finds a pattern in a text.
+ * FIXME: Doesn't work correctly yet.
+ */
+function kmp(p, t) {
+ /**
+ * PREFIX, OVERLAP or FALIURE function for KMP. Computes how many iterations
+ * the algorithm can skip after a mismatch.
+ *
+ * @input p - pattern (string)
+ * @result array of skippable iterations
+ */
+ function prefix(p) {
+ /* pi contains the computed skip marks */
+ var pi = [0], k = 0;
+ for(q = 1; q < p.length; q++) {
+ while(k > 0 && (p.charAt(k) != p.charAt(q)))
+ k = pi[k-1];
+ (p.charAt(k) == p.charAt(q)) && k++;
+ pi[q] = k;
+ }
+ return pi;
+ }
+ /* The actual KMP algorithm starts here. */
+ var pi = prefix(p), q = 0, result = [];
+ for(var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
+ /* jump forward as long as the character doesn't match */
+ while((q > 0) && (p.charAt(q) != t.charAt(i)))
+ q = pi[q];
+ (p.charAt(q) == t.charAt(i)) && q++;
+ (q == p.length) && result.push(i - p.length) && (q = pi[q]);
+ }
+ return result;
+/* step for algorithm visualisation */
+function step(comment, funct) {
+ //wait for input
+ //display comment (before or after waiting)
+// next.wait();
+ /* execute callback function */
+ funct();
+ * Curry - Function currying
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com |
+ * Licensed under BSD (
+ * Date: 10/4/2008
+ *
+ * @author Ariel Flesler
+ * @version 1.0.1
+ */
+function curry( fn ){
+ return function(){
+ var args = curry.args(arguments),
+ master = arguments.callee,
+ self = this;
+ return args.length >= fn.length ? fn.apply(self,args) : function(){
+ return master.apply( self, args.concat(curry.args(arguments)) );
+ };
+ };
+curry.args = function( args ){
+ return;
+Function.prototype.curry = function(){
+ return curry(this);
+ * Topological Sort
+ *
+ * Sort a directed graph based on incoming edges
+ *
+ * Coded by Jake Stothard
+ */
+function topological_sort(g) {
+ //Mark nodes as "deleted" instead of actually deleting them
+ //That way we don't have to copy g
+ for(i in g.nodes)
+ g.nodes[i].deleted = false;
+ var ret = topological_sort_helper(g);
+ //Cleanup: Remove the deleted property
+ for(i in g.nodes)
+ delete g.nodes[i].deleted
+ return ret;
+function topological_sort_helper(g) {
+ //Find node with no incoming edges
+ var node;
+ for(i in g.nodes) {
+ if(g.nodes[i].deleted)
+ continue; //Bad style, meh
+ var incoming = false;
+ for(j in g.nodes[i].edges) {
+ if(g.nodes[i].edges[j].target == g.nodes[i]
+ && g.nodes[i].edges[j].source.deleted == false) {
+ incoming = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!incoming) {
+ node = g.nodes[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Either unsortable or done. Either way, GTFO
+ if(node == undefined)
+ return [];
+ //"Delete" node from g
+ node.deleted = true;
+ var tail = topological_sort_helper(g);
+ tail.unshift(node);
+ return tail;
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_graffle.js'
--- addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_graffle.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_graffle.js 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Originally grabbed from the official RaphaelJS Documentation
+ *
+ * Adopted (arrows) and commented by Philipp Strathausen
+ * Licenced under the MIT licence.
+ */
+ * Usage:
+ * connect two shapes
+ * parameters:
+ * source shape [or connection for redrawing],
+ * target shape,
+ * style with { fg : linecolor, bg : background color, directed: boolean }
+ * returns:
+ * connection { draw = function() }
+ */
+Raphael.fn.connection = function (obj1, obj2, style) {
+ var selfRef = this;
+ /* create and return new connection */
+ var edge = {/*
+ from : obj1,
+ to : obj2,
+ style : style,*/
+ draw : function() {
+ /* get bounding boxes of target and source */
+ var bb1 = obj1.getBBox();
+ var bb2 = obj2.getBBox();
+ var off1 = 0;
+ var off2 = 0;
+ /* coordinates for potential connection coordinates from/to the objects */
+ var p = [
+ {x: bb1.x + bb1.width / 2, y: bb1.y - off1}, /* NORTH 1 */
+ {x: bb1.x + bb1.width / 2, y: bb1.y + bb1.height + off1}, /* SOUTH 1 */
+ {x: bb1.x - off1, y: bb1.y + bb1.height / 2}, /* WEST 1 */
+ {x: bb1.x + bb1.width + off1, y: bb1.y + bb1.height / 2}, /* EAST 1 */
+ {x: bb2.x + bb2.width / 2, y: bb2.y - off2}, /* NORTH 2 */
+ {x: bb2.x + bb2.width / 2, y: bb2.y + bb2.height + off2}, /* SOUTH 2 */
+ {x: bb2.x - off2, y: bb2.y + bb2.height / 2}, /* WEST 2 */
+ {x: bb2.x + bb2.width + off2, y: bb2.y + bb2.height / 2} /* EAST 2 */
+ ];
+ /* distances between objects and according coordinates connection */
+ var d = {}, dis = [];
+ /*
+ * find out the best connection coordinates by trying all possible ways
+ */
+ /* loop the first object's connection coordinates */
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ /* loop the seond object's connection coordinates */
+ for (var j = 4; j < 8; j++) {
+ var dx = Math.abs(p[i].x - p[j].x),
+ dy = Math.abs(p[i].y - p[j].y);
+ if ((i == j - 4) || (((i != 3 && j != 6) || p[i].x < p[j].x) && ((i != 2 && j != 7) || p[i].x > p[j].x) && ((i != 0 && j != 5) || p[i].y > p[j].y) && ((i != 1 && j != 4) || p[i].y < p[j].y))) {
+ dis.push(dx + dy);
+ d[dis[dis.length - 1].toFixed(3)] = [i, j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var res = dis.length == 0 ? [0, 4] : d[Math.min.apply(Math, dis).toFixed(3)];
+ /* bezier path */
+ var x1 = p[res[0]].x,
+ y1 = p[res[0]].y,
+ x4 = p[res[1]].x,
+ y4 = p[res[1]].y,
+ dx = Math.max(Math.abs(x1 - x4) / 2, 10),
+ dy = Math.max(Math.abs(y1 - y4) / 2, 10),
+ x2 = [x1, x1, x1 - dx, x1 + dx][res[0]].toFixed(3),
+ y2 = [y1 - dy, y1 + dy, y1, y1][res[0]].toFixed(3),
+ x3 = [0, 0, 0, 0, x4, x4, x4 - dx, x4 + dx][res[1]].toFixed(3),
+ y3 = [0, 0, 0, 0, y1 + dy, y1 - dy, y4, y4][res[1]].toFixed(3);
+ /* assemble path and arrow */
+ var path = ["M", x1.toFixed(3), y1.toFixed(3), "C", x2, y2, x3, y3, x4.toFixed(3), y4.toFixed(3)].join(",");
+ /* arrow */
+ if(style && style.directed) {
+ /* magnitude, length of the last path vector */
+ var mag = Math.sqrt((y4 - y3) * (y4 - y3) + (x4 - x3) * (x4 - x3));
+ /* vector normalisation to specified length */
+ var norm = function(x,l){return (-x*(l||5)/mag);};
+ /* calculate array coordinates (two lines orthogonal to the path vector) */
+ var arr = [
+ {x:(norm(x4-x3)+norm(y4-y3)+x4).toFixed(3), y:(norm(y4-y3)+norm(x4-x3)+y4).toFixed(3)},
+ {x:(norm(x4-x3)-norm(y4-y3)+x4).toFixed(3), y:(norm(y4-y3)-norm(x4-x3)+y4).toFixed(3)}
+ ];
+ path = path + ",M"+arr[0].x+","+arr[0].y+",L"+x4+","+y4+",L"+arr[1].x+","+arr[1].y;
+ }
+ /* function to be used for moving existent path(s), e.g. animate() or attr() */
+ var move = "attr";
+ /* applying path(s) */
+ edge.fg && edge.fg[move]({path:path})
+ || (edge.fg = selfRef.path(path).attr({stroke: style && style.stroke || "#000", fill: "none"}).toBack());
+ &&[move]({path:path})
+ || style && style.fill && ( = style.fill.split && selfRef.path(path).attr({stroke: style.fill.split("|")[0], fill: "none", "stroke-width": style.fill.split("|")[1] || 3}).toBack());
+ /* setting label */
+ style && style.label
+ && (edge.label && edge.label.attr({x:(x1+x4)/2, y:(y1+y4)/2})
+ || (edge.label = selfRef.text((x1+x4)/2, (y1+y4)/2, style.label).attr({fill: "#000", "font-size": style["font-size"] || "12px"})));
+// && selfRef.text(x4, y4, style.label).attr({stroke: style && style.stroke || "#fff", "font-weight":"bold", "font-size":"20px"})
+// style && style.callback && style.callback(edge);
+ }
+ }
+ edge.draw();
+ return edge;
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/'
--- addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/ 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+ * Dracula Graph Layout and Drawing Framework 0.0.3alpha
+ * (c) 2010 Philipp Strathausen <strathausen@xxxxxxxxx>,
+ *
+ * Contributions by:
+ * Branched by Jake Stothard <stothardj@xxxxxxxxx>.
+ *
+ * based on the Graph JavaScript framework, version 0.0.1
+ * (c) 2006 Aslak Hellesoy <aslak.hellesoy@xxxxxxxxx>
+ * (c) 2006 Dave Hoover <dave.hoover@xxxxxxxxx>
+ *
+ * Ported from Graph::Layouter::Spring in
+ *
+ * The algorithm is based on a spring-style layouter of a Java-based social
+ * network tracker PieSpy written by Paul Mutton E<lt>paul@xxxxxxxxxxx<gt>.
+ *
+ * This code is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
+ * For details, see the Graph web site:
+ *
+ * Links:
+ *
+ * Graph Dracula JavaScript Framework:
+ *
+ *
+ * Demo of the original applet:
+ *
+ *
+ * Mirrored original source code at snipplr:
+ *
+ *
+ * Original usage example:
+ *
+ *
+ Edge Factory
+AbstractEdge = ->
+AbstractEdge.prototype =
+ hide: ->
+ @connection.fg.hide()
+ && @bg.connection.hide()
+EdgeFactory = ->
+ @template = new AbstractEdge()
+ = new Object()
+ = false
+ @template.weight = 1
+EdgeFactory.prototype =
+ build: (source, target) ->
+ e = jQuery.extend true, {}, @template
+ e.source = source
+ = target
+ e
+ Graph
+Graph = ->
+ @nodes = {}
+ @edges = []
+ @snapshots = [] # previous graph states TODO to be implemented
+ @edgeFactory = new EdgeFactory()
+Graph.prototype =
+ add a node
+ @id the node's ID (string or number)
+ @content (optional, dictionary) can contain any information that is
+ being interpreted by the layout algorithm or the graph
+ representation
+ addNode: (id, content) ->
+ # testing if node is already existing in the graph
+ if @nodes[id] == undefined
+ @nodes[id] = new Graph.Node id, content
+ @nodes[id]
+ addEdge: (source, target, style) ->
+ s = @addNode source
+ t = @addNode target
+ var edge = s, t
+ jQuery.extend, style
+ s.edges.push edge
+ @edges.push edge
+ # NOTE: Even directed edges are added to both nodes.
+ t.edges.push edge
+ # TODO to be implemented
+ # Preserve a copy of the graph state (nodes, positions, ...)
+ # @comment a comment describing the state
+ snapShot: (comment) ->
+ ###/* FIXME
+ var graph = new Graph()
+ graph.nodes = jQuery.extend(true, {}, @nodes)
+ graph.edges = jQuery.extend(true, {}, @edges)
+ @snapshots.push({comment: comment, graph: graph})
+ */
+ ###
+ removeNode: (id) ->
+ delete @nodes[id]
+ for i = 0; i < @edges.length; i++
+ if @edges[i] == id || @edges[i] == id
+ @edges.splice(i, 1)
+ i--
+ * Node
+ */
+Graph.Node = (id, node) ->
+ node = node || {}
+ = id
+ node.edges = []
+ node.hide = ->
+ @hidden = true
+ @shape && @shape.hide() # FIXME this is representation specific code and should be elsewhere */
+ for(i in @edges)
+ (@edges[i] == id || @edges[i].target == id) && @edges[i].hide && @edges[i].hide()
+ = ->
+ @hidden = false
+ @shape &&
+ for(i in @edges)
+ (@edges[i] == id || @edges[i].target == id) && @edges[i].show && @edges[i].show()
+ node
+Graph.Node.prototype = { }
+ Renderer base class
+Graph.Renderer = { }
+ Renderer implementation using RaphaelJS
+Graph.Renderer.Raphael = (element, graph, width, height) ->
+ @width = width || 400
+ @height = height || 400
+ var selfRef = this
+ @r = Raphael element, @width, @height
+ @radius = 40 # max dimension of a node
+ @graph = graph
+ @mouse_in = false
+ # TODO default node rendering
+ if(!@graph.render) {
+ @graph.render = ->
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Dragging
+ */
+ @isDrag = false
+ @dragger = (e) ->
+ @dx = e.clientX
+ @dy = e.clientY
+ selfRef.isDrag = this
+ @set && @set.animate "fill-opacity": .1, 200 && @set.toFront()
+ e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault()
+ document.onmousemove = (e) {
+ e = e || window.event
+ if (selfRef.isDrag) {
+ var bBox = selfRef.isDrag.set.getBBox()
+ // TODO round the coordinates here (eg. for proper image representation)
+ var newX = e.clientX - selfRef.isDrag.dx + (bBox.x + bBox.width / 2)
+ var newY = e.clientY - selfRef.isDrag.dy + (bBox.y + bBox.height / 2)
+ /* prevent shapes from being dragged out of the canvas */
+ var clientX = e.clientX - (newX < 20 ? newX - 20 : newX > selfRef.width - 20 ? newX - selfRef.width + 20 : 0)
+ var clientY = e.clientY - (newY < 20 ? newY - 20 : newY > selfRef.height - 20 ? newY - selfRef.height + 20 : 0)
+ selfRef.isDrag.set.translate(clientX - Math.round(selfRef.isDrag.dx), clientY - Math.round(selfRef.isDrag.dy))
+ // console.log(clientX - Math.round(selfRef.isDrag.dx), clientY - Math.round(selfRef.isDrag.dy))
+ for (var i in selfRef.graph.edges) {
+ selfRef.graph.edges[i].connection && selfRef.graph.edges[i].connection.draw()
+ }
+ //selfRef.r.safari()
+ selfRef.isDrag.dx = clientX
+ selfRef.isDrag.dy = clientY
+ }
+ }
+ document.onmouseup = ->
+ selfRef.isDrag && selfRef.isDrag.set.animate({"fill-opacity": .6}, 500)
+ selfRef.isDrag = false
+ }
+ @draw()
+Graph.Renderer.Raphael.prototype = {
+ translate: (point) {
+ return [
+ (point[0] - @graph.layoutMinX) * @factorX + @radius,
+ (point[1] - @graph.layoutMinY) * @factorY + @radius
+ ]
+ },
+ rotate: (point, length, angle) {
+ var dx = length * Math.cos(angle)
+ var dy = length * Math.sin(angle)
+ return [point[0]+dx, point[1]+dy]
+ },
+ draw: ->
+ @factorX = (@width - 2 * @radius) / (@graph.layoutMaxX - @graph.layoutMinX)
+ @factorY = (@height - 2 * @radius) / (@graph.layoutMaxY - @graph.layoutMinY)
+ for (i in @graph.nodes) {
+ @drawNode(@graph.nodes[i])
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < @graph.edges.length; i++) {
+ @drawEdge(@graph.edges[i])
+ }
+ },
+ drawNode: (node) {
+ var point = @translate([node.layoutPosX, node.layoutPosY])
+ node.point = point
+ /* if node has already been drawn, move the nodes */
+ if(node.shape) {
+ var oBBox = node.shape.getBBox()
+ var opoint = { x: oBBox.x + oBBox.width / 2, y: oBBox.y + oBBox.height / 2}
+ node.shape.translate(Math.round(point[0] - opoint.x), Math.round(point[1] - opoint.y))
+ @r.safari()
+ return node
+ }/* else, draw new nodes */
+ var shape
+ /* if a node renderer is provided by the user, then use it
+ or the default render instead */
+ if(!node.render) {
+ node.render = (r, node) {
+ /* the default node drawing */
+ var color = Raphael.getColor()
+ var ellipse = r.ellipse(0, 0, 30, 20).attr({fill: color, stroke: color, "stroke-width": 2})
+ /* set DOM node ID */
+ = node.label ||
+ shape = r.set().
+ push(ellipse).
+ push(r.text(0, 30, node.label ||
+ return shape
+ }
+ }
+ /* or check for an ajax representation of the nodes */
+ if(node.shapes) {
+ // TODO ajax representation evaluation
+ }
+ shape = node.render(@r, node).hide()
+ shape.attr({"fill-opacity": .6})
+ /* re-reference to the node an element belongs to, needed for dragging all elements of a node */
+ shape.items.forEach((item){ item.set = shape; = "move"; })
+ shape.mousedown(@dragger)
+ var box = shape.getBBox()
+ shape.translate(Math.round(point[0]-(box.x+box.width/2)),Math.round(point[1]-(box.y+box.height/2)))
+ //console.log(box,point)
+ node.hidden ||
+ node.shape = shape
+ },
+ drawEdge: (edge) {
+ /* if this edge already exists the other way around and is undirected */
+ if(edge.backedge)
+ return
+ if(edge.source.hidden || {
+ edge.connection && edge.connection.fg.hide() | &&
+ return
+ }
+ /* if edge already has been drawn, only refresh the edge */
+ if(!edge.connection) {
+ && &&; // TODO move this somewhere else
+ edge.connection = @r.connection(edge.source.shape,,
+ return
+ }
+ //FIXME showing doesn't work well
+ &&
+ edge.connection.draw()
+ }
+Graph.Layout = {}
+Graph.Layout.Spring = (graph) {
+ @graph = graph
+ @iterations = 500
+ @maxRepulsiveForceDistance = 6
+ @k = 2
+ @c = 0.01
+ @maxVertexMovement = 0.5
+ @layout()
+Graph.Layout.Spring.prototype = {
+ layout: ->
+ @layoutPrepare()
+ for (var i = 0; i < @iterations; i++) {
+ @layoutIteration()
+ }
+ @layoutCalcBounds()
+ },
+ layoutPrepare: ->
+ for (i in @graph.nodes) {
+ var node = @graph.nodes[i]
+ node.layoutPosX = 0
+ node.layoutPosY = 0
+ node.layoutForceX = 0
+ node.layoutForceY = 0
+ }
+ },
+ layoutCalcBounds: ->
+ var minx = Infinity, maxx = -Infinity, miny = Infinity, maxy = -Infinity
+ for (i in @graph.nodes) {
+ var x = @graph.nodes[i].layoutPosX
+ var y = @graph.nodes[i].layoutPosY
+ if(x > maxx) maxx = x
+ if(x < minx) minx = x
+ if(y > maxy) maxy = y
+ if(y < miny) miny = y
+ }
+ @graph.layoutMinX = minx
+ @graph.layoutMaxX = maxx
+ @graph.layoutMinY = miny
+ @graph.layoutMaxY = maxy
+ },
+ layoutIteration: ->
+ // Forces on nodes due to node-node repulsions
+ var prev = new Array()
+ for(var c in @graph.nodes) {
+ var node1 = @graph.nodes[c]
+ for (var d in prev) {
+ var node2 = @graph.nodes[prev[d]]
+ @layoutRepulsive(node1, node2)
+ }
+ prev.push(c)
+ }
+ // Forces on nodes due to edge attractions
+ for (var i = 0; i < @graph.edges.length; i++) {
+ var edge = @graph.edges[i]
+ @layoutAttractive(edge);
+ }
+ // Move by the given force
+ for (i in @graph.nodes) {
+ var node = @graph.nodes[i]
+ var xmove = @c * node.layoutForceX
+ var ymove = @c * node.layoutForceY
+ var max = @maxVertexMovement
+ if(xmove > max) xmove = max
+ if(xmove < -max) xmove = -max
+ if(ymove > max) ymove = max
+ if(ymove < -max) ymove = -max
+ node.layoutPosX += xmove
+ node.layoutPosY += ymove
+ node.layoutForceX = 0
+ node.layoutForceY = 0
+ }
+ },
+ layoutRepulsive: (node1, node2) {
+ var dx = node2.layoutPosX - node1.layoutPosX
+ var dy = node2.layoutPosY - node1.layoutPosY
+ var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
+ if(d2 < 0.01) {
+ dx = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1
+ dy = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1
+ var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
+ }
+ var d = Math.sqrt(d2)
+ if(d < @maxRepulsiveForceDistance) {
+ var repulsiveForce = @k * @k / d
+ node2.layoutForceX += repulsiveForce * dx / d
+ node2.layoutForceY += repulsiveForce * dy / d
+ node1.layoutForceX -= repulsiveForce * dx / d
+ node1.layoutForceY -= repulsiveForce * dy / d
+ }
+ },
+ layoutAttractive: (edge) {
+ var node1 = edge.source
+ var node2 =
+ var dx = node2.layoutPosX - node1.layoutPosX
+ var dy = node2.layoutPosY - node1.layoutPosY
+ var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
+ if(d2 < 0.01) {
+ dx = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1
+ dy = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1
+ var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
+ }
+ var d = Math.sqrt(d2)
+ if(d > @maxRepulsiveForceDistance) {
+ d = @maxRepulsiveForceDistance
+ d2 = d * d
+ }
+ var attractiveForce = (d2 - @k * @k) / @k
+ if(edge.attraction == undefined) edge.attraction = 1
+ attractiveForce *= Math.log(edge.attraction) * 0.5 + 1
+ node2.layoutForceX -= attractiveForce * dx / d
+ node2.layoutForceY -= attractiveForce * dy / d
+ node1.layoutForceX += attractiveForce * dx / d
+ node1.layoutForceY += attractiveForce * dy / d
+ }
+Graph.Layout.Ordered = (graph, order) {
+ @graph = graph
+ @order = order
+ @layout()
+Graph.Layout.Ordered.prototype = {
+ layout: ->
+ @layoutPrepare()
+ @layoutCalcBounds()
+ },
+ layoutPrepare: (order) {
+ for (i in @graph.nodes) {
+ var node = @graph.nodes[i]
+ node.layoutPosX = 0
+ node.layoutPosY = 0
+ }
+ var counter = 0
+ for (i in @order) {
+ var node = @order[i]
+ node.layoutPosX = counter
+ node.layoutPosY = Math.random()
+ counter++
+ }
+ },
+ layoutCalcBounds: ->
+ var minx = Infinity, maxx = -Infinity, miny = Infinity, maxy = -Infinity
+ for (i in @graph.nodes) {
+ var x = @graph.nodes[i].layoutPosX
+ var y = @graph.nodes[i].layoutPosY
+ if(x > maxx) maxx = x
+ if(x < minx) minx = x
+ if(y > maxy) maxy = y
+ if(y < miny) miny = y
+ }
+ @graph.layoutMinX = minx
+ @graph.layoutMaxX = maxx
+ @graph.layoutMinY = miny
+ @graph.layoutMaxY = maxy
+ }
+ * usefull JavaScript extensions,
+ */
+ log(a) {console.log&&console.log(a);}
+ * Raphael Tooltip Plugin
+ * - attaches an element as a tooltip to another element
+ *
+ * Usage example, adding a rectangle as a tooltip to a circle:
+ *
+ *,100,10).tooltip(paper.rect(0,0,20,30))
+ *
+ * If you want to use more shapes, you'll have to put them into a set.
+ *
+ */
+Raphael.el.tooltip = (tp) {
+ @tp = tp
+ @tp.o = {x: 0, y: 0}
+ @tp.hide()
+ @hover(
+ (event){
+ @mousemove((event){
+ @tp.translate(event.clientX -
+ @tp.o.x,event.clientY - @tp.o.y)
+ @tp.o = {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY}
+ })
+ },
+ (event){
+ @tp.hide()
+ @unmousemove()
+ })
+ return this
+/* For IE */
+if (!Array.prototype.forEach)
+ Array.prototype.forEach = (fun /*, thisp*/)
+ {
+ var len = @length
+ if (typeof fun != "")
+ throw new TypeError()
+ var thisp = arguments[1]
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ if (i in this)
+, this[i], i, this)
+ }
+ }
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_graph.js'
--- addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_graph.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/dracula_graph.js 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+ * Dracula Graph Layout and Drawing Framework 0.0.3alpha
+ * (c) 2010 Philipp Strathausen <strathausen@xxxxxxxxx>,
+ * Contributions by Jake Stothard <stothardj@xxxxxxxxx>.
+ *
+ * based on the Graph JavaScript framework, version 0.0.1
+ * (c) 2006 Aslak Hellesoy <aslak.hellesoy@xxxxxxxxx>
+ * (c) 2006 Dave Hoover <dave.hoover@xxxxxxxxx>
+ *
+ * Ported from Graph::Layouter::Spring in
+ *
+ * The algorithm is based on a spring-style layouter of a Java-based social
+ * network tracker PieSpy written by Paul Mutton <paul@xxxxxxxxxx>.
+ *
+ * This code is freely distributable under the MIT license. Commercial use is
+ * hereby granted without any cost or restriction.
+ *
+ * Links:
+ *
+ * Graph Dracula JavaScript Framework:
+ *
+ *
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * Edge Factory
+ */
+var AbstractEdge = function() {
+AbstractEdge.prototype = {
+ hide: function() {
+ this.connection.fg.hide();
+ &&;
+ }
+var EdgeFactory = function() {
+ this.template = new AbstractEdge();
+ = new Object();
+ = false;
+ this.template.weight = 1;
+EdgeFactory.prototype = {
+ build: function(source, target) {
+ var e = jQuery.extend(true, {}, this.template);
+ e.source = source;
+ = target;
+ return e;
+ }
+ * Graph
+ */
+var Graph = function() {
+ this.nodes = {};
+ this.edges = [];
+ this.snapshots = []; // previous graph states TODO to be implemented
+ this.edgeFactory = new EdgeFactory();
+Graph.prototype = {
+ /*
+ * add a node
+ * @id the node's ID (string or number)
+ * @content (optional, dictionary) can contain any information that is
+ * being interpreted by the layout algorithm or the graph
+ * representation
+ */
+ addNode: function(id, content) {
+ /* testing if node is already existing in the graph */
+ if(this.nodes[id] == undefined) {
+ this.nodes[id] = new Graph.Node(id, content);
+ }
+ return this.nodes[id];
+ },
+ addEdge: function(source, target, style) {
+ var s = this.addNode(source);
+ var t = this.addNode(target);
+ var edge =, t);
+ jQuery.extend(,style);
+ s.edges.push(edge);
+ this.edges.push(edge);
+ // NOTE: Even directed edges are added to both nodes.
+ t.edges.push(edge);
+ },
+ /* TODO to be implemented
+ * Preserve a copy of the graph state (nodes, positions, ...)
+ * @comment a comment describing the state
+ */
+ snapShot: function(comment) {
+ /* FIXME
+ var graph = new Graph();
+ graph.nodes = jQuery.extend(true, {}, this.nodes);
+ graph.edges = jQuery.extend(true, {}, this.edges);
+ this.snapshots.push({comment: comment, graph: graph});
+ */
+ },
+ removeNode: function(id) {
+ delete this.nodes[id];
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.edges.length; i++) {
+ if (this.edges[i] == id || this.edges[i] == id) {
+ this.edges.splice(i, 1);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Node
+ */
+Graph.Node = function(id, node){
+ node = node || {};
+ = id;
+ node.edges = [];
+ node.hide = function() {
+ this.hidden = true;
+ this.shape && this.shape.hide(); /* FIXME this is representation specific code and should be elsewhere */
+ for(i in this.edges)
+ (this.edges[i] == id || this.edges[i].target == id) && this.edges[i].hide && this.edges[i].hide();
+ };
+ = function() {
+ this.hidden = false;
+ this.shape &&;
+ for(i in this.edges)
+ (this.edges[i] == id || this.edges[i].target == id) && this.edges[i].show && this.edges[i].show();
+ };
+ return node;
+Graph.Node.prototype = {
+ * Renderer base class
+ */
+Graph.Renderer = {};
+ * Renderer implementation using RaphaelJS
+ */
+Graph.Renderer.Raphael = function(element, graph, width, height) {
+ this.width = width || 800;
+ this.height = height || 800;
+ var selfRef = this;
+ this.r = Raphael(element, this.width, this.height);
+ this.radius = 40; /* max dimension of a node */
+ this.graph = graph;
+ this.mouse_in = false;
+ /* TODO default node rendering function */
+ if(!this.graph.render) {
+ this.graph.render = function() {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Dragging
+ */
+ this.isDrag = false;
+ this.dragger = function (e) {
+ this.dx = e.clientX;
+ this.dy = e.clientY;
+ selfRef.isDrag = this;
+ this.set && this.set.animate({"fill-opacity": .1}, 200) && this.set.toFront();
+ e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
+ };
+ var d = document.getElementById(element);
+ d.onmousemove = function (e) {
+ e = e || window.event;
+ if (selfRef.isDrag) {
+ var bBox = selfRef.isDrag.set.getBBox();
+ // TODO round the coordinates here (eg. for proper image representation)
+ var newX = e.clientX - selfRef.isDrag.dx + (bBox.x + bBox.width / 2);
+ var newY = e.clientY - selfRef.isDrag.dy + (bBox.y + bBox.height / 2);
+ /* prevent shapes from being dragged out of the canvas */
+ var clientX = e.clientX - (newX < 20 ? newX - 20 : newX > selfRef.width - 20 ? newX - selfRef.width + 20 : 0);
+ var clientY = e.clientY - (newY < 20 ? newY - 20 : newY > selfRef.height - 20 ? newY - selfRef.height + 20 : 0);
+ selfRef.isDrag.set.translate(clientX - Math.round(selfRef.isDrag.dx), clientY - Math.round(selfRef.isDrag.dy));
+ // console.log(clientX - Math.round(selfRef.isDrag.dx), clientY - Math.round(selfRef.isDrag.dy));
+ for (var i in selfRef.graph.edges) {
+ selfRef.graph.edges[i].connection && selfRef.graph.edges[i].connection.draw();
+ }
+ //selfRef.r.safari();
+ selfRef.isDrag.dx = clientX;
+ selfRef.isDrag.dy = clientY;
+ }
+ };
+ d.onmouseup = function () {
+ selfRef.isDrag && selfRef.isDrag.set.animate({"fill-opacity": .6}, 500);
+ selfRef.isDrag = false;
+ };
+ this.draw();
+Graph.Renderer.Raphael.prototype = {
+ translate: function(point) {
+ return [
+ (point[0] - this.graph.layoutMinX) * this.factorX + this.radius,
+ (point[1] - this.graph.layoutMinY) * this.factorY + this.radius
+ ];
+ },
+ rotate: function(point, length, angle) {
+ var dx = length * Math.cos(angle);
+ var dy = length * Math.sin(angle);
+ return [point[0]+dx, point[1]+dy];
+ },
+ draw: function() {
+ this.factorX = (this.width - 2 * this.radius) / (this.graph.layoutMaxX - this.graph.layoutMinX);
+ this.factorY = (this.height - 2 * this.radius) / (this.graph.layoutMaxY - this.graph.layoutMinY);
+ for (i in this.graph.nodes) {
+ this.drawNode(this.graph.nodes[i]);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.graph.edges.length; i++) {
+ this.drawEdge(this.graph.edges[i]);
+ }
+ },
+ drawNode: function(node) {
+ var point = this.translate([node.layoutPosX, node.layoutPosY]);
+ node.point = point;
+ /* if node has already been drawn, move the nodes */
+ if(node.shape) {
+ var oBBox = node.shape.getBBox();
+ var opoint = { x: oBBox.x + oBBox.width / 2, y: oBBox.y + oBBox.height / 2};
+ node.shape.translate(Math.round(point[0] - opoint.x), Math.round(point[1] - opoint.y));
+ this.r.safari();
+ return node;
+ }/* else, draw new nodes */
+ var shape;
+ /* if a node renderer function is provided by the user, then use it
+ or the default render function instead */
+ if(!node.render) {
+ node.render = function(r, node) {
+ /* the default node drawing */
+ var color = Raphael.getColor();
+ var ellipse = r.ellipse(0, 0, 30, 20).attr({fill: color, stroke: color, "stroke-width": 2});
+ /* set DOM node ID */
+ = node.label ||;
+ shape = r.set().
+ push(ellipse).
+ push(r.text(0, 30, node.label ||;
+ return shape;
+ }
+ }
+ /* or check for an ajax representation of the nodes */
+ if(node.shapes) {
+ // TODO ajax representation evaluation
+ }
+ shape = node.render(this.r, node).hide();
+ shape.attr({"fill-opacity": .6});
+ /* re-reference to the node an element belongs to, needed for dragging all elements of a node */
+ shape.items.forEach(function(item){ item.set = shape; = "move"; });
+ shape.mousedown(this.dragger);
+ var box = shape.getBBox();
+ shape.translate(Math.round(point[0]-(box.x+box.width/2)),Math.round(point[1]-(box.y+box.height/2)))
+ //console.log(box,point);
+ node.hidden ||;
+ node.shape = shape;
+ },
+ drawEdge: function(edge) {
+ /* if this edge already exists the other way around and is undirected */
+ if(edge.backedge)
+ return;
+ if(edge.source.hidden || {
+ edge.connection && edge.connection.fg.hide() | &&;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* if edge already has been drawn, only refresh the edge */
+ if(!edge.connection) {
+ && &&; // TODO move this somewhere else
+ edge.connection = this.r.connection(edge.source.shape,,;
+ return;
+ }
+ //FIXME showing doesn't work well
+ &&;
+ edge.connection.draw();
+ }
+Graph.Layout = {};
+Graph.Layout.Spring = function(graph) {
+ this.graph = graph;
+ this.iterations = 500;
+ this.maxRepulsiveForceDistance = 6;
+ this.k = 2;
+ this.c = 0.01;
+ this.maxVertexMovement = 0.5;
+ this.layout();
+Graph.Layout.Spring.prototype = {
+ layout: function() {
+ this.layoutPrepare();
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.iterations; i++) {
+ this.layoutIteration();
+ }
+ this.layoutCalcBounds();
+ },
+ layoutPrepare: function() {
+ for (i in this.graph.nodes) {
+ var node = this.graph.nodes[i];
+ node.layoutPosX = 0;
+ node.layoutPosY = 0;
+ node.layoutForceX = 0;
+ node.layoutForceY = 0;
+ }
+ },
+ layoutCalcBounds: function() {
+ var minx = Infinity, maxx = -Infinity, miny = Infinity, maxy = -Infinity;
+ for (i in this.graph.nodes) {
+ var x = this.graph.nodes[i].layoutPosX;
+ var y = this.graph.nodes[i].layoutPosY;
+ if(x > maxx) maxx = x;
+ if(x < minx) minx = x;
+ if(y > maxy) maxy = y;
+ if(y < miny) miny = y;
+ }
+ this.graph.layoutMinX = minx;
+ this.graph.layoutMaxX = maxx;
+ this.graph.layoutMinY = miny;
+ this.graph.layoutMaxY = maxy;
+ },
+ layoutIteration: function() {
+ // Forces on nodes due to node-node repulsions
+ var prev = new Array();
+ for(var c in this.graph.nodes) {
+ var node1 = this.graph.nodes[c];
+ for (var d in prev) {
+ var node2 = this.graph.nodes[prev[d]];
+ this.layoutRepulsive(node1, node2);
+ }
+ prev.push(c);
+ }
+ // Forces on nodes due to edge attractions
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.graph.edges.length; i++) {
+ var edge = this.graph.edges[i];
+ this.layoutAttractive(edge);
+ }
+ // Move by the given force
+ for (i in this.graph.nodes) {
+ var node = this.graph.nodes[i];
+ var xmove = this.c * node.layoutForceX;
+ var ymove = this.c * node.layoutForceY;
+ var max = this.maxVertexMovement;
+ if(xmove > max) xmove = max;
+ if(xmove < -max) xmove = -max;
+ if(ymove > max) ymove = max;
+ if(ymove < -max) ymove = -max;
+ node.layoutPosX += xmove;
+ node.layoutPosY += ymove;
+ node.layoutForceX = 0;
+ node.layoutForceY = 0;
+ }
+ },
+ layoutRepulsive: function(node1, node2) {
+ var dx = node2.layoutPosX - node1.layoutPosX;
+ var dy = node2.layoutPosY - node1.layoutPosY;
+ var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
+ if(d2 < 0.01) {
+ dx = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1;
+ dy = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1;
+ var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
+ }
+ var d = Math.sqrt(d2);
+ if(d < this.maxRepulsiveForceDistance) {
+ var repulsiveForce = this.k * this.k / d;
+ node2.layoutForceX += repulsiveForce * dx / d;
+ node2.layoutForceY += repulsiveForce * dy / d;
+ node1.layoutForceX -= repulsiveForce * dx / d;
+ node1.layoutForceY -= repulsiveForce * dy / d;
+ }
+ },
+ layoutAttractive: function(edge) {
+ var node1 = edge.source;
+ var node2 =;
+ var dx = node2.layoutPosX - node1.layoutPosX;
+ var dy = node2.layoutPosY - node1.layoutPosY;
+ var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
+ if(d2 < 0.01) {
+ dx = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1;
+ dy = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1;
+ var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
+ }
+ var d = Math.sqrt(d2);
+ if(d > this.maxRepulsiveForceDistance) {
+ d = this.maxRepulsiveForceDistance;
+ d2 = d * d;
+ }
+ var attractiveForce = (d2 - this.k * this.k) / this.k;
+ if(edge.attraction == undefined) edge.attraction = 1;
+ attractiveForce *= Math.log(edge.attraction) * 0.5 + 1;
+ node2.layoutForceX -= attractiveForce * dx / d;
+ node2.layoutForceY -= attractiveForce * dy / d;
+ node1.layoutForceX += attractiveForce * dx / d;
+ node1.layoutForceY += attractiveForce * dy / d;
+ }
+Graph.Layout.Ordered = function(graph, order) {
+ this.graph = graph;
+ this.order = order;
+ this.layout();
+Graph.Layout.Ordered.prototype = {
+ layout: function() {
+ this.layoutPrepare();
+ this.layoutCalcBounds();
+ },
+ layoutPrepare: function(order) {
+ for (i in this.graph.nodes) {
+ var node = this.graph.nodes[i];
+ node.layoutPosX = 0;
+ node.layoutPosY = 0;
+ }
+ var counter = 0;
+ for (i in this.order) {
+ var node = this.order[i];
+ node.layoutPosX = counter;
+ node.layoutPosY = Math.random();
+ counter++;
+ }
+ },
+ layoutCalcBounds: function() {
+ var minx = Infinity, maxx = -Infinity, miny = Infinity, maxy = -Infinity;
+ for (i in this.graph.nodes) {
+ var x = this.graph.nodes[i].layoutPosX;
+ var y = this.graph.nodes[i].layoutPosY;
+ if(x > maxx) maxx = x;
+ if(x < minx) minx = x;
+ if(y > maxy) maxy = y;
+ if(y < miny) miny = y;
+ }
+ this.graph.layoutMinX = minx;
+ this.graph.layoutMaxX = maxx;
+ this.graph.layoutMinY = miny;
+ this.graph.layoutMaxY = maxy;
+ }
+ * usefull JavaScript extensions,
+ */
+function log(a) {console.log&&console.log(a);}
+ * Raphael Tooltip Plugin
+ * - attaches an element as a tooltip to another element
+ *
+ * Usage example, adding a rectangle as a tooltip to a circle:
+ *
+ *,100,10).tooltip(paper.rect(0,0,20,30));
+ *
+ * If you want to use more shapes, you'll have to put them into a set.
+ *
+ */
+Raphael.el.tooltip = function (tp) {
+ = tp;
+ = {x: 0, y: 0};
+ this.hover(
+ function(event){
+ this.mousemove(function(event){
+ -
+,event.clientY -;
+ = {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY};
+ });
+ },
+ function(event){
+ this.unmousemove();
+ });
+ return this;
+/* For IE */
+if (!Array.prototype.forEach)
+ Array.prototype.forEach = function(fun /*, thisp*/)
+ {
+ var len = this.length;
+ if (typeof fun != "function")
+ throw new TypeError();
+ var thisp = arguments[1];
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ if (i in this)
+, this[i], i, this);
+ }
+ };
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/raphael-min.js'
--- addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/raphael-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/raphael-min.js 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ * Raphael 1.3.1 - JavaScript Vector Library
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 Dmitry Baranovskiy (
+ * Licensed under the MIT ( license.
+ */
+Raphael=(function(){var a=/[, ]+/,aO=/^(circle|rect|path|ellipse|text|image)$/,L=document,au=window,l={was:"Raphael" in au,is:au.Raphael},an=function(){if([0],"array")){var d=arguments[0],e=w[aW](an,d.splice(0,[0],al))),S=e.set();for(var R=0,a0=d[m];R<a0;R++){var E=d[R]||{};aO.test(E.type)&&S[f](e[E.type]().attr(E));}return S;}return w[aW](an,arguments);},aT=function(){},aL="appendChild",aW="apply",aS="concat",at="",am=" ",z="split",F="click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup"[z](am),Q="hasOwnProperty",az="join",m="length",aY="prototype",aZ=String[aY].toLowerCase,ab=Math,g=ab.max,aI=ab.min,al="number",aA="toString",aw=Object[aY][aA],aQ={},aM=ab.pow,f="push",aU=/^(?=[\da-f]$)/,c=/^url\(['"]?([^\)]+)['"]?\)$/i,x=/^\s*((#[a-f\d]{6})|(#[a-f\d]{3})|rgb\(\s*([\d\.]+\s*,\s*[\d\.]+\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)\s*\)|rgb\(\s*([\d\.]+%\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%)\s*\)|hs[bl]\(\s*([\d\.]+\s*,\s*[\d\.]+\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)\s*\)|hs[bl]\(\s*([\d\.]+%\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%)\s*\))\s*$/i,O=ab.round,v="setAttribute",W=parseFloat,G=parseInt,aN=String[aY].toUpperCase,j={"clip-rect":"0 0 1e9 1e9",cursor:"default",cx:0,cy:0,fill:"#fff","fill-opacity":1,font:'10px "Arial"',"font-family":'"Arial"',"font-size":"10","font-style":"normal","font-weight":400,gradient:0,height:0,href:"",opacity:1,path:"M0,0",r:0,rotation:0,rx:0,ry:0,scale:"1 1",src:"",stroke:"#000","stroke-dasharray":"","stroke-linecap":"butt","stroke-linejoin":"butt","stroke-miterlimit":0,"stroke-opacity":1,"stroke-width":1,target:"_blank","text-anchor":"middle",title:"Raphael",translation:"0 0",width:0,x:0,y:0},Z={along:"along","clip-rect":"csv",cx:al,cy:al,fill:"colour","fill-opacity":al,"font-size":al,height:al,opacity:al,path:"path",r:al,rotation:"csv",rx:al,ry:al,scale:"csv",stroke:"colour","stroke-opacity":al,"stroke-width":al,translation:"csv",width:al,x:al,y:al},aP="replace";an.version="1.3.1";an.type=(au.SVGAngle||L.implementation.hasFeature("","1.1")?"SVG":"VML");if(an.type=="VML"){var ag=document.createElement("div");ag.innerHTML="<!--[if vml]><br><br><![endif]-->";if(ag.childNodes[m]!=2){return null;}}an.svg=!(an.vml=an.type=="VML");aT[aY]=an[aY];an._id=0;an._oid=0;an.fn={};,d){;return((d=="object"||d=="undefined")&&typeof e==d)||(e==null&&d=="null")||,-1))==d;};an.setWindow=function(d){au=d;L=au.document;};var aD=function(e){if(an.vml){var 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a5={r:R,g:S,b:a8},d=(~~R)[aA](16),a2=(~~S)[aA](16),a6=(~~a8)[aA](16);d=d[aP](aU,"0");a2=a2[aP](aU,"0");a6=a6[aP](aU,"0");a5.hex="#"+d+a2+a6;return a5;},an);an.rgb2hsb=aj(function(d,e,a1){if(,"object")&&"r" in d&&"g" in d&&"b" in d){a1=d.b;e=d.g;d=d.r;}if(,"string")){var a3=an.getRGB(d);d=a3.r;e=a3.g;a1=a3.b;}if(d>1||e>1||a1>1){d/=255;e/=255;a1/=255;}var a0=g(d,e,a1),i=aI(d,e,a1),R,E,S=a0;if(i==a0){return{h:0,s:0,b:a0};}else{var a2=(a0-i);E=a2/a0;if(d==a0){R=(e-a1)/a2;}else{if(e==a0){R=2+((a1-d)/a2);}else{R=4+((d-e)/a2);}}R/=6;R<0&&R++;R>1&&R--;}return{h:R,s:E,b:S};},an);var aE=/,?([achlmqrstvxz]),?/gi;an._path2string=function(){return this.join(",")[aP](aE,"$1");};function aj(E,e,d){function i(){var R=Array[aY],0),a0=R[az]("\u25ba"),S=i.cache=i.cache||{},a1=i.count=i.count||[];if(S[Q](a0)){return d?d(S[a0]):S[a0];}a1[m]>=1000&&delete S[a1.shift()];a1[f](a0);S[a0]=E[aW](e,R);return d?d(S[a0]):S[a0];}return 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R=ab.PI,bf=R*120/180,d=R/180*(+ba||0),bm=[],bj,bA=aj(function(bF,bI,i){var bH=bF*ab.cos(i)-bI*ab.sin(i),bG=bF*ab.sin(i)+bI*ab.cos(i);return{x:bH,y:bG};});if(!bb){bj=bA(a9,bE,-d);a9=bj.x;bE=bj.y;bj=bA(a8,bD,-d);a8=bj.x;bD=bj.y;var e=ab.cos(R/180*ba),a6=ab.sin(R/180*ba),bo=(a9-a8)/2,bn=(bE-bD)/2;bi=g(bi,ab.abs(bo));bg=g(bg,ab.abs(bn));var by=(bo*bo)/(bi*bi)+(bn*bn)/(bg*bg);if(by>1){bi=ab.sqrt(by)*bi;bg=ab.sqrt(by)*bg;}var E=bi*bi,br=bg*bg,bt=(a4==S?-1:1)*ab.sqrt(ab.abs((E*br-E*bn*bn-br*bo*bo)/(E*bn*bn+br*bo*bo))),bd=bt*bi*bn/bg+(a9+a8)/2,bc=bt*-bg*bo/bi+(bE+bD)/2,a3=ab.asin(((bE-bc)/bg).toFixed(7)),a2=ab.asin(((bD-bc)/bg).toFixed(7));a3=a9<bd?R-a3:a3;a2=a8<bd?R-a2:a2;a3<0&&(a3=R*2+a3);a2<0&&(a2=R*2+a2);if(S&&a3>a2){a3=a3-R*2;}if(!S&&a2>a3){a2=a2-R*2;}}else{a3=bb[0];a2=bb[1];bd=bb[2];bc=bb[3];}var a7=a2-a3;if(ab.abs(a7)>bf){var be=a2,bh=a8,a5=bD;a2=a3+bf*(S&&a2>a3?1:-1);a8=bd+bi*ab.cos(a2);bD=bc+bg*ab.sin(a2);bm=K(a8,bD,bi,bg,ba,0,S,bh,a5,[a2,be,bd,bc]);}a7=a2-a3;var 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bh=4;while(bh--){d[bh]=+bf[bc][bh]+S*bb*a7[bc][bh];}break;}break;}a8[bc]=d;}}a1.attr(a8);a1._run&&;}else{if(E.along){var bd=C(E.along,E.len*!E.back);a1.translate(||0),||0);E.rot&&a1.rotate(a7.r+bd.alpha,bd.x,bd.y);}(a6.x||a6.y)&&a1.translate(-a6.x,-a6.y);E.scale&&(E.scale=E.scale+at);a1.attr(E);delete I[be];I[m]--;a1.in_animation=null;,"function")&&;}bj.prev=a0;}}an.svg&&a1&&a1.paper.safari();I[m]&&setTimeout(aR);},B=function(d){return d>255?255:(d<0?0:d);},t=function(d,i){if(d==null){return{x:this._.tx,y:this._.ty,toString:u};}this._.tx+=+d;this._.ty+=+i;switch(this.type){case"circle":case"ellipse":this.attr({,});break;case"rect":case"image":case"text":this.attr({x:+d+this.attrs.x,y:+i+this.attrs.y});break;case"path":var e=ad(this.attrs.path);e[0][1]+=+d;e[0][2]+=+i;this.attr({path:e});break;}return this;};ax[aY].animateWith=function(e,i,d,R,E){I[]&&(i.start=I[].start);return this.animate(i,d,R,E);};ax[aY].animateAlong=ay();ax[aY].animateAlongBack=ay(1);function ay(d){return function(E,i,e,S){var R={back:d};,"function")?(S=e):(R.rot=e);E&&E.constructor==ax&&(E=E.attrs.path);E&&(R.along=E);return this.animate(R,i,S);};}ax[aY].onAnimation=function(d){this._run=d||0;return this;};ax[aY].animate=function(be,a5,a4,E){if(,"function")||!a4){E=a4||null;}var a9={},e={},a2={};for(var a6 in be){if(be[Q](a6)){if(Z[Q](a6)){a9[a6]=this.attr(a6);(a9[a6]==null)&&(a9[a6]=j[a6]);e[a6]=be[a6];switch(Z[a6]){case"along":var bc=ap(be[a6]),a7=C(be[a6],bc*!!be.back),R=this.getBBox();a2[a6]=bc/a5;a2.tx=R.x;a2.ty=R.y;;;e.rot=be.rot;e.back=be.back;e.len=bc;be.rot&&(a2.r=W(this.rotate())||0);break;case"number":a2[a6]=(e[a6]-a9[a6])/a5;break;case"colour":a9[a6]=an.getRGB(a9[a6]);var a8=an.getRGB(e[a6]);a2[a6]={r:(a8.r-a9[a6].r)/a5,g:(a8.g-a9[a6].g)/a5,b:(a8.b-a9[a6].b)/a5};break;case"path":var S=H(a9[a6],e[a6]);a9[a6]=S[0];var a3=S[1];a2[a6]=[];for(var bb=0,a1=a9[a6][m];bb<a1;bb++){a2[a6][bb]=[0];for(var ba=1,bd=a9[a6][bb][m];ba<bd;ba++){a2[a6][bb][ba]=(a3[bb][ba]-a9[a6][bb][ba])/a5;}}break;case"csv":var d=(be[a6]+at)[z](a),a0=(a9[a6]+at)[z](a);switch(a6){case"translation":a9[a6]=[0,0];a2[a6]=[d[0]/a5,d[1]/a5];break;case"rotation":a9[a6]=(a0[1]==d[1]&&a0[2]==d[2])?a0:[0,d[1],d[2]];a2[a6]=[(d[0]-a9[a6][0])/a5,0,0];break;case"scale":be[a6]=d;a9[a6]=(a9[a6]+at)[z](a);a2[a6]=[(d[0]-a9[a6][0])/a5,(d[1]-a9[a6][1])/a5,0,0];break;case"clip-rect":a9[a6]=(a9[a6]+at)[z](a);a2[a6]=[];var bb=4;while(bb--){a2[a6][bb]=(d[bb]-a9[a6][bb])/a5;}break;}e[a6]=d;}}}}this.stop();this.in_animation=1;I[]={start:be.start||+new Date,ms:a5,easing:a4,from:a9,diff:a2,to:e,el:this,callback:E,t:{x:0,y:0}};++I[m]==1&&aR();return this;};ax[aY].stop=function(){I[]&&I[m]--;delete I[];return this;};ax[aY].translate=function(d,e){return this.attr({translation:d+" "+e});};ax[aY][aA]=function(){return"Rapha\xebl\u2019s object";};;var T=function(d){this.items=[];this[m]=0;if(d){for(var e=0,E=d[m];e<E;e++){if(d[e]&&(d[e].constructor==ax||d[e].constructor==T)){this[this.items[m]]=this.items[this.items[m]]=d[e];this[m]++;}}}};T[aY][f]=function(){var R,d;for(var e=0,E=arguments[m];e<E;e++){R=arguments[e];if(R&&(R.constructor==ax||R.constructor==T)){d=this.items[m];this[d]=this.items[d]=R;this[m]++;}}return this;};T[aY].pop=function(){delete this[this[m]--];return this.items.pop();};for(var y in ax[aY]){if(ax[aY][Q](y)){T[aY][y]=(function(d){return function(){for(var e=0,E=this.items[m];e<E;e++){this.items[e][d][aW](this.items[e],arguments);}return this;};})(y);}}T[aY].attr=function(e,a0){if(e&&,"array")&&[0],"object")){for(var d=0,S=e[m];d<S;d++){this.items[d].attr(e[d]);}}else{for(var E=0,R=this.items[m];E<R;E++){this.items[E].attr[aW](this.items[E],arguments);}}return this;};T[aY].animate=function(S,e,a2,a1){(,"function")||!a2)&&(a1=a2||null);var d=this.items[m],E=d,a0=this,R;a1&&(R=function(){!--d&&;});this.items[--E].animate(S,e,a2||R,R);while(E--){this.items[E].animateWith(this.items[d-1],S,e,a2||R,R);}return this;};T[aY].insertAfter=function(e){var d=this.items[m];while(d--){this.items[d].insertAfter(e);}return this;};T[aY].getBBox=function(){var d=[],a0=[],e=[],R=[];for(var E=this.items[m];E--;){var S=this.items[E].getBBox();d[f](S.x);a0[f](S.y);e[f](S.x+S.width);R[f](S.y+S.height);}d=aI[aW](0,d);a0=aI[aW](0,a0);return{x:d,y:a0,width:g[aW](0,e)-d,height:g[aW](0,R)-a0};};an.registerFont=function(e){if(!e.face){return e;}this.fonts=this.fonts||{};var E={w:e.w,face:{},glyphs:{}},i=e.face["font-family"];for(var a0 in e.face){if(e.face[Q](a0)){E.face[a0]=e.face[a0];}}if(this.fonts[i]){this.fonts[i][f](E);}else{this.fonts[i]=[E];}if(!e.svg){E.face["units-per-em"]=G(e.face["units-per-em"],10);for(var R in e.glyphs){if(e.glyphs[Q](R)){var S=e.glyphs[R];E.glyphs[R]={w:S.w,k:{},d:S.d&&"M"+S.d[aP](/[mlcxtrv]/g,function(a1){return{l:"L",c:"C",x:"z",t:"m",r:"l",v:"c"}[a1]||"M";})+"z"};if(S.k){for(var d in S.k){if(S[Q](d)){E.glyphs[R].k[d]=S.k[d];}}}}}}return e;};aT[aY].getFont=function(a2,a3,e,R){R=R||"normal";e=e||"normal";a3=+a3||{normal:400,bold:700,lighter:300,bolder:800}[a3]||400;var S=an.fonts[a2];if(!S){var E=new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+a2[aP](/[^\w\d\s+!~.:_-]/g,at)+"(\\s|$)","i");for(var d in an.fonts){if(an.fonts[Q](d)){if(E.test(d)){S=an.fonts[d];break;}}}}var a0;if(S){for(var a1=0,a4=S[m];a1<a4;a1++){a0=S[a1];if(a0.face["font-weight"]==a3&&(a0.face["font-style"]==e||!a0.face["font-style"])&&a0.face["font-stretch"]==R){break;}}}return a0;};aT[aY].print=function(R,E,d,a1,a2,bb){bb=bb||"middle";var a7=this.set(),ba=(d+at)[z](at),a8=0,a4=at,bc;,"string")&&(a1=this.getFont(a1));if(a1){bc=(a2||16)/a1.face["units-per-em"];var e=a1.face.bbox.split(a),a0=+e[0],a3=+e[1]+(bb=="baseline"?e[3]-e[1]+(+a1.face.descent):(e[3]-e[1])/2);for(var a6=0,S=ba[m];a6<S;a6++){var a5=a6&&a1.glyphs[ba[a6-1]]||{},a9=a1.glyphs[ba[a6]];a8+=a6?(a5.w||a1.w)+(a5.k&&a5.k[ba[a6]]||0):0;a9&&a9.d&&a7[f](this.path(a9.d).attr({fill:"#000",stroke:"none",translation:[a8,0]}));}a7.scale(bc,bc,a0,a3).translate(R-a0,E-a3);}return a7;};an.format=function(i){var[1],"array")?[0][aS](arguments[1]):arguments,d=/\{(\d+)\}/g;i&&,"string")&&e[m]-1&&(i=i[aP](d,function(R,E){return e[++E]==null?at:e[E];}));return i||at;};{var d=Raphael;if(l.was){;}else{delete Raphael;}return d;};an.el=ax[aY];return an;})();
\ No newline at end of file
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/seedrandom.js'
--- addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/seedrandom.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/static/lib/js/seedrandom.js 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+// seedrandom.js
+// Author: David Bau 3/11/2010
+// Defines a method Math.seedrandom() that, when called, substitutes
+// an explicitly seeded RC4-based algorithm for Math.random(). Also
+// supports automatic seeding from local or network sources of entropy.
+// Usage:
+// <script src=></script>
+// Math.seedrandom('yipee'); Sets Math.random to a function that is
+// initialized using the given explicit seed.
+// Math.seedrandom(); Sets Math.random to a function that is
+// seeded using the current time, dom state,
+// and other accumulated local entropy.
+// The generated seed string is returned.
+// Math.seedrandom('yowza', true);
+// Seeds using the given explicit seed mixed
+// together with accumulated entropy.
+// <script src=""></script>
+// Seeds using physical random bits downloaded
+// from
+// Examples:
+// Math.seedrandom("hello"); // Use "hello" as the seed.
+// document.write(Math.random()); // Always 0.5463663768140734
+// document.write(Math.random()); // Always 0.43973793770592234
+// var rng1 = Math.random; // Remember the current prng.
+// var autoseed = Math.seedrandom(); // New prng with an automatic seed.
+// document.write(Math.random()); // Pretty much unpredictable.
+// Math.random = rng1; // Continue "hello" prng sequence.
+// document.write(Math.random()); // Always 0.554769432473455
+// Math.seedrandom(autoseed); // Restart at the previous seed.
+// document.write(Math.random()); // Repeat the 'unpredictable' value.
+// Notes:
+// Each time seedrandom('arg') is called, entropy from the passed seed
+// is accumulated in a pool to help generate future seeds for the
+// zero-argument form of Math.seedrandom, so entropy can be injected over
+// time by calling seedrandom with explicit data repeatedly.
+// On speed - This javascript implementation of Math.random() is about
+// 3-10x slower than the built-in Math.random() because it is not native
+// code, but this is typically fast enough anyway. Seeding is more expensive,
+// especially if you use auto-seeding. Some details (timings on Chrome 4):
+// Our Math.random() - avg less than 0.002 milliseconds per call
+// seedrandom('explicit') - avg less than 0.5 milliseconds per call
+// seedrandom('explicit', true) - avg less than 2 milliseconds per call
+// seedrandom() - avg about 38 milliseconds per call
+// Copyright 2010 David Bau, all rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// 3. Neither the name of this module nor the names of its contributors may
+// be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+// without specific prior written permission.
+ * All code is in an anonymous closure to keep the global namespace clean.
+ *
+ * @param {number=} overflow
+ * @param {number=} startdenom
+ */
+(function (pool, math, width, chunks, significance, overflow, startdenom) {
+// seedrandom()
+// This is the seedrandom function described above.
+math['seedrandom'] = function seedrandom(seed, use_entropy) {
+ var key = [];
+ var arc4;
+ // Flatten the seed string or build one from local entropy if needed.
+ seed = mixkey(flatten(
+ use_entropy ? [seed, pool] :
+ arguments.length ? seed :
+ [new Date().getTime(), pool, window], 3), key);
+ // Use the seed to initialize an ARC4 generator.
+ arc4 = new ARC4(key);
+ // Mix the randomness into accumulated entropy.
+ mixkey(arc4.S, pool);
+ // Override Math.random
+ // This function returns a random double in [0, 1) that contains
+ // randomness in every bit of the mantissa of the IEEE 754 value.
+ math['random'] = function random() { // Closure to return a random double:
+ var n = arc4.g(chunks); // Start with a numerator n < 2 ^ 48
+ var d = startdenom; // and denominator d = 2 ^ 48.
+ var x = 0; // and no 'extra last byte'.
+ while (n < significance) { // Fill up all significant digits by
+ n = (n + x) * width; // shifting numerator and
+ d *= width; // denominator and generating a
+ x = arc4.g(1); // new least-significant-byte.
+ }
+ while (n >= overflow) { // To avoid rounding up, before adding
+ n /= 2; // last byte, shift everything
+ d /= 2; // right using integer math until
+ x >>>= 1; // we have exactly the desired bits.
+ }
+ return (n + x) / d; // Form the number within [0, 1).
+ };
+ // Return the seed that was used
+ return seed;
+// ARC4
+// An ARC4 implementation. The constructor takes a key in the form of
+// an array of at most (width) integers that should be 0 <= x < (width).
+// The g(count) method returns a pseudorandom integer that concatenates
+// the next (count) outputs from ARC4. Its return value is a number x
+// that is in the range 0 <= x < (width ^ count).
+/** @constructor */
+function ARC4(key) {
+ var t, u, me = this, keylen = key.length;
+ var i = 0, j = me.i = me.j = me.m = 0;
+ me.S = [];
+ me.c = [];
+ // The empty key [] is treated as [0].
+ if (!keylen) { key = [keylen++]; }
+ // Set up S using the standard key scheduling algorithm.
+ while (i < width) { me.S[i] = i++; }
+ for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
+ t = me.S[i];
+ j = lowbits(j + t + key[i % keylen]);
+ u = me.S[j];
+ me.S[i] = u;
+ me.S[j] = t;
+ }
+ // The "g" method returns the next (count) outputs as one number.
+ me.g = function getnext(count) {
+ var s = me.S;
+ var i = lowbits(me.i + 1); var t = s[i];
+ var j = lowbits(me.j + t); var u = s[j];
+ s[i] = u;
+ s[j] = t;
+ var r = s[lowbits(t + u)];
+ while (--count) {
+ i = lowbits(i + 1); t = s[i];
+ j = lowbits(j + t); u = s[j];
+ s[i] = u;
+ s[j] = t;
+ r = r * width + s[lowbits(t + u)];
+ }
+ me.i = i;
+ me.j = j;
+ return r;
+ };
+ // For robust unpredictability discard an initial batch of values.
+ // See
+ me.g(width);
+// flatten()
+// Converts an object tree to nested arrays of strings.
+/** @param {Object=} result
+ * @param {string=} prop */
+function flatten(obj, depth, result, prop) {
+ result = [];
+ if (depth && typeof(obj) == 'object') {
+ for (prop in obj) {
+ if (prop.indexOf('S') < 5) { // Avoid FF3 bug (local/sessionStorage)
+ try { result.push(flatten(obj[prop], depth - 1)); } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result.length ? result : '' + obj;
+// mixkey()
+// Mixes a string seed into a key that is an array of integers, and
+// returns a shortened string seed that is equivalent to the result key.
+/** @param {number=} smear
+ * @param {number=} j */
+function mixkey(seed, key, smear, j) {
+ seed += ''; // Ensure the seed is a string
+ smear = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < seed.length; j++) {
+ key[lowbits(j)] =
+ lowbits((smear ^= key[lowbits(j)] * 19) + seed.charCodeAt(j));
+ }
+ seed = '';
+ for (j in key) { seed += String.fromCharCode(key[j]); }
+ return seed;
+// lowbits()
+// A quick "n mod width" for width a power of 2.
+function lowbits(n) { return n & (width - 1); }
+// The following constants are related to IEEE 754 limits.
+startdenom = math.pow(width, chunks);
+significance = math.pow(2, significance);
+overflow = significance * 2;
+// When seedrandom.js is loaded, we immediately mix a few bits
+// from the built-in RNG into the entropy pool. Because we do
+// not want to intefere with determinstic PRNG state later,
+// seedrandom will not call math.random on its own again after
+// initialization.
+mixkey(math.random(), pool);
+// End anonymous scope, and pass initial values.
+ [], // pool: entropy pool starts empty
+ Math, // math: package containing random, pow, and seedrandom
+ 256, // width: each RC4 output is 0 <= x < 256
+ 6, // chunks: at least six RC4 outputs for each double
+ 52 // significance: there are 52 significant digits in a double
=== added file 'addons/base_diagram/static/src/js/diagram.js'
--- addons/base_diagram/static/src/js/diagram.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/static/src/js/diagram.js 2011-04-07 11:57:12 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * OpenERP base library
+ *---------------------------------------------------------*/
+openerp.base.diagram = function (openerp) {
+openerp.base.views.add('diagram', 'openerp.base.DiagramView');
+openerp.base.DiagramView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
+ init: function(view_manager, session, element_id, dataset, view_id){
+ this._super(session, element_id);
+ this.view_manager = view_manager;
+ this.dataset = dataset;
+ this.model = dataset.model;
+ this.view_id = view_id;
+ = "";
+ this.domain = this.dataset._domain ? this.dataset._domain: [];
+ this.context = {};
+ this.ids = this.dataset.ids;
+ console.log('data set>>',this.dataset)
+ },
+ start: function() {
+ this.rpc("/base_diagram/diagram/load", {"model": this.model, "view_id": this.view_id}, this.on_loaded);
+ },
+ toTitleCase: function(str) {
+ return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});
+ },
+ on_loaded: function(result) {
+ var self = this;
+ if(this.ids && this.ids.length) {
+ = this.ids[0];
+ }
+ this.fields_view = result.fields_view;
+ this.view_id = this.fields_view.view_id;
+ =;
+ this.fields = this.fields_view.fields;
+ var children = this.fields_view.arch.children;
+ /*
+ * For Nodes (Fields)
+ */
+ this.node = '';
+ this.bgcolor = '';
+ this.shape = '';
+ this.visible_fields_nodes = [];
+ this.invisible_fields_nodes = [];
+ this.fields_nodes_string = [];
+ /*
+ * For Arraows(Connector)
+ */
+ this.connector = '';
+ this.src_node = '';
+ this.des_node = '';
+ this.connector_fields = [];
+ this.fields_connector_string = [];
+ for(ch in children) {
+ if(children[ch]['tag'] == 'node') {
+ this.node = children[ch]['attrs']['object'];
+ this.bgcolor = children[ch]['attrs']['bgcolor'] || '';
+ this.shape = children[ch]['attrs']['shape'] || '';
+ for(node_chld in children[ch]['children']) {
+ if (children[ch]['children'][node_chld]['tag'] = 'field') {
+ var ch_name = children[ch]['children'][node_chld]['attrs']['name'];
+ if (children[ch]['children'][node_chld]['attrs']['invisible']) {
+ if (children[ch]['children'][node_chld]['attrs']['invisible'] == 1 && children[ch]['children'][node_chld]['attrs']['invisible'] == '1') {
+ this.invisible_fields_nodes.push(ch_name)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ this.visible_fields_nodes.push(ch_name);
+ var ch_node_string = this.fields[ch_name]['string'] || this.toTitleCase(ch_name);
+ this.fields_nodes_string.push(ch_node_string)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(children[ch]['tag'] == 'arrow') {
+ this.connector = children[ch]['attrs']['object'];
+ this.src_node = children[ch]['attrs']['source'];
+ this.des_node = children[ch]['attrs']['destination'];
+ for (arrow_chld in children[ch]['children']) {
+ if (children[ch]['children'][arrow_chld]['tag'] = 'field') {
+ var arr_ch_name = children[ch]['children'][arrow_chld]['attrs']['name'];
+ var ch_node_string = this.fields[arr_ch_name]['string'] || this.toTitleCase(arr_ch_name);
+ this.fields_connector_string.push(ch_node_string);
+ this.connector_fields.push(arr_ch_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.$element.html(QWeb.render("DiagramView", {"fields_view": this.fields_view}));
+// g.addEdge("strawberry", "cherry");
+// g.addEdge("strawberry", "apple");
+// g.addEdge("strawberry", "tomato");
+// g.addEdge("tomato", "apple");
+// g.addEdge("tomato", "kiwi");
+// g.addEdge("cherry", "apple");
+// g.addEdge("cherry", "kiwi");
+ if( {
+ this.rpc(
+ '/base_diagram/diagram/get_diagram_info',
+ {
+ 'id':,
+ 'model': this.model,
+ 'bgcolor': this.bgcolor,
+ 'shape': this.shape,
+ 'node': this.node,
+ 'connector': this.connector,
+ 'src_node': this.src_node,
+ 'des_node': this.des_node,
+ 'visible_node_fields': this.visible_fields_nodes,
+ 'invisible_node_fields': this.invisible_fields_nodes,
+ 'node_fields_string': this.fields_nodes_string,
+ 'connector_fields': this.connector_fields,
+ 'connector_fields_string': this.fields_connector_string
+ },
+ function(result) {
+ self.draw_diagram(result);
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ draw_diagram: function(result) {
+ console.log('this>>>',this)
+ var g = new Graph();
+ this.in_transition_field = result['in_transition_field'];
+ this.out_transition_field = result['out_transition_field'];
+ var res_nodes = result['nodes'];
+ var res_connectors = result['conn'];
+// for(nd in res_nodes) {
+// var res_node = res_nodes[nd];
+// console.log('nodes',res_node, res_node['shape'])
+// var state;
+// }
+ for(cr in res_connectors) {
+ var res_connector = res_connectors[cr];
+ g.addEdge(res_connector['source'], res_connector['destination']);
+ }
+ var layouter = new Graph.Layout.Spring(g);
+ layouter.layout();
+ var renderer = new Graph.Renderer.Raphael('dia-canvas', g, 800, 500);
+ renderer.draw();
+ },
+ do_show: function () {
+ this.$;
+ },
+ do_hide: function () {
+ this.$element.hide();
+ }
+// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax:
=== removed file 'addons/base_diagram/static/src/js/views.js'
--- addons/base_diagram/static/src/js/views.js 2011-04-04 15:52:09 +0000
+++ addons/base_diagram/static/src/js/views.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * OpenERP base library
- *---------------------------------------------------------*/
-openerp.base_diagram = function(openerp) {
-openerp.base_diagram.DiagramView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
-// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax:
Follow ups