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lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-import_sugarcrm-backlog8-atp into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-import_sugarcrm


Atul Patel(OpenERP) has proposed merging lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-import_sugarcrm-backlog8-atp into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-import_sugarcrm.

Requested reviews:
  tfr (Openerp) (tfr)

For more details, see:


   I have make Improvement:

   1) Backlog8: Intregate  Remaining Module into import_base.
   2)Backlog4: Create Wizard for webservices.
   3) Make and add missing field as per backlog3.3

  Kindly check this.


Your team OpenERP R&D Team is subscribed to branch lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-import_sugarcrm.
=== modified file 'import_sugarcrm/__openerp__.py'
--- import_sugarcrm/__openerp__.py	2011-05-12 09:15:46 +0000
+++ import_sugarcrm/__openerp__.py	2011-05-19 13:39:39 +0000
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
             "Contacts", "Employees", Meetings, Phonecalls, Emails, and Project, Project Tasks Data into OpenERP Module.""",
     'author': 'OpenERP SA',
     'website': 'http://www.openerp.com',
-    'depends': ['import_base', 'crm_claim', 'project', 'project_issue', 'hr', 'document'],
+    'depends': ['import_base', 'crm_claim', 'project', 'project_issue', 'project_timesheet', 'hr', 'document'],
     'init_xml': [],
-    'update_xml': ["wizard/sugarcrm_login_view.xml",
+    'update_xml': [
     'demo_xml': [],

=== modified file 'import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm.py'
--- import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm.py	2011-05-16 09:35:47 +0000
+++ import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm.py	2011-05-19 13:39:39 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 from tools.translate import _
 from import_base.import_framework import *
 from import_base.mapper import *
+from datetime import datetime
 import base64
 import pprint
 pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
@@ -48,17 +48,25 @@
     TABLE_OPPORTUNITY = 'Opportunities'
     TABLE_LEAD = 'Leads'
     TABLE_STAGE = 'crm_stage'
+    TABLE_ATTENDEE = 'calendar_attendee'
     TABLE_CALL = 'Calls'
     TABLE_MEETING = 'Meetings'
     TABLE_TASK = 'Tasks'
     TABLE_PROJECT = 'Project'
     TABLE_PROJECT_TASK = 'ProjectTask'
+    TABLE_BUG = 'Bugs'
     TABLE_CASE = 'Cases'
+    TABLE_NOTE = 'Notes'
+    TABLE_EMAIL = 'Emails'
+    TABLE_DOCUMENT = 'DocumentRevisions'
+    TABLE_COMPAIGN = 'Campaigns'
+    TABLE_HISTORY_ATTACHMNET = 'history_attachment'
     def initialize(self):
         PortType,sessionid = sugar.login(self.context.get('username',''), self.context.get('password',''), self.context.get('url',''))
+        if sessionid == '-1':
+            raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('Authentication error !\nBad Username or Password !'))
         self.context['port'] = PortType
         self.context['session_id'] = sessionid
@@ -66,8 +74,9 @@
         return sugar.search(self.context.get('port'), self.context.get('session_id'), table)
-        Common import method
+    Common import method
     def get_category(self, val, model, name):
         fields = ['name', 'object_id']
         data = [name, model]
@@ -75,13 +84,14 @@
     def get_job_title(self, dict, salutation):
         fields = ['shortcut', 'name', 'domain']
-        data = [salutation, salutation, 'Contact']
-        return self.import_object(fields, data, 'res.partner.title', 'contact_title', salutation, [('shortcut', '=', salutation)])
+        if salutation:
+            data = [salutation, salutation, 'Contact']
+            return self.import_object(fields, data, 'res.partner.title', 'contact_title', salutation, [('shortcut', '=', salutation)])
-    def get_campaign_id(self, dict, val):
+    def get_channel_id(self, dict, val):
         fields = ['name']
         data = [val]
-        return self.import_object(fields, data, 'crm.case.resource.type', 'crm_campaign', val)
+        return self.import_object(fields, data, 'res.partner.canal', 'crm_channel', val)
     def get_all_states(self, external_val, country_id):
         """Get states or create new state unless country_id is False"""
@@ -90,7 +100,6 @@
         data = [country_id, external_val, state_code]
         if country_id:
             return self.import_object(fields, data, 'res.country.state', 'country_state', external_val) 
         return False
     def get_all_countries(self, val):
@@ -100,6 +109,350 @@
     def get_float_time(self, dict, hour, min):
         min = int(min) * 100 / 60
         return "%s.%i" % (hour, min)
+    """
+    import Documents
+    """
+    def import_document(self, val):
+        filepath = '/var/www/sugarcrm/cache/upload/'+ val.get('id')
+        f = open(filepath, "r")
+        datas = f.read()
+        f.close()
+        val['datas'] = base64.encodestring(datas)
+        val['datas_fname'] = val.get('filename')
+        return val   
+    def get_document_mapping(self): 
+        return { 
+                'model' : 'ir.attachment',
+                'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER],
+                'hook' : self.import_document,
+                'map' : {'name':'filename',
+                         'description': ppconcat('description'),
+                         'datas': 'datas',
+                         'datas_fname': 'datas_fname',
+                }
+            }     
+    """
+    import Emails
+    """
+    def import_email(self, val):
+        model_obj =  self.obj.pool.get('ir.model.data')
+        xml_id = self.xml_id_exist(val.get('parent_type'), val.get('parent_id'))
+        model_ids = model_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [('name', 'like', xml_id)])
+        if model_ids:
+              model = model_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, model_ids)[0]
+              if model.model == 'res.partner':
+                    val['partner_id/.id'] = model.res_id
+              else:    
+                    val['res_id'] = model.res_id
+                    val['model'] = model.model
+        attach_id = self.get_attachment(val)
+        val['attachment_ids/id'] = attach_id
+        return val   
+    def get_email_mapping(self): 
+        return { 
+                'model' : 'mailgate.message',
+                'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER, self.TABLE_PROJECT, self.TABLE_PROJECT_TASK, self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, self.TABLE_CONTACT, self.TABLE_LEAD, self.TABLE_OPPORTUNITY, self.TABLE_MEETING, self.TABLE_CALL],
+                'hook' : self.import_email,
+                'map' : {'name':'name',
+                        'date':'date_sent',
+                        'email_from': 'from_addr_name',
+                        'email_to': 'reply_to_addr',
+                        'email_cc': 'cc_addrs_names',
+                        'email_bcc': 'bcc_addrs_names',
+                        'message_id': 'message_id',
+                        'res_id': 'res_id',
+                        'model': 'model',
+                        'partner_id/.id': 'partner_id/.id',                         
+                        'attachment_ids/id': 'attachment_ids/id',
+                        'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
+                        'description': ppconcat('description', 'description_html'),
+                }
+            } 
+    """
+    import History(Notes)
+    """
+    def get_attachment(self, val):
+        File, Filename = sugar.attachment_search(self.context.get('port'), self.context.get('session_id'), self.TABLE_NOTE, val.get('id')) 
+        attachment_obj = self.obj.pool.get('ir.attachment')
+        model_obj = self.obj.pool.get('ir.model.data')
+        mailgate_obj = self.obj.pool.get('mailgate.message')
+        fields = ['name', 'datas', 'datas_fname','res_id', 'res_model']
+        name = 'attachment_'+ (Filename or val.get('name'))
+        datas = [Filename or val.get('name'), File, Filename, val.get('res_id'),val.get('model',False)]
+        attach_xml_id = self.import_object(fields, datas, 'ir.attachment', self.TABLE_HISTORY_ATTACHMNET, name, [('res_id', '=', val.get('res_id'), ('model', '=', val.get('model')))])
+        return attach_xml_id
+    def import_history(self, val):
+        model_obj =  self.obj.pool.get('ir.model.data')
+        xml_id = self.xml_id_exist(val.get('parent_type'), val.get('parent_id'))
+        model_ids = model_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [('name', 'like', xml_id)])
+        if model_ids:
+              model = model_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, model_ids)[0]
+              if model.model == 'res.partner':
+                    val['partner_id/.id'] = model.res_id
+              else:    
+                    val['res_id'] = model.res_id
+                    val['model'] = model.model
+        attach_id = self.get_attachment(val)
+        val['attachment_ids/id'] = attach_id
+        return val    
+    def get_history_mapping(self): 
+        return { 
+                'model' : 'mailgate.message',
+                'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER, self.TABLE_PROJECT, self.TABLE_PROJECT_TASK, self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, self.TABLE_CONTACT, self.TABLE_LEAD, self.TABLE_OPPORTUNITY, self.TABLE_MEETING, self.TABLE_CALL],
+                'hook' : self.import_history,
+                'map' : {
+                      'name':'name',
+                      'date': 'date_entered',
+                      'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
+                      'description': ppconcat('description', 'description_html'),
+                      'res_id': 'res_id',
+                      'model': 'model',
+                      'attachment_ids/id': 'attachment_ids/id',
+                      'partner_id/.id' : 'partner_id/.id',
+                }
+            }     
+    """
+    import Claims(Cases)
+    """
+    def get_claim_priority(self, val):
+        priority_dict = {            
+                'High': '2',
+                'Medium': '3',
+                'Low': '4'
+        }
+        return priority_dict.get(val.get('priority'), '')
+    def get_contact_info_from_account(self, val):
+        partner_id = self.get_mapped_id(self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, val.get('account_id'))
+        partner_address_id = False
+        partner_phone = False
+        partner_email = False
+        partner = self.obj.pool.get('res.partner').browse(self.cr, self.uid, [partner_id])[0]
+        if partner.address and partner.address[0]:
+            address = partner.address[0]
+            partner_address_id = address.id
+            partner_phone = address.phone
+            partner_email = address.email
+        return partner_address_id, partner_phone,partner_email
+    def import_crm_claim(self, val):
+        partner_address_id, partner_phone,partner_email =  self.get_contact_info_from_account(val)
+        val['partner_address_id/.id'] = partner_address_id
+        val['partner_address_id/.id'] = partner_address_id
+        val['partner_phone'] = partner_phone
+        val['email_from'] = partner_email
+        return val
+    def get_crm_claim_mapping(self): 
+        return { 
+                'model' : 'crm.claim',
+                'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER, self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, self.TABLE_CONTACT, self.TABLE_LEAD],
+                'hook' : self.import_crm_claim,
+                'map' : {
+                    'name': 'name',
+                    'date': 'date_entered',
+                    'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
+                    'description': ppconcat('description'),
+                    'partner_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, 'account_id'),
+                    'partner_address_id/.id': 'partner_address_id/.id',
+                    'partner_phone': 'partner_phone',
+                    'email_from': 'email_from',                                        
+                    'priority': self.get_claim_priority,
+                    'state': map_val('status', self.project_issue_state)
+                }
+            }    
+    """
+    Import Project Issue(Bugs)
+    """
+    project_issue_state = {
+            'New' : 'draft',
+            'Assigned':'open',
+            'Closed': 'done',
+            'Pending': 'pending',
+            'Rejected': 'cancel',
+    }
+    def get_project_issue_priority(self, val):
+        priority_dict = {
+                'Urgent': '1',
+                'High': '2',
+                'Medium': '3',
+                'Low': '4'
+         }
+        return priority_dict.get(val.get('priority'), '')     
+    def get_bug_project_id(self, dict, val):
+        fields = ['name']
+        data = [val]
+        return self.import_object(fields, data, 'project.project', 'project_issue', val)    
+    def get_project_issue_mapping(self):
+        return { 
+                'model' : 'project.issue',
+                'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER, self.TABLE_PROJECT, self.TABLE_PROJECT_TASK],
+                'map' : {
+                    'name': 'name',
+                    'project_id/id': call(self.get_bug_project_id, 'sugarcrm_bugs'),
+                    'categ_id/id': call(self.get_category, 'project.issue', value('type')),
+                    'description': ppconcat('description', 'bug_number', 'fixed_in_release_name', 'source', 'fixed_in_release', 'work_log', 'found_in_release', 'release_name', 'resolution'),
+                    'priority': self.get_project_issue_priority,
+                    'state': map_val('status', self.project_issue_state)
+                }
+            }
+    """
+    import Project Tasks
+    """
+    project_task_state = {
+            'Not Started': 'draft',
+            'In Progress': 'open',
+            'Completed': 'done',
+            'Pending Input': 'pending',
+            'Deferred': 'cancelled',
+     }
+    def get_project_task_priority(self, val):
+      priority_dict = {
+            'High': '0',
+            'Medium': '2',
+            'Low': '3'
+        }
+      return priority_dict.get(val.get('priority'), '')
+    def get_project_task_mapping(self):
+        return { 
+                'model' : 'project.task',
+                'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER, self.TABLE_PROJECT],
+                'map' : {
+                    'name': 'name',
+                    'date_start': 'date_start',
+                    'date_end': 'date_finish',
+                    'progress': 'progress',
+                    'project_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_PROJECT, 'project_id'),
+                    'planned_hours': 'planned_hours',
+                    'total_hours': 'total_hours',        
+                    'priority': self.get_project_task_priority,
+                    'description': ppconcat('description','milestone_flag', 'project_task_id', 'task_number'),
+                    'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
+                    'partner_id/id': 'partner_id/id',
+                    'contact_id/id': 'contact_id/id',
+                    'state': map_val('status', self.project_task_state)
+                }
+            }
+    """
+    import Projects
+    """
+    project_state = {
+            'Draft' : 'draft',
+            'In Review': 'open',
+            'Published': 'close'
+     }
+    def import_project_account(self, val):
+        partner_id = False
+        partner_invoice_id = False        
+        model_obj = self.obj.pool.get('ir.model.data')
+        partner_obj = self.obj.pool.get('res.partner')
+        partner_address_obj = self.obj.pool.get('res.partner.address')
+        sugar_project_account = sugar.relation_search(self.context.get('port'), self.context.get('session_id'), 'Project', module_id=val.get('id'), related_module=self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, query=None, deleted=None)
+        sugar_project_contact = sugar.relation_search(self.context.get('port'), self.context.get('session_id'), 'Project', module_id=val.get('id'), related_module=self.TABLE_CONTACT, query=None, deleted=None)
+        for contact_id in sugar_project_contact:
+            partner_invoice_id = self.get_mapped_id(self.TABLE_CONTACT, contact_id)
+        for account_id in sugar_project_account:
+            partner_id = self.get_mapped_id(self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, account_id)
+        return partner_id, partner_invoice_id      
+    def import_project(self, val):
+        partner_id, partner_invoice_id  = self.import_project_account(val)    
+        val['partner_id/.id'] = partner_id
+        val['contact_id/.id'] = partner_invoice_id
+        return val
+    def get_project_mapping(self):
+        return { 
+                'model' : 'project.project',
+                'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_CONTACT, self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, self.TABLE_USER],
+                'hook' : self.import_project,
+                'map' : {
+                    'name': 'name',
+                    'date_start': 'estimated_start_date',
+                    'date': 'estimated_end_date',
+                    'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
+                    'partner_id/.id': 'partner_id/.id',
+                    'contact_id/.id': 'contact_id/.id',
+                    'state': map_val('status', self.project_state)
+                }
+            }
+    """
+    import Tasks
+    """
+    task_state = {
+            'Completed' : 'done',
+            'Not Started':'draft',
+            'In Progress': 'open',
+            'Pending Input': 'draft',
+            'deferred': 'cancel'
+        }
+    def import_task(self, val):
+        val['date'] = val.get('date_start') or datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
+        val['date_deadline'] = val.get('date_due') or datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
+        return val
+    def get_task_mapping(self):
+        return { 
+                'model' : 'crm.meeting',
+                'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_CONTACT, self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, self.TABLE_USER],
+                'hook' : self.import_task,
+                'map' : {
+                    'name': 'name',
+                    'date': 'date',
+                    'date_deadline': 'date_deadline',
+                    'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
+                    'categ_id/id': call(self.get_category, 'crm.meeting', const('Tasks')),
+                    'partner_id/id': related_ref(self.TABLE_ACCOUNT),
+                    'partner_address_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_CONTACT,'contact_id'),
+                    'state': map_val('status', self.task_state)
+                }
+            }
+    """
+    import Calls
+    """     
+    call_state = {   
+            'Planned' : 'open',
+            'Held':'done',
+            'Not Held': 'pending',
+        }
+    def get_calls_mapping(self):
+        return { 
+                'model' : 'crm.phonecall',
+                'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, self.TABLE_CONTACT, self.TABLE_OPPORTUNITY, self.TABLE_LEAD],
+                'map' : {
+                    'name': 'name',
+                    'date': 'date_start',
+                    'duration': call(self.get_float_time, value('duration_hours'), value('duration_minutes')),
+                    'user_id/id':  ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
+                    'partner_id/id': related_ref(self.TABLE_ACCOUNT),
+                    'partner_address_id/id': related_ref(self.TABLE_CONTACT),
+                    'categ_id/id': call(self.get_category, 'crm.phonecall', value('direction')),
+                    'opportunity_id/id': related_ref(self.TABLE_OPPORTUNITY),
+                    'description': ppconcat('description'),   
+                    'state': map_val('status', self.call_state)                      
+                }
+            }        
         import meeting
@@ -109,6 +462,26 @@
             'Held': 'open',
             'Not Held': 'draft', 
+    def get_attendee_id(self, cr, uid, module_name, module_id):
+        contact_id = False
+        user_id = False
+        attendee_id= []
+        model_obj = self.obj.pool.get('ir.model.data')
+        address_obj = self.obj.pool.get('res.partner.address')
+        att_obj = self.obj.pool.get('calendar.attendee')
+        attendee_dict = sugar.user_get_attendee_list(self.context.get('port'), self.context.get('session_id'), module_name, module_id)
+        for attendee in attendee_dict:
+            user_id = self.xml_id_exist(self.TABLE_USER, attendee.get('id', False))
+            if user_id:
+                contact_id = False
+            else:    
+                contact_id = self.xml_id_exist(self.TABLE_CONTACT, attendee.get('id', False))
+            fields = ['user_id/id', 'email', 'partner_address_id/id']
+            data = [user_id or False, attendee.get('email1'), contact_id]
+            attendee_xml_id = self.import_object(fields, data, 'calendar.attendee', self.TABLE_ATTENDEE, user_id or contact_id or attendee.get('email1'), ['|',('user_id', '=', attendee.get('id')),('partner_address_id','=',attendee.get('id')),('email', '=', attendee.get('email1'))])
+            attendee_id.append(attendee_xml_id)
+        return ','.join(attendee_id) 
     def get_alarm_id(self, dict_val, val):
         alarm_dict = {
@@ -122,16 +495,22 @@
         return self.mapped_id_if_exist('res.alarm', [('name', 'like', alarm_dict.get(val))], 'alarm', val)
     #TODO attendees
+    def import_meeting(self, val):
+        attendee_id = self.get_attendee_id(self.cr, self.uid, 'Meetings', val.get('id')) #TODO
+        val['attendee_ids/id'] = attendee_id
+        return val
     def get_meeting_mapping(self):
         return { 
                 'model' : 'crm.meeting',
                 'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_CONTACT, self.TABLE_OPPORTUNITY, self.TABLE_LEAD],
+                'hook': self.import_meeting,
                 'map' : {
                     'name': 'name',
                     'date': 'date_start',
                     'duration': call(self.get_float_time, value('duration_hours'), value('duration_minutes')),
                     'location': 'location',
+                    'attendee_ids/id':'attendee_ids/id',
                     'alarm_id/id': call(self.get_alarm_id, value('reminder_time')),
                     'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
                     'partner_id/id': related_ref(self.TABLE_ACCOUNT),
@@ -143,6 +522,14 @@
         import Opportunity
+    opp_state = {
+            'Need Analysis' : 'New',
+            'Closed Lost': 'Lost',
+            'Closed Won': 'Won', 
+            'Value Proposition': 'Proposition',
+            'Negotiation/Review': 'Negotiation'
+        }
     def get_opportunity_status(self, sugar_val):
         fields = ['name', 'type']
         name = 'Opportunity_' + sugar_val['sales_stage']
@@ -180,7 +567,7 @@
     def get_opp_mapping(self):
         return {
             'model' : 'crm.lead',
-            'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER, self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, self.TABLE_CONTACT],
+            'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER, self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, self.TABLE_CONTACT,self.TABLE_COMPAIGN],
             'hook' : self.import_opp,
             'map' :  {
                 'name': 'name',
@@ -195,10 +582,22 @@
                 'type' : const('opportunity'),
                 'categ_id/id': call(self.get_category, 'crm.lead', value('opportunity_type')),
                 'email_from': 'email_from',
-                'state' : const('open'), #TODO
+                'state': map_val('status', self.opp_state)  , #TODO
+    """
+    import campaign
+    """
+    def get_compaign_mapping(self):
+        return {
+            'model' : 'crm.case.resource.type',
+            'map' : {
+                'name': 'name',
+                } 
+        }    
         import lead
@@ -221,7 +620,6 @@
     def import_lead(self, val):
         if val.get('opportunity_id'): #if lead is converted into opp, don't import as lead
             return False
         if val.get('primary_address_country'):
             country_id = self.get_all_countries(val.get('primary_address_country'))
             val['country_id/id'] =  country_id
@@ -231,6 +629,7 @@
     def get_lead_mapping(self):
         return {
             'model' : 'crm.lead',
+            'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_COMPAIGN],
             'hook' : self.import_lead,
             'map' : {
                 'name': concat('first_name', 'last_name'),
@@ -253,7 +652,8 @@
                 'fax': 'phone_fax',
                 'referred': 'refered_by',
                 'optout': 'do_not_call',
-                'type_id/id': call(self.get_campaign_id, value('lead_source')),
+                'channel_id/id': call(self.get_channel_id, value('lead_source')),
+                'type_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_COMPAIGN, 'campaign_id'),
                 'country_id/id': 'country_id/id',
                 'state_id/id': 'state_id/id'
@@ -317,7 +717,6 @@
              'type': 'type',
         if val.get(type_address +'_address_country'):
             country_id = self.get_all_countries(val.get(type_address +'_address_country'))
             state = self.get_all_states(val.get(type_address +'_address_state'), country_id)
@@ -378,6 +777,9 @@
             'street': 'address_street',
             'zip': 'address_postalcode',
             'fax': 'fax',
+            'phone': 'phone_work',
+            'mobile':'phone_mobile',
+            'email': 'email1'
         if val.get('address_country'):
@@ -387,7 +789,7 @@
             val['state_id/id'] =  state_id
         return self.import_object_mapping(map_user_address, val, 'res.partner.address', self.TABLE_CONTACT, val['id'], self.DO_NOT_FIND_DOMAIN)
     def get_employee_mapping(self):
         return {
             'model' : 'hr.employee',
@@ -399,7 +801,7 @@
                 'mobile_phone':  'phone_mobile',
                 'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'id'), 
                 'address_home_id/id': self.get_user_address,
-                'notes': 'description',
+                'notes': ppconcat('messenger_type', 'messenger_id', 'description'),
                 'job_id/id': self.get_job_id,
@@ -449,18 +851,31 @@
             self.TABLE_LEAD : self.get_lead_mapping(),
             self.TABLE_OPPORTUNITY : self.get_opp_mapping(),
             self.TABLE_MEETING : self.get_meeting_mapping(),
+            self.TABLE_CALL : self.get_calls_mapping(),
+            self.TABLE_TASK : self.get_task_mapping(),
+            self.TABLE_PROJECT : self.get_project_mapping(),
+            self.TABLE_PROJECT_TASK: self.get_project_task_mapping(),
+            self.TABLE_BUG: self.get_project_issue_mapping(),
+            self.TABLE_CASE: self.get_crm_claim_mapping(),
+            self.TABLE_NOTE: self.get_history_mapping(),
+            self.TABLE_EMAIL: self.get_email_mapping(),
+            self.TABLE_DOCUMENT: self.get_document_mapping(),
+            self.TABLE_COMPAIGN: self.get_compaign_mapping()
 class import_sugarcrm(osv.osv):
     """Import SugarCRM DATA"""
     _name = "import.sugarcrm"
     _description = __doc__
     _columns = {
+        'username': fields.char('User Name', size=64, required=True),
+        'password': fields.char('Password', size=24,required=True),
+         'url' : fields.char('Service', size=264, required=True, help="Connection with Sugarcrm Using Soap Protocol Services and For that Path should be 'http://localhost/sugarcrm/soap.php' Format."),
         'opportunity': fields.boolean('Leads and Opportunities', help="If Opportunities are checked, SugarCRM opportunities data imported in OpenERP crm-Opportunity form"),
         'user': fields.boolean('Users', help="If Users  are checked, SugarCRM Users data imported in OpenERP Users form"),
         'contact': fields.boolean('Contacts', help="If Contacts are checked, SugarCRM Contacts data imported in OpenERP partner address form"),
@@ -476,8 +891,9 @@
         'bug': fields.boolean('Bugs', help="If Bugs is checked, SugarCRM Bugs data imported in OpenERP Project Issues form"),
         'attachment': fields.boolean('Attachments', help="If Attachments is checked, SugarCRM Notes data imported in OpenERP's Related module's History with attachment"),
         'document': fields.boolean('Documents', help="If Documents is checked, SugarCRM Documents data imported in OpenERP Document Form"),
-        'username': fields.char('User Name', size=64),
-        'password': fields.char('Password', size=24),
+        'email_from': fields.char('Notify End Of Import To:', size=128),
+        'instance_name': fields.char("Instance's Name", size=64, help="Prefix of SugarCRM id to differentiate xml_id of SugarCRM models datas come from different server."),
     _defaults = {#to be set to true, but easier for debugging
        'opportunity': False,
@@ -493,7 +909,12 @@
         'project' : False,   
         'project_task': False,     
         'bug': False,
-        'document': False
+        'document': False,
+        'instance_name': 'sugarcrm',
+        'email_from': 'tfr@xxxxxxxxxxx',
+        'username' : 'tfr',
+        'password' : 'a',
+        'url':  "http://localhost/sugarcrm/soap.php";        
     def get_key(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
@@ -502,6 +923,7 @@
             context = {}
         key_list = []
         for current in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
+            context.update({'username': current.username, 'password': current.password, 'url': current.url, 'email_user': current.email_from or False, 'instance_name': current.instance_name or False})
             if current.opportunity:
@@ -520,27 +942,70 @@
             if current.call:
             if current.claim:
-                key_list.append('Claims')                
+                key_list.append('Cases')                
             if current.email:
             if current.project:
-                key_list.append('Projects')
+                key_list.append('Project')
             if current.project_task:
-                key_list.append('Project Tasks')
+                key_list.append('ProjectTask')
             if current.bug:
             if current.attachment:
             if current.document:
-                key_list.append('Documents')                                                  
+                key_list.append('DocumentRevisions')                                                  
         return key_list
+    def do_import_all(self, cr, uid, *args):
+        """
+        scheduler Method
+        """
+        imported = set()
+        context = {}
+        login_obj = self.pool.get('sugarcrm.login')
+        if args[1]:
+            login_id = login_obj.browse(cr, uid, args[1])
+            context.update({'username': login_id.username, 'password': login_id.password, 'url': login_id.url, 'instance_name': args[3]}) 
+        for key in args[0]:
+            imp = sugar_import(self, cr, uid, context.get('instance_name'), "import_sugarcrm", [context.get('email_from', 'tfr@xxxxxxxxxxx')], context)
+            imp.set_table_list(keys)
+            imp.start()
+        return True 
+    def import_from_scheduler_all(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        keys = self.get_key(cr, uid, ids, context)
+        if not keys:
+           raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _('Select Module to Import.'))
+        cron_obj = self.pool.get('ir.cron')
+        mod_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
+        login_obj = self.pool.get('sugarcrm.login')
+        field = ['username', 'password', 'url']
+        datas = [context.get('username'), context.get('password'), context.get('url')]
+        name = 'login_user_'+ context.get('username')
+        login_ids = login_obj.search(cr, uid, [('username', '=', context.get('username'))])
+        if login_ids:
+            login_id = login_ids[0]
+        else:
+            login_id = login_obj.create(cr, uid, {'username': context.get('username'), 'password': context.get('password'), 'url': context.get('url')})    
+        args = (keys, login_id, context.get('email_user'), context.get('instance_name'))
+        for current in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
+            new_create_id = cron_obj.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Import SugarCRM datas','interval_type': 'hours','interval_number': 1, 'numbercall': -1,'model': 'import.sugarcrm','function': 'do_import_sugarcrm_data', 'args': args, 'active': False})
+            return {
+                'name': 'SugarCRM Scheduler',
+                'view_type': 'form',
+                'view_mode': 'form,tree',
+                'res_model': 'ir.cron',
+                'res_id': new_create_id,
+                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+            }
     def import_all(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
 #        """Import all sugarcrm data into openerp module"""
         keys = self.get_key(cr, uid, ids, context)
-        imp = sugar_import(self, cr, uid, "sugarcrm", "import_sugarcrm", ["tfr@xxxxxxxxxxx"], context)
+        imp = sugar_import(self, cr, uid, context.get('instance_name'), "import_sugarcrm", [context.get('email_from', 'tfr@xxxxxxxxxxx')], context)

=== modified file 'import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm_view.xml'
--- import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm_view.xml	2011-05-02 06:55:22 +0000
+++ import_sugarcrm/import_sugarcrm_view.xml	2011-05-19 13:39:39 +0000
@@ -8,28 +8,60 @@
             <field name="model">import.sugarcrm</field>
             <field name="type">form</field>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
-                <form string="Import SugarCRM">
-                    <group colspan="4" width="700">
-                         <separator string="Select SugarCRM Module Name" colspan="4"/>
+                <form string="Import Data From SugarCRM">
+                    <group colspan="4" width="800">
+                    	<separator string="Login Information" colspan="4"/>
+                    	 <field name="url" colspan="4" widget="url"/>
+                         <field name="username"/>
+                         <newline/>
+                         <field name="password" password="True" />
+                         <separator string="Choose  Data You Want to Import" colspan="4"/>
                          <group colspan="4" col="6">
-                         	<field name="opportunity" />
-                         	<field name= "meeting" />
-                         	<field name= "task" string="Meeting Tasks"/>
-                         	<field name= "call" />
-                         	<field name= "claim" />
-	                         <field name= "account" />
-	                         <field name= "contact" />
-	                         <field name="user" />
-	                         <field name= "employee" />
-	                         <field name= "email" />
-	                         <field name= "project" />
-	                         <field name= "project_task" />
-	                         <field name= "bug" string="Project Issue"/>
-	                         <field name= "document" />
-	                         <field name= "attachment" string="History and Attachment" />
-                         </group>
-                         <field name="username" invisible="1"/>
-                         <field name="password" invisible="1"/>
+                            <group colspan="1" col="2">    
+                                <separator string="Module: Base" colspan="4"/>
+                                <field name="user" />                           
+                                <field name= "account" />
+                                <field name= "contact" />
+                            </group>                         
+                            <group colspan="3" col="4">    
+                                <separator string="Module: CRM" colspan="4"/>
+                             	<field name="opportunity" />
+                             	<field name= "meeting" />
+                             	<field name= "task" string="Meeting Tasks"/>
+                             	<field name= "call" />
+                             	<field name= "claim" />
+                                <field name= "email" />
+                             </group>
+                             <group colspan="2" col="2"> 
+                                <separator string="Module: Project" colspan="4"/>       
+	                             <field name= "project" />
+	                             <field name= "project_task" />
+	                             <field name= "bug" string="Project Issue"/>
+                            </group>
+                            <group colspan="1" col="2">
+                                <separator string="Module: HR" colspan="4"/>
+    	                         <field name= "employee" />  
+                            </group>   
+                            <group colspan="2" col="4">
+                                <separator string="Module: Document" colspan="4"/>
+	                             <field name= "document" />
+	                             <field name= "attachment" string="History and Attachment" />
+                            </group>
+                          </group>  
+	                         <group colspan="4">
+	                         	<separator string="Email Notification When Import is finished" colspan="4"/>
+	                     		<field name="email_from" widget="email" string="Email Address to Notify"/>
+	                     	</group>
+	                     	<group colspan="4">   
+	                   			<separator string="Multi Instance Management" colspan="4"/>
+	                       		<field name="instance_name"/>
+	                       </group>
+	                       <group colspan="4">
+                            	<separator string="" colspan="4"/>	 
+                            	<button name="import_from_scheduler_all" string="Create Recurrent Report"
+                                   type="object" icon="terp-camera_test"/>
+                                <label string="" colspan="2"/>   
+							</group> 
                         <separator string="" colspan="4" />
                     <group colspan="4" >
@@ -53,6 +85,8 @@
         <field name="target">new</field>
+    <menuitem name="SugarCRM"  id="menu_sugarcrm" parent="base.menu_base_partner"/>
+    <menuitem name="Import SugarCRM" id="menu_sugarcrm_import" parent="menu_sugarcrm" action="action_import_sugarcrm" icon="STOCK_EXECUTE"/>

=== modified file 'import_sugarcrm/wizard/sugarcrm_login.py'
--- import_sugarcrm/wizard/sugarcrm_login.py	2011-04-21 08:35:01 +0000
+++ import_sugarcrm/wizard/sugarcrm_login.py	2011-05-19 13:39:39 +0000
@@ -38,25 +38,4 @@
        'url':  "http://localhost/sugarcrm/soap.php";
-    def open_import(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
-        for current in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
-            PortType,sessionid = sugar.login(current.username, current.password, current.url)
-            if sessionid == '-1':
-                raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('Authentication error !\nBad Username or Password !'))
-            obj_model = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
-            model_data_ids = obj_model.search(cr,uid,[('model','=','ir.ui.view'),('name','=','import.sugarcrm.form')])
-            resource_id = obj_model.read(cr, uid, model_data_ids, fields=['res_id'])
-            context.update({'rec_id': ids, 'username': current.username, 'password': current.password, 'url': current.url})
-        return {
-            'view_type': 'form',
-            'view_mode': 'form',
-            'res_model': 'import.sugarcrm',
-            'views': [(resource_id,'form')],
-            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
-            'target': 'new',
-            'context': context
-        }

=== removed file 'import_sugarcrm/wizard/sugarcrm_login_view.xml'
--- import_sugarcrm/wizard/sugarcrm_login_view.xml	2011-04-14 12:51:54 +0000
+++ import_sugarcrm/wizard/sugarcrm_login_view.xml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-    <data>
-    <!-- Sugarcrm Login Form View -->
-        <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_sugarcrm_login_form">
-            <field name="name">sugarcrm.login.form</field>
-            <field name="model">sugarcrm.login</field>
-            <field name="type">form</field>
-            <field name="arch" type="xml">
-                <form string="SugarCRM Login">
-                    <group colspan="4"  width="500" >
-                    	<separator string="Connection with SugarCRM" colspan="4"/>
-                    	<field name="url" colspan="4" widget="url"/>
-                         <field name="username"/>
-                         <newline/>
-                         <field name="password" password="True" />
-                    </group>
-                        <separator string="" colspan="4" />
-                    <group colspan="4" >
-                        <label string="" colspan="2"/>
-                        <button  icon="gtk-cancel" special="cancel" string="_Cancel"/>
-                        <button name="open_import" string="_Login"
-                                type="object" icon="terp-camera_test"/>
-                   </group>
-                </form>
-            </field>
-        </record>
-        <!-- Sugarcrm Login Action -->
-    <record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="action_sugarcrm_login">
-        <field name="name">SugarCRM Login</field>
-        <field name="res_model">sugarcrm.login</field>
-        <field name="view_type">form</field>
-        <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
-        <field name="view_id" ref="view_sugarcrm_login_form"/>
-        <field name="target">new</field>
-    </record>
-    <menuitem name="SugarCRM"  id="menu_sugarcrm" parent="base.menu_base_partner"/>
-    <menuitem name="Import SugarCRM" id="menu_sugarcrm_login" parent="menu_sugarcrm" action="action_sugarcrm_login" icon="STOCK_EXECUTE"/>
-    </data>

Follow ups