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Re: Autodoc of ORM classes


Le 29/12/10 20:34, Olivier Dony a écrit :
1. You need a patched version of the server, because we currently have a
little issue with the server config code, that can't distinguish whether
it's being called from an external program or as openerp-server. This
breaks autodoc because the server bails on the command-line parameters
of sphinx-build!
The attached patch does the trick, until we refactor the server code to
make it importable properly as a library.

I forgot to mention that the patch of course breaks the normal behavior of the server, so you can't use that version for running an OpenERP system. We keep a dedicated checkout of the server on the doc building system just for that, with the patch applied, and do an automated 'bzr pull' before building the doc (the patch doesn't usually break the auto-pull, as the probability of conflict is very low)
